Private property rights are a fiction made up by man.
Private property rights are a fiction made up by man
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What isn't a "fiction", in your eyes?
communist scum.
the real red pill on property rights is that you and your ancestors have all been renting out the properties within their respective countries from the real owners of this world.
house of windsor, house of saud, roman catholic church, the families operating the centralized banks (rothschilds, rockefellers)
99% of humans on this planet are just serfs paying to these entities to rent anything of trade-able value for the duration of their lifetimes
All rights are made up by man, and we should deprive you of yours, commie scum.
OK, but they're enforced by laws and arms, and you will respect that because you don't want to be arrested or shot.
Do you morons really don't understand the concept of conquest right?
>one post by this id
>thread specifically designed to get replies from Jow Forums demographic
use your fucking heads and stop sperging
sage this shit.
And yet you want to force the world to live by your own man-made rules.
Seems pretty suspect to me desu
Mans laws wont withstand the test of time against the eternal laws of nature.
we just entered the game too late. all the housing spots are taken and only transferable now...