Almost 2020

>almost 2020
>still not believing in climate science

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>it's hot during the summer

Old enough to remember when it started in the 70s claiming we'd all be dead by the 80s
You: young and gullible. Good to know. Can I have your telephone number so I can offer you a few time shares?

Svensmark was dead on. That's climate science!
Explains all past data, makes a useful prediction, tested to show that prediction works.
Now, your little retard...
Doesn't explain past data, has no physics, failed to predict. You call that science, then you're a retard.

Is that an oil pipeline in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?

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>still believing that offerings create a favorable harvest


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>unfalsifiable theory
All climate threads should:

>still not believing in climate science

the climate has ALWAYS been changing for a billion years, and there isn't a thing you can do about it.

When people lived in caves the glaciers came all the way down to Wisconsin and then melted all the way back to the polar ice caps....nobody used fossil fuels and the climate changed.

Go live in a cave if that's what you want, but I ain't even up shit because NOTHING we do will change what the climate wants to do!


Fek off go elsewhere like India or China .