C_rAn started a war

C_A = Central ____________ Agency
Iran = C_A stronghold since the regime change.

>You attack those who threaten you the most
The anti-Israel narrative has C_rAnian roots, it serves to remove the threat to their geopolitical power by pitting allies against each other.
"Big Satan" America against "little Satan" Israel.
[Source obscuration is cyber 101]
(((Mask yourself as the enemy you seek to destroy)))
They're fermenting useful idiots to get rid of their fear; The pinnacle of their military might is Psychological PROJECTION.
They keep everyone in the dark by omitting themselves from the conversation.
Sunlight's a great disinfectant, when you don't know who the C_rAn(i)an Deep Sweeties are~
Especially when all this is Ch_nA trying to force America off of Asia...

Attached: dmcCSYGNRn.jpg (1024x1024, 672K)

Other urls found in this thread:


go on...

Attached: unbenantttttttttnt.png (616x530, 48K)

Fuck off jew lol saged

from wikipedia

Attached: Greater_Iran_Map.png (619x429, 13K)

Typical narcissists~

Attached: 5Zgx1WC1Ct.jpg (720x720, 512K)

Did you edit it yourself?

Attached: qThPuOvvQ5.jpg (1024x1024, 914K)

CIA is behind Iran
and WikiLeaks probably
WikiLeaks helped Iran

did you see him on face the nation? at the end he tells the woman "you're tough!"

He doesn't


Wow, that's awfully convenient! Turns out to get to the root of the "deep state", we need get right back at the PNAC project.

JA is a patriot, his platform wikileaks fell into C_A hands after the Oct 17th event a few years ago.
The more you know

This. Everyone else died or was threatened into silence. (((They))) compromised enough people to counter the DMS. God have mercy on their souls, for society will not.

yea he does I watched it on youtube they left it in which I thought was VERY STRANGE
the pro-Iran parts of the wikileaks were like from 2010

Have you remembered to dilate this evening?


You are the only fuckhead that says C_rAn and you are the worst faggot in history.

Attached: aflb2.png (1754x191, 28K)

Adorable you looked so hard.
But your faggot is showing sweetie~

Are you the fuck that keeps spamming that brown and pink ugly ass meme everywhere? Are you really just trying to say Iran bad and Israel good? That's your fucking message? Fucks sake.

I see your collective wound was far, far deeper than I thought.
I really get into your heads don't I~

Rhetorical, I know I do~

It was't hard you disgusting transsexual.
You're so desperate for attention that you repeat the same gay shit all the time.
Have you chopped your dick off yet or are you still trapped halfway between either sex, in a perpetual state of confusion.
You are a mockery of Nature. May God forgive you for what you have done to your body.

Attached: shame.png (889x99, 14K)

Take a look at how many memes get posted here and realize your own insignificance. You're just another failure into the collective sea of piss and can hardly be considered successful by even the most elastic of imaginations.

lets keep this thread bumped for anyone who wants to save for future use incase tranny retard decides to continue the faggotry

Wow what an intelligent meme.

Bump for the truth.

In summary, OP is a Canadian tranny who flies the American flag but thinks the USA is Satan.
He is a traitor to his sex and has mutilated his body after his feeble mind succumbed to the Gender Subversion Program. He constantly shits up the board with the same old tired rhetoric about Iran but is completely misguided about the entire situation.

>pitting allies against each other.

This is now a trans shame thread and it's going to get 300 replies.

Attached: 039-Trans-Mental-Disorder.jpg (350x200, 17K)