Attached: Imagine_the_smell.jpg (480x480, 34K)
Why indeed
Logan Lee
Aiden Gray
Why is that whale raping a dog
Lincoln Thomas
It looks like shes about to take a bite of that dog
Angel Cox
why on earth would anyone define themselves or take pride in their sexuality?
Daniel Mitchell
I want a landwhale to give me head. I want her to gobble my dick like a triple bacon cheeseburger
Jaxson Price
She’s not happy. She can’t stand her life. If you didn’t know that, then you’re dumb.
Brandon White
Glad you found your demographic
Jason Clark
why on earth would anyone be proud of their preference in sexual partners
Dominic Stewart
Ryder Anderson
All ham-planets deserve the harpoon.
Nathan Roberts
What's that saying about pet owners resembling their pets? Yeah.
Jose Adams
What's up with liberal white roasties and owning pitbulls only out of all the breeds?
Nathaniel Myers
Uncultured fat slut; it is clear Jesus has never been in her life.
Nicholas Allen
Bestiality is just video games for white women.
Isaiah Harris
dominance complex or something
Landon Cooper
Why on Earth would anyone fug that?
Christopher Davis
Their asses waft and spray shit particles everywhere when you fuck em from behind. Not good.
Julian Sanders
Why would you be proud to be gay?
Ian Cox
>Can produce viable offspring
>Ick why would you be proud of the ability to create people ewwwwwwwwwwww
>*birth control pills fall out of pickle rick size XXL shirt*
>I-I can explain, cis scum!!!
Thomas Adams
LOL I think we all know the answer to that one....sadly.
Cooper Baker
Parker Barnes
One half second later the camera lens will need to be cleaned.
Nicholas Hill
why would anybody be proud being fat?
>She can’t stand her life
something tells me she can't stand at all for a prolonged time
Brayden Brown
Christopher Reed
Dats it mayne
Connor Gutierrez
She's a big guy
Daniel Myers
Why be proud to be so fucking fat and gay?
Blake Nguyen
1 in 10 pap smears tests positive for dog semen. that's a huge ratio. it's easy to spot because it can stay active in girls for so many days and it causes hormone imbalances. it will say K9+, for canine positive.
real red pill there. girls fuck dogs. girls are gross.
David Walker
This, sexuality isn't your #1 attribute
Grayson Green
Four yew
Thomas Miller
I see women wearing those glasses and a lot of them. I've always referred them as the "don't talk to her" glasses
Juan Gray
Colton Perry
from a proud whale fucking a dog to make seals.
Kevin Baker
The pitbull fears the landwhale
Jack Reyes
SJW’s tend to be very obese with off putting hair colors. Like a bright colored poisonous lizard. They are jewish in spirit.
Dylan Long
Dominic Hall
Ah, a whale in its natural habitat. As we see here, she is to eat whatever she can get her hands on and proceeds to complain to find a mate. As we see here, she can not get a mate on a account of her being undesirable.
Christian Garcia
>the one with the cleavage line drawn on with MS Paint line tool
subtle but hilarious
Ayden Taylor
Bro I was just thinking the same thing but then thought that poor dog would run away desu
Dylan Edwards
You see why they go after the babies? It's a precautionary measure.
Austin Collins
Talk about a nightmare. Holy hell.
Jaxson Mitchell
I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Caleb Ramirez
I'm not getting any men so No one should get any men.
What a bitch.
Ryan Thomas
Closer everyday. Ride the Kali Yuga.
Jayden Kelly
Good Lord.
Hudson Russell
Based ahhahahahaha
Angel White
These people are like parodies of themselves.
Blake Stewart
She's projecting her insecurities. She's like those fat people who demonize being skinny.
Bentley Wood
More like pup smears amirite?
Ryder Hughes
Yes, why would people be proud to have a normal and healthy sexuality.
Juan Collins
Imagine the gravity on that thing.
Colton Gray
Bullshit. This is just the latest (((narrative)))
Joshua Perez
because its better than having a mental disorder and thinking how you think is normal
Owen Jenkins
That dude can get a hell of a lot better looking woman if he would grow some fucking BALLS.
Nolan Morris
When should you not feel proud for being mentally sane?
Easton Morris
Okay I've seen some fucked up shit on this site, but I'm pretty sure this bitch goes against everything I stand for.
I need to look at cute animal gifs to calm myself down
Adam Martin
Alexander Morales
Because you can!
lol what a dumb question
I can't see why anyone wouldn't
I mean most people don't think about heir sexuality as much as say the LGBT community and don't have as much infighting but I don't see anything wrong with this.
this question comes across as guilt tripping for some reason.
Cooper Gomez
there's nothing straight about her
Jack Stewart
She's clearing taking a bite
Asher Gutierrez
Luis Gomez
White trash is a pitbull owner?
Why am I not surprised?
Because not rescuing pitbulls is animal racism?
Connor Rivera
I think that abomination is or was a sex worker, I member seeing her posted a lot on fph but like seriously WHO WOULD?? AND WHY?? AND PAY FOR IT
Carter Morales
does she fuck that dog?
Leo Richardson
How do you get equity for all Jow Forums?
What is her plan
Angel Sanchez
It's a pitty?
every checkmark checked. can't wait till it tears her fat throat out
Adrian Reyes
Looks more like a snack
Henry Mitchell
>go on the offensive because nobody wants to sleep with you
Jaxson Cook
she could make a lot of soap.
Luke Cox
Because I can make my own babies.
Carter Bennett
it looks like a whale raping an american female
I tried
Christopher Jones
because it means my genes will pass on to the next generation while your inferior genetics go extinct when you die
Easton Mitchell
They subconsciously compare them to niggers
Nicholas Nelson
Include me in the screencap
Sebastian Diaz
Sad & delusional
Owen Morales
That's poor doggo, why did this whale decided to eat him again?
Daniel Johnson
Fuck even the dog is dogger.
Benjamin Reed
nice gay thread
Isaac Fisher
What is?