Why are Americans so fuckin’ nosey??

*Sandniggers launch some rocket into Saudi Arabia’s oil fields
>Saudi Arabia
“Oh crap this is getting serious we should mitigate the situation
“It wasn’t us. Don’t defame us or get us involved”
>Literally every other country

Why do Americans feel the need to act like this? When people use the term “World Police” I don’t think of the UN. I think of USA. I also think of the word “bully”.

*depending on current oil reserves

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Appropriate wording there

No American actually feels this way it’s just the kike media pushing a narrative


oy vey anti-semite.


its that simple.

>“Oh crap this is getting serious we should mitigate the situation
Liar. Saudis were blaming Iran before The USA.

I bet iran didnt even do it

Didn't the evidence the saudis presented match the israeli loitering munitions?


Middle eastern history will give you a headache but here's the long and short of it. Israel wants to control the middle east. As it is right now almost everyone in the middle east wants them dead, and rightfully so. Israel's plan is to use the USA to start wars with them so that people there can't rise up against Israel.

Basically the Jews are using the Jewnited States Army to do their bidding since Israel can't fight for themselves because Jews are cowards and cum guzzling baby raping faggots who deserve genocide. Iraq was in the crosshairs first, then Libya, now it's Syria and Iran. The war machine rages on. There is currently no democratic way for Americans to stop this, Trump likes jerking himself off as a "big powerful military" guy so he embraces the military establishment when they're the most morally bankrupt ones in the government. Watch some Jimmy Dore if you want to pay attention to the situation.

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ain't no murican's on Jow Forums, boy. It's all FBI, derp.

Definitely has to do with oil. Alternatively, obligations to Israel. The UN did make the place a thing, after all. Can't throw away a precious ally, apparently.

Why don’t Arabs, with their big fucking mouth, rally against israel ?

It's embarrassing how the US is doing this shit. Hopefully Greta Thunberg gets a zoomer uprising and they hammer Saudi Aramco with the finest drones the world has ever seen.

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Israel would destroy all of their oil fields and attack Russia for the lulz.

>saudi oil fields
be thankful that America give a shit, I wish they didn't.
let's pretend the Americans didn't give a shit. Saudi Arabia and Iran would be at war. that means no oil comes out of the litter box.
that means the prices of gasoline skyrockets everywhere. that doesn't just mean you pay more for gas but you pay more for everything.
modern agriculture is impossible without petrochemicals, no pesticides and say bye bye to most fertilizers.
sorry but natural fertilizers like compost,bat shit, cow shit and worm casting don't exist in the quantities needed.

the best part is none of this affects American now. we're energy independent and the president suspend exports and cap the price in a heart beat.
good luck going out and getting it yourself, defending it yourself and shipping back just so you can fucking eat.

be thankful Americans give a shit because soon we won't. and if you think bullshit international laws mean anything without the US military you are going to be in for a rude awakening.

SA shahs pay in cash. USA is not even shy to say it openly now.

Real question why is that bad?

We are doing what every country does to the extent that they can: protecting their interests and thwarting anyone that goes distinctly against their interests.
Main difference with America is we can shitpost AND blow things up while most other nations can only shitpost.

Oy vey

>saying the saudis would go to war with fucking Iran which used to be the 4th largest army in the world(guess who the top 3 was), and actually stand a chance without daddy USA
>blaming Iran
>has not mentioned anything about houthis at all

your post is glowing

We just "gave" a ton of weapons to Yemen so... good.

Israel will not fight with a brother nation.

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Show leaf flag

Well its good for your country.

It is good for America as oil selfsuficient too.

there would be war, it doesn't matter who starts it. yes Iran has the 4th largest army but let's consider a few things. Iran's oil exports, the vast majority of their economy, is on Khrag Island. it would be destroyed in one sortie.
>bye bye Iranian economy
>Saudi Arabia has been shifting some exports to the Red Sea
so when the straights of Hormuz are blocked it will be a big hit but it won't be the same.

in order for Iran's army to reach SA they have to go through Iraq. sure Shia Iraqis would love that but I doubt the Sunni militias will just stand by.
the let's consider the deserts that you have to cross just to reach anything in SA. also consider the guided missile tech the US sold to the Saudis.

Saudi Arabia doesn't have to invade Iran to completely cripple it for decades. once cripple Iran is no threat because than you'll have all sort of intelligence agencies have fun with all the dissatisfied ethnic groups that live in Iran, like the millions of Sunnis.

they stand more of a chance than you think without daddy US, don't forget who else is in the region. and if that special country is attacked you can bet the slave will rush to protect the master regardless of what the American public thinks

why mention them? they're Iranian proxies, just like ISIS is really just a proxy for (((Saudi Arabia))).


>the vast majority of their economy, is on Khrag Island. it would be destroyed in one sortie.
An economy which has been sanctioned to the ground, and besides that, such attack would result in Iran destroying every saudi oil fields as retaliation.
>in order for Iran's army to reach SA they have to go through Iraq. sure Shia Iraqis would love that but I doubt the Sunni militias will just stand by.
They don't have to go through Iraq. They have missiles for a reason.The iranians won't be waging a ground war, they will strike them with missiles until you regret it and beg them to stop. You, like many american retards on this board, look at the whole thing through your retard goggles. Iran has the ability to destroy any target in a 2000 km radius, anyone who pushes them too far will get hit, and there is not enough sand in the world to bury your head in that will change that.