Global Warming Hoax Thread

Global Warming Hoax Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:,9171,910467,00.html

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The main thing that reveals the lie for me is that the people who scream about global warming want to import the entire third world from nations that have low per-capita carbon emissions to those that have higher per-capita emissions. So you're turning people with almost no carbon footprint into people with higher footprints by sharing the prosperity of CO2 emitting nations. If they were consistent in their beliefs, they would be advocating to subjugate and/or nuke Africa, India, and China rather than inviting them over for tea.

These faggots deserve to be drowned in the Ganges.

we gon die !!!

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>>These faggots deserve to be drowned in the Ganges.

Based pajeet. Execution and corpse disposal in one step.

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>tfw you only have twelve hours to make every western nation subservient to China or we will all die
Feels bad, man.

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DDT was banned in 1972, so we cannot accurately predict if Dr. Ehrlich was bullshittin'.

If you want to fry the brain circuits of a climate fanatic, just ask him:

>what exactly do you think will happen? what?

They just start flapping their mouths like a beached fish.

For them is the same kind of mind-fuck as the "Islam is right about women" leaflets.

I was there in the Maldives 2009
Plenty of beach front resorts with big blue swimming pools
Also a bunch of mudslime creepy fuckers
So it's a bittersweet thing

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Are you retarded? They will just say uncontrollable temperature rise and/or sea level rise.

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>Are you retarded? They will just say uncontrollable temperature rise and/or sea level rise.

water wont rise.
both poles could completely dissapear, and nothing would change.
even if water would rise, so what? a few beach condos in florida will have to move a few meters back.

These climate fanatics have exactly nothing to defend themselves with.


thats the most idiotic one, and the most common one these retarded fanatics are spewing.

>water won’t rise
So what? You are pretending they don’t have a follow up, which they easily do.

>You are pretending they don’t have a follow up, which they easily do.

like what?
Are you really so stupid you cannot come up with a single thing to disprove the "SKY IS FALLING" fanatics?

water wont rise, lava wont be flowing on the streets, these halfwits have nothing besides screaming "YOU DONT LIKE SCIENCE YOU NAZI".

try putting an ice cube in a glass water and let it melt, see if the water level rises

I dunno man, have you seen the food prices lately? Crop yield is down 50%, and there's not enough rainwater. I'm getting worried.

dont expect the americans to realize water wont rise if the ice cube melts.
they are too busy spending the first 18 years of their lives at school on memorising the diary of anne franke.
there's a good reason why its the americans who are shilling the hardest for muh climate --- its because its a country of 327 million dumbfucks.

I'm with you that a lot of the claims about global warming are grossly exaggerated, and the Left's campaign to combat its supposed impact is a thinly veiled effort to redistribute wealth and increase government control...

... But you're not helping the argument by posting a fake magazine cover as "evidence" that it's a hoax.

What about all the ice that is above sea level. When it melts it will find a way to reach the sea

Times changed
Yet somehow still the same

Try realizing more ice is on land. I don't believe global warming but Jesus this is retarded logic

>What about all the ice that is above sea level.

completely insignificant amount of ice lies on above-water islands on both poles.

the natural state of planet Earth is without any frozen poles.
shit, there are entire cities in asia that are submerged under water.

Poor ancient japs forgot to pay their climate tax.

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Try realizing its not on land. At least not in any amount even close to being any danger to anybody.

Press F to pay respects to the Ozone Layer.

The most extreme scare-porn I've been feed is:
>the increasing heat will reach a point where the ocean evaporation is much higher that the rainfall. Causing a vastly increased atmosphere causing even more water to evaporate. This will literally make earth as hot as Venus, extinguishing all life on the planet.

though yuropoors are really into this whole climate change and green thing too. i was just in berlin the other day and some cuck told me not to leave my car running because its bad for atmosphere, what a joke

>antarctica is not a continent, it's a big floating ice island

>antarctica melts completely
>thats it, nothing else happened

aww geez.

americans and germans are currently the most gullible halfwits on planet Earth.
Just last year some fat german at a border gas station was yelling at me because "Poland is a nazi state ruining democracy in Europe".

The harder i laughed my ass off, the more the kraut raged.

What a time to be alive.

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Hundred dollar question for you:
If the ice isn't in the water, it doesn't affect ocean levels. Ergo, when it melts, and the water goes into the ocean, will the level rise?

Hundred dollar answer for you:
the amount is too insignificant to cause any real damage to the planet.
this means no, the world wont flood -- for most of Earths history antarctica didnt exist, and the world wasnt flooded.

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by "not exist" i mean it was just land, not an ice covered continent.

stand back for i am a professional retard, the thread.

oh, 1 more thing.
for the entirety of antarctica to melt and be gone, the temperature would have to go higher than freezing temperatures, right?
the current, even most pessimistic prognosis say that the temp will increase not higher than.... aww geez.... 1 degree Celsius in the next 200 years.


Now lets watch antarctica melt completely because it got 1 degree warmer.

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This. The ice age that happened, all that ice melted and created sea rise to the levels we have now. When we go back to another ice age the water in the ocean will evaporate, and snow down onto the land and refreeze like it was back in the last ice age. The water levels will all decrease hundreds of feet and the land bridges will open back up, atlantis will be revealed and ancient cities that built all the old megalythic structures will also be revealed. Obviously those civilizations left earth and return here every now and then to keep an eye on us to make sure we don't have the tech to follow them, because they were smart enough to leave and keep their ethnostate pure without baby sitting a bunch of niggers.

t. eco fascist who doesn't believe in climate change ama

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You're not thinking big enough, friend. And show me your source for Right, so let's assume the deglaciation happens. For it to occur, the earth's temperature would have to rise, so let's assume that too.

Now, rising temperatures (even minute changes) can and do have observable consequences. This is why central africa and the amazon are on fire on such a grand scale now: the earth there has become drier than usual. So when the glaciers of antarctica melt completely, most of the water will return to the ocean, while the centre of that continent will be subjected to arid conditions, thus ridding it of yet more water. This water will be released in tropical storms, and go into the ocean. More rise.

Now, we know that white reflects sunlight, right? So, without the immense reflective surfaces that are the glaciers of the arctic and antarctic, our planet will not be able to reflect as much sunlight, causing yet more of a temperature increase.

This will result in higher rates of desertification around the globe. Central Poland, to give a relatable example, has already reported the first stages of that process, and the glaciers are still here. Our crop yields, as I've said, are down by 50%. Food prices have skyrocketed, both as a direct result of this, and the taxes imposed by our ruling party.

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Doesn't it suck we're in an ice age, fellas? So glad infallible scientists who aren't biased or politically driven at all are watching over us.

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to be fair, after 90's the whole world saw an acceleration in technology and production that is not matched throughout history.
Still not a reason to call it man made, the sun is still more powerful than we'll be in 1000 years from now

Now, seawater is, currently, undrinkable for us. Do you know how much water we have per citizen in Poland? More than Cyprus and Malta. That's it.
Even the czechs have more water than us.
Where will you get your food, user? Where will you get your water?

When the africans and southern asians come storming north because 40 degrees has become 45 in their countries, what will you do? When the dust storms come up from the Sahara, and the tropical storms, brought by warmer, wilder winds come, what will you do?
This problem isn't as easily dismissed as you might think.

Whats worst is that general population from my experience has mindset and believes that there are actual scientists and people that ''know better'' than them and will just follow whatever is thrown at them

>And show me your source for

source for what? the paris accord?
there ya go:

>at the worst, the temparature will increase by 1 degree in the next 200 years

aww geez.

>google antarctica temperature
>averages from -10 at the warmest to -60 at the coldest

Still following? Alright.
Lets increase the temperature to the worst possible scenario. It gets 1 degree warmer.

>it now ranges from -9 to -59 celsius

At what temperatures does ice melt, user?
does ice melt at -59 degrees celsius?

>This is why central africa and the amazon are on fire on such a grand scale now:

well geez, user, didnt national geographic just say the amazon and africa fires are actually way, way smaller than in the last 200 years?

aww, geez....

When I was in pubic school (80s-90s) it was right in between the period of the ice age hoax and the warming hoax, so when you questioned why global cooling was causing global warming, they'd act like you were an idiot and say that the weather effects would be different in parts of the world. Then they drifted away from that once everyone forgot about the cooling lie.

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Dude, Global Warming spectics are mostly Christian. How can you give this as a source when you believe the earth is not older than 6000 years. Poor American facts using data that is against their own religion HAHAHAHA

>because data extrapolation remains the same over time
Why do you hate science, Jow Forums? Is it because you're retarded?

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I'll post another graph, that'll show 'em!

>Why do you hate science
Why do you?

>Central Poland, to give a relatable example, has already reported the first stages of that process, and the glaciers are still here.

cant wait to see grand glaciers of poland

>No u
Suck on a 12 gauge krautfag

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Doing god's work user, saved all of it

dude, he's the kind of fool that tries to convince people ice melts at -60 degrees Celsius and raising taxes will make it stop.

>Carbon dioxide is good for the environment

Why do these bots insist on making threads against climate change to a bunch of incels

>"science" that always support your opinion.

Can you give that source. But then based on PER CAPITA? :) USA will be #1 then.

I mean, why bother with an argument if you don't either?
Now fuck off, retard.

Nice observation poo

a "consensus" isnt science, user.
if consensus was science, then we'd still believe sun is orbitting the earth because there was a 99,9% consensus about it.

How can you believe this data. If you believe the earth is 6000 years old?

Lake Erie is soooo dead these days

>why bother with an argument if you don't either?
Because you don't have any, and if I start dropping the science you lot would just stare at it with deer-in-the-headlight looks for five minutes then spam it with "fake news", "jew science" or some other such schizo shit.

I can't find anything about 1 degree in 200 years, user, and I'm looking at the UN report from 2019, which seems to say that they'll be trying to limit the rise to
>1.5 degrees

Aww geez, that's a bit sooner than you claimed.

>raising taxes will make it stop
That is not what I said, and you didn't read what I wrote attentively. Also,
>slip of the tongue

The Truth on That Doctored TIME Magazine Ice Age Cover Hoax | Time -

Nice fake cover on the left. Go back to sleep boomertard

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At what temperatures does ice melt, user?
Does it melt at -60 degrees Celsius?
Sorry, -59 degrees?

Did you check the timelapse of fires in the amazon and africa in the last 200 years?
did you see how gloriously it got much smaller with each passing year?

I've been redpilling scientists and professors at a major university by just asking "how much CO2 is needed to raise the temperature 1 degree C?" I went directly to the thermodynamics experts first, and they came back with the exact percentage, which happens to be 20 times the current amount in the atmosphere.

Isn't that from that shitty Greenland Ice Core study? The one with the bad process and the even worse handling of data?

>what is water
user, you do realise that the tips of these glaciers connect to the sea, right? Remind me, what temperature does seawater have, if it's not frozen? And if the temperature rises, does the temp. of seawater rise too?
>I wonder why the antarctic isn't melting from the inside out
Gee whiz kiddo

The Greenland study were they were drilling for 100,000+ year old cores, and found a WW2 plane instead?

Now add another one with climate change

>Phase One: Global Cooling
>Phase Two: Global Warming
>Phase Three: Climate Change
>Phase Four: Climate Justice
We are now transitioning from phase three into phase four

They got it wrong and now are fixing their wrong...we all make mistakes


Wrong. Acting like snopes has any credibility ahahahahahahahahha,9171,910467,00.html

Do people drive better now? Or are the cars and roads safer?
Why did nobody ever in the old days build hoises close to the sea? Or was it bcause of hurricains?
Why do people try to build now on cliffsides and wonder why storms cost more? $$$
How come every time I put you on the potty you cry? Its my potty and I will cry if I want to.

The biggest rebuttal to climate change is, so what?
>the sky is falling
>the world is gonna end


>Marine Geologist Cesare Emiliani of the University of Miami, a new ice age could become a reality.

Oh gosh. Dr. Emilani said it??? And how does that relate to the fake photoshopped cover? And all the other misrepresented covers in this thread?

If the truth was on your side you wouldn't need all the lies to get it across

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didnt you just spent the last couple posts saying muh antarctica is ABOVE water, on LAND?
And it has -60 degrees Celsius?
How do you expect it to melt at -60?

I have 2 simple questions for you:
>at what temperature does ice melt?
>if majority of antarctica is above water and has -60 degrees, how do you expect the WHOLE OF IT to melt if it warms by 1 degree?

This whole thread is ignoring the actual important things, about Climate Change.

1st, they had to rename it Climate Change, because autists like you will take it out of context.
There is a clear trend that Hurricanes, Tropical Storms are getting worse, more common and getting bigger.

2 The Actual Scinetific Consensus.
People are posting old scientific articles about this and that. They were the small minority. Today 95+% agree about Climate Change.
You're pretty unscientific when compared to all the Data we have.
Litteraly have Timelapses of the polar icecaps melting. But whatever right.

I'm not climate alarmist. I think nature will adapt if it change of climate actually comes. As it always has.

The Real Question is, How Much of an extinction will it be.
Life survived 5 Big Extinctions, where 90%+ of species went extinct.
And that made it possible for humans to Evolce and Thrive.

So I don't care as much about an upcoming Apex and subsequent Disaster, may it be war, nuclear war, Climate Change + a war for ressources. Or a race war.

Whatever it is you choose to believe it is going to be, it is coming. It will happen. Climate change isn't the threat in and of itself.
Climate change will accelerate and exacerbate the tensions and lead to conflict. That's the actual problem.

I hope I'm wrong, that everything will resolve itself peacefully and climate change reversed through science and planting billlions of trees.
But I can only hope.
Ressources are limited, when we reach the cap (10 billion pop estimated) the crisis will happen.

Never forget the earth was warmer during the Roman period when there was less than a billion humans and no industrialization

>This will result in higher rates of desertification around the globe

This is definitely 100% backwards. Global warming produces a very moist planet; we can look at previous global warming events to know this.

calm down. the boomer die off will fix everything except you being 12

I'm 26 m8 but ok.
>Boomers dying will fix everything
That would be great.
But how long will it take?

And I guess the Boomer Culture is only in the West or the world in general?
I don't think Pakistan will change opinions by the next generation. That works for most shitholes on earth.
So are gen Z/millennials the savior generation?
That'd be great. I'm on board. But we're gonna have to make radical change and make it soon if we really want to impact things. Or that's just my 2 cents.

>This is why central africa and the amazon are on fire on such a grand scale now
What is slash and burn? Same is done in Indonesia/Malaysia at this time of the year, they spring season

imagine being this retarded

>There is a clear trend that Hurricanes, Tropical Storms are getting worse, more common and getting bigger.

No they're not, who told you that?
The same people who told you amazon and africa fires are more common, while they're actually getting more rare?

>The Real Question is, How Much of an extinction will it be.
>Life survived 5 Big Extinctions, where 90%+ of species went extinct.

There will be no extinction because Earth will become warmer by 1 degree.
The last 5 "big extinctions" were because of either meteor hits, or just good old ice ages.

Literally the worst possible imaginable scenario of muh climate change is.... nothing will change.

and that guy just sued the school for firing him unjustly and won.