*Looks at you in jewish*

You WILL die in the deserts of IRAN for Israel !

Attached: 1566770309603.jpg (935x816, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Every time a gentile dies in a desert, a silver gets its stein.



bump for israel

Will he get elected by goyim ?

Attached: SHILL.png (264x264, 10K)

*cucks your president and makes him serve Israel and the globalists (israel) in your path*

Iran is all mountains
The international ZOG will never win this war

Attached: A-Topographic-map-showing-the-Zagros-Mountains-and-foothills-in-southwest-Iran-B-3D.png (850x939, 301K)

Attached: E85B5C8F-DB8C-4661-B05D-427F9F8C7DD5.png (827x1104, 1.71M)

very ugly