China implicitly threatens Australia


> Australia faces "100 years of solitude" if it isolates itself from its Asian neighbours by strengthening military ties with the United States, a Chinese academic has warned in The Global Times.

>In an opinion piece published on Saturday as the Australian and American political leaders met in Washington, academic Yu Lei wrote: "This Australia-US alliance will not bring the benefits Australia hopes for. This will bring a long-term military and political confrontation between Australia and Asian countries.


So there we have it lads, the Chinese feel confident enough to make threats without the fear of any consequences, is anyone in Australia and the US paying attention??

Attached: B1FF4ADB-D92E-4130-8D57-86E47CD6DF6D.jpg (481x295, 39K)

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Don't worry Australia. Multiple very bad things are about to happen to China. I can't give an exact timeframe, but in less than 5 years you will see what I am talking about.

I have a feeling Australia isn't going to give up a life of blackening by American kosher elites for a life of technological progress without a fight.

>Australia faces "100 years of solitude"

That sounds pretty good to me, it would give us a national focus, defend the north, self reliance, no alliances and nukes to the brim.

>technological progress
top kek. they are yellow kikes without the slight inclination for innovation.

It’s a pretty brazen statement from the Chinese, however no one cares, the entire civic establishment in Australia is in the pocket of the Chinese, US glow niggers who monitor this board, take note you useless faggots.

lol, our politicians are already in the pockets of the Chinese.

Whatever happened about that chink warships that paid an unannounced visit to one of your habours?

>be Australia
>be in perfect position to be fucked
>nah mate protect these abbos
>lol china what
>oh wait
>merica help!
>too late lol
stupid fucks

Attached: kintsugi-piatto-blu1.jpg (800x600, 129K)

It's worse than that, they're all in the same club setting up the big war that's supposed to this us out.