
Literally the worst generation in history

They'll be the ones who allow China to become the dominant world power, because they'll be too busy playing Fortnite on their iPhones to defend the west

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We already made it there and found out it was fake, you're looking at two nations progressing into the future and one still stuck in the past.

Leave China to me.

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>progressing into the future

Yeah, buddy, "progressing." That's what the West is doing now with the ballooning shitskin populations, LGBT stuff, etc.

I read a few years back most wanted to be a "celebrity." Is that more achievable than astronaut?

Imagine believing China will be superpower. The moment China gets its first recession the entire country will collapse monumantally.
If you ask Chink CHonks why they work for 16 hours they same the same reason people said in the 10s and 20s from last century:
>I want a picee from that capitalism cake
>I want my children to have it better than me

The moment hundred of millions of people will be without a job with no social security the country will implode.
>B..But user why didnt they revolt 40-50 years ago when they were poor
Because there is a difference:
A poor person who is uneducated and lives in his little village doesnt know better.
A person who had all the privileges and is going to lose it will revolt

Is there anything about the current West WORTH defending? Neo Liberalism and Neo Conservatives have me willing to work with Nazis and Commies to sweep the decay and degeneracy aside. Honestly, the old West before DC got all power drunk and started the gay pride parades, that may have been worth fighting for, that classic civilization, this Jew shit that aims to bring about the end of times? No thank you.

Your comment is pure cope. Your country is within 50 years going to be some sort of afro-arabic muslim banana republic run by Jews and China will be the gem of the world. Europoors are starting to sound a lot like coping Amerimutts.

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>not being an accelerationist

the end of civilization isn't so bad when you stop caring guys

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The western world is ZOG. You have to overthrow ZOG before you can get your countries back on track. There is no other way.

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