New Message: Its too late

So today on the radio both NPR and BBC World Service were pushing a new tone. Nothing you can do will stop the warming. No policy. Even if we drop fossil fuels the temperature is going up no matter what.

Any explanation for this new tactic?

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I'm an environmental accelerationist. Full speed ahead!

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It's all hysteria all the time about all the things. They're losing and they know it. This is what happens to millenarian cults when that realization sets in

>Any explanation for this new tactic?
Justification for draconian controls and/or genocidal levels of action.

These fucking idiots will kill themselves and we will inherit the earth they leave behind

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They were very specic about the time frame and predicting a trend based on the past five years.

I started to wonder what is 5 years on this timeline.

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>Justification for draconian controls and/or genocidal levels of action.
But they basically made the case that its too late for that. That we should have done that decades ago.

>But they basically made the case that its too late for that. That we should have done that decades ago.
I don't think you understand. It's not about logic. It's a religion to these people.
They've declared the End of Days. This is the atheists' version of Revelations. It's the Battle of Armageddon and they will think themselves righteous to slay the unbelievers in name of Gaia.

>Any explanation for this new tactic?

They want to import in a few hundred million niggers into Europe to bring about Kalergis grand vision. So now they are pushing the "Buh but Africa is too hot so we have to take them all in" bullshit.

>Buh but Africa is too hot
Then why don't they have a little brown down syndrome girl from a hot hellhole telling the white people to stop using energy? Instead they found the opposite.

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I’m personally all for global warming because canuckistan can afford to be warmer by a few degrees here and there because we’re not all grim and frost bitten cuckwegians

>the temperature is going up no matter what.
Yes, the temp will raise by 1/3 of 1 degree. This will be noticed by no one.

Money was never the main motivation. Just a bonus.
Subliminal messaging for the purpose of manifesting destruction has always been the goal.
you will create what you focus on and with a mass consciousness, you can create mass destruction.

it's the truth. they do that now and then to keep you off guard.

Imagine using a Aspie child to push climate change propaganda and not one of their "98% consensus Climate Scientists"
Also that "carbon neutral" yacht is one of the most retarded things iv heard in years. Most yachts don't emit carbon because they don't use fucking engines and use sails instead.

They really do think white goys will buy anything.

>This is what happens to millenarian cults
Yep, end time cults generally have a predictable lifespan. Obviously this is true because the world hasn't ended yet, but every 100 or so years a new end of the world scenario is dreamed up by some crackpot and all the low iqs join in the hysteria.

Black pill time for the normies. This is what a multicultural environment looks like like. Not everyone is ready.

Germany has completely bought into the climate scam we will elect green commies next what do we do pls help

>Black pill time for the normies
Nope, I think this guy got it. The propaganda will work very well too.
>They want to import in a few hundred million

They think nobody will attack a retarded little girl on the basis of her being a retarded little girl. Too bad this whole politically correct bullshit didn’t go far enough and for long enough for that to be true because here we are: attacking a retarded little girl because she’s retarded. It’s just another mascot for the establishment to use as a weapon against smaller businesses/individuals and to push the retarded narrative that millennials and zoomers are capable of something just as long as they put their minds to it and the game is not at all rigged, just like that ugly little girl from Pakistan who got shot because she “wanted to go to school” and then won a Nobel prize for that somehow, meanwhile on the same principle my man 50 Cent had to declare bankruptcy despite winning a shitload of awards, having a movie, a video game, a clothing line AND a record label after being shot 9 fucking times.

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Notice all the color revolution style climate protests going on everywhere. If anyone has been on the sidelines about climate change, these astroturf protests should be enough to sway you the other way.

its funny how this is pushed right right as weather weapons dawn

confusing the normies huh?

Must be running out of Alarmism money. Remember they don't give shit about the Earth, they only care about lining their pocket books.

>Its too late
who cares

>Notice all the color revolution style climate protests going on everywhere.
Now that you mention it... I didn't make that connection yet.

>they only care about lining their pocket books.
I would distinguish between the climate science community, who get paid enormous sums of money by the government to spread the alarmism, and the real controllers of this movement, whose intentions are more about power and control as opposed to making money.

Might be pivoting to some kind of "the bad people [USA] need to pay for ruining the earth" thing

in regards to immigration. might lump europe in too

He who controls the money controls the power.
He who controls the power controls the money.
Different ways to achieve the same end goal.

Fuck this nigger infested planet. The scare tactics failed to convince people to submit to a carbon tax and to purchase "Green" products so they are just going to throw their hands up. Personally I do not give a goddamn


The right is currently in control of both outlets.

It's to create climate accelerationists I reckon. Get some of those strikers all nice and blackpilled. From there god knows what they do next.

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>He who controls the money controls the power.
I used to think this way, but now I'm not sure. Take the average social science university professor. There's no doubt they crave power and influence and control, and they actually can exert it, but it's unsure too me how much money influences their thinking, except for when applying for grants and money for their dpt, etc.

Read Michael Crichton's State of Fear.
He fucking KNEW what was going on and tried to warn us.
It's the Panopticon, the prison with no door or walls.

I'm thinking maybe its a way to keep from holding developing nations accountable for their carbon emissions.

[Citation needed]

Extreme blackpilling to accelerate adoption of "hastily written" (reads: carefully over many years) policies written by jews that will do nothing but funnel shekels into their rat claws, but nobody will say anything about it for 20 years and then eventually blame the lack of progress on huwite Republicans.

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>It’s just another mascot for the establishment to use as a weapon against smaller businesses/individuals
Odds of big corporations propping her up so they can expand their monopolies?

If China and India don't get their shit under control nothing the West does matters.

This. What fucks Germany's economy over the most is its high cost of energy. This is a MAJOR advantage the US economy has, as energy is the basis of everything and cheap energy makes everything cheaper.

A sliver in "time."

But (((science)))

I fucking love (((science)))

So much that I dont think about it or question assumptions or rigor, I just love it. Unconditionally.

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And Science loves me too. I can feel it.

>Money was never the main motivation.
You haven't read the PARIS ACCORD
It literally commits rich countries to showering trillions of dollars (your dollars, btw) on the poorest countries. Very, very few of those countries have religions, cultures, and values aligning with ours) for decades and decades.
Look up the world's 30 or so poorest countries and you'll see...

OH - those countries aren't the only ones to benefit:
huge multi-nationals will also get a ton of that cash...
...and politicians, in corruption & kick-backs.

Self fulfilling prophecy typical of a hoax.
>temperature goes up
>see? we couldn't stop it, this is all your fault. we're going to tax you more to clean up this mess
>temperature goes down
>see? our practices worked. we were right to tax you.

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Pivoting for the next decade of right ringers who will be running the world. The globo homo agenda was actually a vaccination against degeneracy and socialism, and the immune response will be immense, but slow initially. Eventually they will push the truth that carbon emissions are a good thing.

It's racist to be against climate demographic change

Sounds like it’s our counter to their bullshit. “It’s too late, might as well live life to the fullest!” Smart.

They realized they were wrong and if they continued down this path of protest they'd have to give up all their comfort and luxuries. The thing is they could never admit that they were wrong so they just go with
>oh it's already too late so whatever, IT'S STILL YOUR FAULT
They're delusional pompous retards the lot of them.

Do not drink or eat anything a seemingly envirofaggot millennial/zoomer serves you from now on.

They're going to switch soon to saying that there will be a drastic drop in temperature, due to the warming. And it's unpredictableness. And how they warned us.
It's all fucking show, user. It's all a fucking show. NASA themselves recently explained why climatologists who talk global warming are usually just nuts.
Everyone is jumping off the sinking ship of that idea, but using life rafts that still have tangentially related names painted on them, so they can still pretend to be better and smarter than you or I.

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Yes goy, eat all the bugs and drive around like Fred Flintstone because an ugly moon-faced brainwashed retard Swede tells you about muh environment.

If we're all fucked, there is no reason to conserve anything. They are trying to get people to be as reckless as possible.

This. As long as people live in fear, they have done their job.

The planet’s fine. The people are fucked

>My man 50 Cent
Based and Niggerpilled

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>weather modification technology and jobs for it goes public
>suddenly they're saying it's too late
It means that they're going to use the weather modification technology to alter the weather so that it matches what would be expected if it was really too late.
tl;dr: they'll keep shit hot with weather control tech to keep the lie going

It’s true and as an aging boomer (barely in the category) I’m happy cuz I want everyone younger than me to die screaming, hungry and hot. Fuck all of you cuz I hate all of you.

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>NASA themselves recently explained why climatologists who talk global warming are usually just nuts.
source pls

This picture is like fertilizer for my meme farm

>They think nobody will attack a retarded little girl on the basis of her being a retarded little girl.

Fear and tax revenue

The fact that widespread nuclear power is a real possibility, produces minimal CO2, is being pushed, and would completely skewer the narrative. Gotta start training the NPCs to accept that the warming is man-made even after we cut CO2 emissions drastically.

Most yacht owners use the engine around lakes or close to dock. Sails are only really used when on the open ocean and the winds strong enough

You don't understand, they've got her hanging on a hook like a lure. They WANT someone to attack her.

That's what's so sickening about these people. She's being used unwittingly as a shield for them. They push their propaganda in the most lecturing patronizing tone possible, and scapegoat using her to take the backlash.

What's sad is how effective it is and how many retards are actually upset at the dumb child and not the propagandists and social terrorists using her as a weapon.


How is it going down there user?

it was already too late 50 freaking years ago, but if you were alive then, you'd already know that.

>New Message: Its too late
Finally! If it's too late they can stop going on about it.


>warming. No policy. Even if we drop fossil fuels the temperature is going up no matter what.
So now we can tell the retarded climate change girl to fuck off right?

good. This is better
>good, now leave me alone and go die somewhere else

I was actually looking to buy some land on one of your islands and get a golden visa and eventually citizenship.
Isn't your economy being held up by oil money? Thought that one of the kingdoms had cut a deal with you. Maybe the Qatari, can't remember.

You think it will stop there? Be ready for the mass import of niggers!
>They are coming to europe because climate change destroyed africa, so you must accept them now

>Any explanation for this new tactic?
it's fairly easy to prove that mass migration from shithole countries into first world countries well cause a serious increase in carbon emissions.

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You forget that these people are true believers. If the divination says it’s too late, then it’s too late, narrative be damned. Be ready for peak nihilism, then people forgetting they were at peak nihilism, then another climb to peak nihilism.

Don't know. The climate will change even if humans never existed. It could be they've realised that people are getting sick of it and tasty the movement has run out of steam and they're hoping to create a narrative reason for them to back off without creating a reason to drop funding.


So how do you think that will affect the day-to-day life?

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>Isn't your economy being held up by oil money?
No? Greece biggest economic power is that are a major trade node between Europe & Asia.
We had some investments from some Arabs, if I recall correctly, but nothing significant. You might be referring to filthy rich arabs buying luxurious property in our islands. The one worth noting deal was the one made with China, which more or less made us part of their "One Belt One Road" initiative

Speaking of oil, big oil / n.gas deposits have been discovered in the Aegean / Eastern Mediterranean (which is the reason why Turkey is sheething & threatening us & Cyprus 24/7), so it seems that oil business will eventually be part of Greece's industries.

Greece is generally nice, especially if you have money (as you imply). Just avoid the city centers and you'll live a happy life.

You know what actually caused a huge decrease in carbon emissions?

Genghis Khan when he killed so many people he decreased the carbon footprint by about a year's worth of gasoline usage today.

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well, at some point race wars will be inevitable if this keeps happening, so I guess it's a win-win scenario?

So humans do have an impact on climate change, interesting

Notice they suppressed the organic yellow vests in media but are pushing these invisibly staged climate protests

It was some kingdom buying up a lot of beach front property for resorts.

People will justify doing crazy things because “the end is nigh.” Poor financial decisions: selling houses, buying shelters, exuberant spending and degeneracy. Then when they wake up in the morning and the world is still here, they will pick up the pieces and go back to normal until the media tells them it’s time to panic spend again. It’s basically the cycle we’re already in, just another turn.

>Speaking of oil, big oil / n.gas deposits have been discovered in the Aegean / Eastern Mediterranean (which is the reason why Turkey is sheething & threatening us & Cyprus 24/7), so it seems that oil business will eventually be part of Greece's industries

For all the mocking Greece receives, I don't think they get any for their armed forces.
Mainly it seems because they have to actually use them because the Turks would try and invade again if you had a shitty army like Germany or something.


the impact is not linear (which is what the climate tards want you to believe).

see the links below for more info:

>Did 30,000 scientists declare that climate change is a hoax?

>Climate change is unfalsiable woo-woo pseudoscience

>Climate Change in 12 Minutes - The Skeptic's Case

So Gengis Khan killing all those people didn't reduce the carbon footprint of a year's worth of gasoline usage today?

>german asking if mass genocide helps the planet

I'm English

> (You)
> (You)
>german asking if mass genocide helps the planet

They're not wrong. Preparing us for the coming pole shift.

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>New Message: Its too late
it was to late in 1930 OP

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Dude we're paying $34 for a piece of steak up here and a small block of butter is $6.
Because cow fucking fart tax (carbon tax).
Then the fuel is taxed because carbon, so dairy and beef is taxed like 3 times not including that they tax the farmers for their head of cattle because the fart.
>It's not about the money....
And to top off the fucking bullshit the money that is collected isn't even spent here in Canada because we clean the most air of all industrialized nations, so why the fuck are we paying?
I'm so glad I see Max as the new prime minister in the future and I am rarely wrong with my visions.

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