1. The Poetic Eddas and the Havamal were written like 250+ years after the countries had become Christanized. They were written down by Christian monks/priests and Christian converted poets.
The Prose Edda is filled with obvious Christian imagery starting in the very first few pages.
2. The massive majority of Pagans converted willingly.
3. Beyond a few grave markers and rune stones, the Pagans left no written records. The records we do have come from Christian, Muslim and earlier Roman writers which does not give us any sort of deep anthropological understanding of the cultures. For example we know the Germans kept white horses in glades and used them for divination. We know nothing else about why or how or what they were looking for.
4. By accepting the divinity of the Norse/Germanic Gods you have to accept the divinity of all other Pagan Gods as they have the same level of knowledge as you (or an incredible amount more with Hindus).
5. If you accept the divinity of other Gods, then you must accept the divinity of the man God, Jesus Christ and see that he spiritually conquered your people.
6. if spiritually Conquered it would show that the Norse/Germanic Gods were weaker then Christ and either became his servants or were banished (Demon hypothesis).
7. Your ancestors for the last 30 generations (roughly 900 years or more for certain countries) were likely Christian, or at least lived in a Christian culture. You likely have 0 records of any ancestors prior to this.
Is there any real answer to these points at all beyond just being atheist/agnostic and using them for race based ritual identity?
You really don’t seem to get any of the appeal of Germanic paganism or the reality of what a religious structure to a people is. Your argument is empty platitudes that lacks any sort of greater context or cultural understanding of what Christianity was to Europeans. Your a post modernist Christian with a superficial nihilistic egalitarian worldview.
Brayden Walker
Is the idea of using stories from dead cultures, written by Christian Monks really that intoxicating once you realize it's all been essentially a LARP?
Volkischness was Romanticism tied with Nationalism and it ultimately failed (although it did inspire many for a time).
Hippies took Volk and myth and turned it into a new age religion with new age values. Now Paganism is mostly undifferentiated from Hinduism with many people doing the same rituals and practices (Yoga, meditation, crystals, shamanism etc).
I've been to several Pagan gatherings and the cringe is almost as bad as tranny Episcopalian priests.
Even the more hardline ones still live and operate under untruths, only able to ironically support their gods because they're completely separated from the lands, history and priestly succession. Ultimately doing Victorian occult rituals designed by people like Crowley and his Acolyte Gardener and friends.
Your whole argument is one massive, empty platitude. You ignored everything I said just to say "Well, like, ya just don't like get itttt". You sound like a vapid woman. Next.
Camden Reed
Tyler Perez
>you must accept the divinity of the man God, Jesus Christ and see that he spiritually conquered your people. If he ever existed and wasn't just a mythical figurehead compiled from aspects of many different historical figures to make a compelling hero for an origin story, then even in that case it was "his" church that conquered those people, not he himself, and it was a corrupted church pretty much from the get-go. >the Norse/Germanic Gods were weaker then Christ >then than
Jayden Sanders
Your arguments bear no meaning because they don’t understand the nature of the conversation. If we are talking about economic I don’t care what color the curtains are. The grand majority of my ancestors before the enlightenment were illiterate and had no clue what being Christian meant those that were literate didn’t speak Latin and had no idea what being Christian meant. The moment the Bible was printed into plain English after the reformation is when secularism started to take hold. The Christianity practiced by my ancestors was a merging of northwestern European paganism with Roman Catholicism into a folk religious that helped us interpret and give meaning. Which is the real point of a religious structure to interpret and give meaning to life. You and the rest of your ilk are deeply nihilistic egalitarians attacking the very foundations of given meaning in Europe because it doesn’t coincide with a book no one had read until 300 years ago. Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism and the enemy the concept of Europeans even existed as you said “a defeated people”. No one in Europe ever practiced your religion for 30 generation or 1.
Jayden Thomas
When the Pagangers finally wake up and realize they aren't actually practicing their ancestors religion, but are practicing a mix of hippy idealism, a splash of Volkisch romanticism and topped off with a healthy dose of Eastern esotericism (yoga, chakrahs, meditation, reincarnation, magic) you think they'd stop?
You've exchanged the Cross people like pic related and I'm being generous by not picking out some of the horrific, demon corrupted ones.
Christianity let you conquer the entire world, and now you throw it away for some primitive covered in animal dung banging a hide drum.
>Talking about the origin of your religious beliefs >That is the nature of the conversation.
The rest is you making points with 0 historical backing, just your vague, foggy recollections and ideas. Invalid and easily contradicted.
Communism was created by jews and Atheists and they killed 10's of thousands of Christian Priests, burned down their churches and continue to do it in China even today. What a fake fucking argument that was to give.
Do you drink lies and live off deceit? Have you been that addled?