She is being shown on every news channel. It would be funny to tarnish her message.
How should we make Greta Thunberg a symbol of white supremacy?
Collage meme with her around only whites. Ask where niggers?
fuck off kike.
This is a great idea
I don't know about you but i've been completely ignoring her. I don't even give a fuck. It's a waste of thought. Think about your life and the bigger picture of it all... then ask yourself why waste your time and energy focusing on this nobody.
Think about it bro.
stop bitching about it, stop trying to coopt it, FUCK this bitch I'm just tired of seeing her
WISE OLD MAN all greta threads
its a retarded idea
this, just ignore this bitch and let them all eat themselves. The more attention we draw the more power they have.
say that she is advocating for population reduction of them "brownies"
That's how the Club of Rome lost all it's credibility
All these "for the greater good" arguments can be undermined in the exact same way
pic related
it's easy I think. We could meme her as a symbol of white entitlement.
If you think about it, it's interesting that people are paying attention to her instead of some brown kid.
>Just ignore it, don't waste any energy trying to fight against the left or redpill normies
She'd have to admit it's just another ruse to flood white countries with foreigners, and that's bad press for someone who has their whole life ahead of them. And a very long life it would be, because the planet's not going anywhere. See, she's smiling. You can tell.
She's whitesplaining things to POC. Also wears braids like a Nordic supremacist.
It writes itself. She is the face of white superiority, even our mentally challenged potatoes are more influential than any person of color.
There are already niggers pushing the racial angle, we could go along with it. They basically claim some white kid misses school and it's international news while niglets die or some shit. Let she be roasted by BLM and have her autism welcomed along the ecofascist ranks
Shut up yid we all know it's the jews.
You are fooling exactly no one you retard.
play the “we need PoC representatives for climate activism because they are disproportionately affected blah blah blah” angle
basically frame her as a recipient of “white privilege”
>The more attention we draw the more power they have.
You have it backwards.
The more attention the media spends talking about redpills, the more power WE have.
Yeah. Totally not owned by the elites.
im italian and my german cousin forces me to huff her stinky pale feet. Makes me feel like a kike being gassed.
You seriously can't be this retarded right?
>guys lets try to make this little girl that already has way too much coverage into a white power symbol
>surely this won't backfire, right
jew or not, he's still a kike.
idgaf if other people think it's important then fine make AONE THREAD and when that dies, start ANOTHER THREAD. ONE. AT A TIME. like /egg/ which btw is immeasurably more important.
faggot kikes like you trying to "raise awareness" are doing more harm than good by inundating the board like children with something that angers you personally but affects nobody else in reality in any significant way. Either that or you're a literal shareblue deepcock
proper redpills, not forced bullshit.
100% people will just think this is retarded.
>wealthy upper class white liberal
>telling minorities and poor people how to live and what they ought to do with their lives
>shes 16 years old
>suffers severely from aspergers
Literally this is God shit posting at this point before the flames start coming.
No need.
It's doing on it's own.
Focus your attention on something of real value.
A bit difficult, given the momentum she has (thanks to the ad company backing her up)
imagine huffing her smelly wh*te feet. Would probably have a bad cough the next day since her smell infiltrates my lungs!
She can't go to those countries to spew her white privilege. The Chinese will execute her and the Indian's would rape her and bury her under 50ft of garbage.
How come it's a white person taking the charge on global warming. This isn't inclusive it should be a nigger in the spot light.
that's funny... I made one yesterday
i need more of these wew lad
Hitler was an environmentalist.
Fuck off and die.
Meanwhile, headlines:
>creepy white supremacists target young girl
Can people like you please just stay out of public affairs? You're the ones who ruin everything.
im just wondering why they decided to parade a random white girl as the head of their movement? i mean, its not like whites are the only ones that care about the environment!
>people on Jow Forums ruin everything
FTFY dont you need to go prep ur wife for her bbc bvll
Right that couldn't possible be the case.
why do nord girls have such big feet? Is it for stepping on med boy's chests?
Need a cute girl with wh*te feet to bulli my brown sicilian ones bred from mudslime rape.
You’re a cuckold lmao
in fact, i wonder what they'll say if they're confronted with this question. *cough*
Not any channels here, thats a euro ad campaign
Dis bitch is page 6 or more
Because she is developmentally disabled and they plan to hide behind the unassailable tard kid
Like anyone cares anymore
>Democrats is literally the party of retards
>No! Let's make the face white supremacy retarded!
Don't you guys have pedo pride rallies to attend? Or is obsessing over some fetal alcohol syndrome child a better outlet?
It's easy, use leftist lingo they understand. Three words: white savior complex.
This. She’ll be a distant memory this time next year. I don’t want to be associated with this goblin in any way.
this. log into sock accounts boys let's get to work.
Because they're planning on killing her off to give climate change a martyr. Her death will happen, and climate change will be blamed. I'm not saying I want this to happen, I DON'T. Just saying this commie psyop )ew shit is fucking beyond obvious. Only NPCs don't see this shit coming a mile away.
Makes SA-Greta beat up pregnant Anne Frank for all the Carbon emission her people are causing.
>How should we make Greta Thunberg a symbol of white supremacy?
Exploit her potato face and autism. White supremacists are potatofaced autistic faggots.
Feed this fire, user. It is a good angle... Then tell them (((who))) ran the Atlantic slave trade and southern plantations.
This is Shakespearean level leftist triggering material. Amazing job.
go after her handlers you sick fuck
What, just because I'm a homosexual that makes me a pedophile? Fucking bigot. Typical leftist mentality.
Doesn't seem that hard, she's practically ecofascist already.
Came here to post this
The Christchurch and El Paso shooters were both committed ecofascists who cited climate change as a major concern. Greta's climate alarmist rhetoric radicalized them to deal with pollution in their own areas
This would actually work. It would totally tank her reputation. It's the same shit as when we memed pepe into a white power symbol to keep normies from using it. It totally scare them all off. If this tactic was used on Greta it would wreck their agenda and make the normalfags scared to support it because they don't wanna be called RACIS!
OP is based and redpilled.
Greta 1488 as we all knew her.
I won't get invovled, but this is very kek.
MKUltra baby
I couldn't agree more
wtf I love Greta now
yes make an obvious useful idiot apart of a movement. One who is obvioualy >90iq and clearly a useful fucking idiot, whose parents are connected within 2 steps to every kike in the media world in the west. sage
>photographers get paid to take a thousand photos
>come up with all sorts of poses and quirky gestures to stylize the photographs
>"yeah just put your hand in front of your eye like you're looking through a telescope or some shit"
>autists on Jow Forums collect the images as proof of a nefarious secret society
I don't see how her country, a bastion of multiculturalism,saw fit to choose a white girl for the climate endeavor.
What an absolute streetshitting judenknechting faggot.
Monocles are based.
Not having her stand in front of the burning man circle would be a good start you fucking moron.
She's politically aligned with the New Zealand and El Paso "shooters", so it really shouldn't be too hard
Burning man is for white nationalists.
Nigger kike faggot nigger kike faggot.
Go rape some kids.
>having CHILDREN in the climate change era
This board, and website in general, is just in a state of sad delusion. they are so desperate to live 'traditional' lifestyles when this is impossible. Lets examine what is in store for your 'traditional' lifestyles in the climate change:
>A wife who stays home and looks after the household
This is going to be impossible. Climate change is going to cause the cost of electricity to increase by 10 times because electricity slows down in warm weather and needs to be massaged through power lines manually by service workers. So she can't hoover, or cook or anything.
>A nice garden and some chickens and crops
You can't have this. Crop production will fall globally by about 1/2 in a good scenario, which means you won't be able to grow food in your gardens. I am already seeing it in my garden. This years carrots and cabbage came out fucking PURPLE. This is because the oxygen has dehydrated from the ground due to warming and the carrots are CHOKING in the soil!
>Multiple children
Good luck. Climate change is well know to cause lowered birthing success. Firstly it reduces fertility by creating an epidemic of "Sizzling Seed Syndrome" where the semen overheats due to climate warming and becomes infertile. Secondly, the birth CANAL is like any canal. If it dries up, nothing can get through. Climate change causes womens birth canals to evaporate and this will cause miscarriages.
Good luck retards
a variation on the panopticon.
the difference being that the control of the prisoners comes from the prisoners themselves.
they no longer need to be watched or subject to external control.
the prison is now the mind of the prisoner.
though they are controlling themselves (and each other) in ways determined for them by those who benefit from their control, they believe they are acting freely.
Bruh why are there THOUSANDS of one-eye promo pics of various models and celebrities (often with Project Monarch symbols)?
The one-eye gesture means NOTHING in everyday life, it only has meaning in an occult context. That doesn't seem suspicious to you? What if there were thousands of photos of celebrities doing the McDonald's arches pose? That wouldn't seem like a McDonald's campaign to you?
How don't more people see this mentally wrecked child being used as a tool of global capital and want to retch? It's so fucking gross watching these possessed sub-human children whose lives are entirely fake and lived through social media and mass infotainment the willing tools of the global redistribution scheme of global capital, to take money away from regular people, to give to the system at the very heart of the environmental problem, as if that will fix anything.
If they were serious about a climate crisis they'd all be knuckling down with their own in-group to figure out how we're going to out-compete the rest of the world to fewer and fewer resources and liveable land.
she is masonic
looks like her mother is connected to the Spirit Cooking shit
Greta's mother
did they really think this would stay hidden?
It's pleasing to see that some people can work stuff out for themselves. This is gonna get interesting if what I've been told is correct.