I don't like niggers.
I don't like niggers
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my cousin is german and she forces me to sniff + rub her snowy pale feet. They smell of sauerkraut and the smell infected my lungs twice already.
Can tell because i have chest cold the next day!
they're the least of your problems
>hurro? fren?
>me doo fren.
> me doooo.
>forces me to sniff + rub her snowy pale feet
Show the your SK flag if u really the foot poster?
they stink and it hurts to breathe the smell.
wh*te girls are rude.
i am in korea yes
Most people worldwide dont. They dont make anywhere they inhabit better, and their culture is completely degenerate. Plus most nigger males have anger issues and attitude problems.
why do you hate me?
stinky pale german girl feet were used as chemical weapons!
I concur
I can't hear you
You stink.
Most people don’t. But give me a high-blooded mulatta and I won’t complain
We gotta use the nignogs to kill the jew!
We must neutralize the evil satanic jevv to save humanity! They are of the bloodline of Edomites! The satanic jewess is the vessell that produces more of them, the jevvish matrlineal bloodline.
The real final solution is to have the satanic jewess breed only with black men. The african sperm DNA counters the Edomite DNA in the jewess eggs, and creates a more evolved, intelligent, stronger, and loving baby. The satanic jewess also has a sexual weakness for the black man, created by God as a safety net. She cannot resist the black man.
The romance of black man and yiddish jewish woman is also the highest love to exist! The yiddish Jewess know this, but they are greedy and materialistic and sex the black man in private. They know the black man is poor so they wont ever marry them, but they cannot resist their sexual apetite for the black man.
Its well known that they cheat on their jewish husbands with the black men. They should now just have babies with the black man to destroy the Edomite genes they carry in their eggs. The evil, racist, satanic jevvish males know this, so they sterilize all black ethiopean jevvs in Israel to stop it.
But they cannot. The satanic yiddish jevvish woman will open her heart and her legs and give it to the black man.
Spread the good word in Jesus name. As-salamu alaykum!
Amerinigger goblins are worse.
o-only because my cousin rubbed her wh*te germanic feet all over me.
Had to burn my clothes since the smell is permanent :(
You smell like nigger, not feet.
he said he doesn't like niggers
thanks fren
u r welcome
Smells like warrants and grape soda. Definitely nigger
>I don't like niggers.
You are not alone Fren
nuh i smell like beer/sauerkraut from my cousins feet.
There's a lot of frens here tonight.
Me neither
idk fren
don't like clicking those
Let's hide, frens.
>Plus most nigger males have anger issues and attitude problems.
That applies more so to nigger females
Force her to smell your balls or asshole.
nah stfu
i only give her pedicures and use her foot stench as a vaccine for my lungs. It hurts to breathe in but it makes me immune.
I-I'm not allowed?
I don't either.
You're fine, if you're not a nigger.
All other grils get out!
She has to pay dues.
Me too, I like doggo's better as animal.
Hey I'm not a nigger but I'm half italian (north) can I join?
>Having sex with females
Go to and start developping taste.
I was scare that you say "no".
Neither do most people.
me neither, buddy
been fun frens
great googly moogly! look at those milks!
They don't like each other Look at the negro on negro crime rates.
I hate trannies more
But you're actually in Israel, we all know.
her feet probably stink.
You don't have to.
Hi memeflag jew
Me too
I live in a nigger country :(
I heard that 90% of your countrymen are nigs
hi mutt
The south of Brazil is 85% white
That’s a mainstream position user. Just most are afraid to say it, or admit it
>The south of Brazil is 85% white
I think you need to learn how to be more inclusive. it will be a major change for Brazil but we jews will be in the center of it
some black people came to my door around 9 pm asking if i found a lost iphone and that the tracker said it was at my house. i immediately grabbed my vest with my gun and mags and threw it on before answering the door through the window. i told my wife to check the back door as she knows to yell if the house is being surrounded. the blacks seemed sincere and i offered through the window to help them tomorrow during daylight hours to find the phone. they went on their way.
It's not good to have hate or resentment in your heart, user. It's okay to disagree with a culture and be aware of the correlation between some types of people and behavior, but don't let that corrupt your heart to the point where you're actually hating people just for how they look. Take precautions, but keep your heart light, user.
>mfw comfy frens bread
I don't like them too
55% are descendants of Germans
Your country brought a lot of people here in the interwar period
I am asian from japan, 1% of population
namefag gtfo
I like sugar and I like tea..
But I don't like niggers, no sorry!
Can i enter too frens? OwO
Not even niggers like niggers
so you're happy you weren't born a nigger, is that right, FBI?
yeah me too
niggers are gross