Not since the Jesuits were kicked out by the Dominus ac Redemptor Noster has the Vatican been so messed up, and no coincidence the Pope is a Jesuit.
Listen to this Nun talk about what the Church is doing. The first 30 minutes of this video before she takes calls she doesn't hold back at all.
If you are a Christian or Catholic you need to watch this video to see the direction the world is heading as political deals are being made by the Pope.
Catholic Church is Making Deals With the Devil
Bump, this is important.
this is all supposed to happen before the end of days
Rejoice brothers for our King is coming back
I love SATAN!
I freely suck the cock of the Black Pope!
t. Michael Aquino
He is anons...he is!
this fucker is so dissapointing I saw his look and thought it would be some hard heavy evil shit, then he starts singing with his faggot voice lmao
Consider that the pope is standing in the mouth of the serpent, and is dressed in white, a color like that of the wafer.
The lyrics to, “Square Hammer” speak to me.
die heretic
he based
I swear
ecclesiastical masonry is real. look into the papal letter leaked by wikileaks that was the doublecross of cardinal burke and involved masons in the knights of malta.
the pedophilia and blackmail performed by cardinals to keep power is huge. money laundering, human trafficking, etc...
its fucking bad, its been very bad before, but the evils are so centralized now, and it is on such a huge scale
The Jesuits are the Roman Saturn Priests.
Nun is based af
i cant figure out if the jez were at one time good, or were always bad. i think it is a mix, as some old jez were decent
"The most Jewish a Jew can be is to be Catholic"
>just kill me desu
yawn, the church has survived worse Popes.
why does a church even allow factions? the fuck is that about?
No shit, you'd think Ghost would be heavy instead it's like Phantom of the Opera type shit. Fuckin gay bruh.
Watch this. They're trying to recreate the One World Religion like Satan did at the Tower of Babel. They diminish Jesus Christ by saying there are more paths to God.
John 14:6
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Matthew 12:30
>He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.
Pretty Gucci
well technically it is not allowed, but factions form among men sadly.
want a real redpill look up the "saint gallen mafia". bergoglio was being eyed for pope e en during the final years of jp2 when bergoglio was a relatively unknown archbishop. fucking weird shit afoot
I hope Jesus posts on Jow Forums. Many of our posters are among the most direly in need of Jesus.
they were always bad, just like the Templars
read The Biggest Secret
make some actual discussion points you low effort newfriend
May the Force of the Lord be with you
Please anons does anyone have a link to the /christian/ discord? I've lost access to my account that was on it and the bigger chan went dark so I'm stuck.
Ive started recently going to Latin mass and pretty much everyone there under 30 (which is a surprising amount of young people, particularly single women) hates the pope and wants him gone.
The only people that love the current pope are those who arent even catholic anyway which says all you need to know
>"suck the cock"
I hate Anglos so much. Your nigger behavior and vocabulary is recognizable out of all others.
Oh wow, hey Jesus check out this faggot
There no such honeypot, my antifa slash fbi friend. But I’m sure you’re making one now.
he's not catholic, what a disgrace
The Vatican II sect is making deals, not the Catholic Church.
We've had bad popes and I'm sure we'll have even worse
Stop jumping the gun and actually read the catechism if you want to talk about Catholicism
Hahaha haha ha ha.
Oh man wait till you see what is coming.
Did you know they found a new prophet?
Pope Honorius in the 7th century has been anathematized (excommunicated) post mortem.
Just saying Pope Francis wouldn't be the first pope.
You're gay
>have sex
>and get saved
the very definition of:
> hidden in plain sight
Do not suffer a woman to teach.
That nun needs to get off the podium and back into prayer. No wonder things are shit when nuns don't pray but just spend all their time blogposting
The history of the Catholic Church is very complex. Listen to william Cooper's hour of the time series on JT for an esoteric history of the church and
Many other sun worshipping liars
that's a papist countertroll, papist
>speaking english while being anti-anglo
church attendance shows that things are different now
fuck up with your religious bs faggot. dont drag the name of Jow Forums through the mud with you're ignorant belief in organised religion. do you know who invented christianity? THE FUCKING DOG CUNT JEWS.
“Satanists” bore me to death. I only respect the ones who worship the fallen angel, the rest are embarrassing atheist nobs.
Great post.
Following up with this video is a MUST...
"Fake-Ass Christians"
It is long but every minute is GOLD. WATCH.
>He doesn't understand how much power the Catholic Church has over people's lives
>He doesn't think the Pope making political deals to change the world is politics
>He thinks I'm the ignorant one
>He doesn't even look in the mirror