American teenager blackpilled about white women

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good goy, don't reproduce!

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Opinion invalidated.

I have the same under eyes as him except even worse. How to fix it? I already get 2 liters of water a day and plenty of sleep and it gets worse

Get f.lux

Wear makeup like the faggot you already are.

stop posting your own shitty videos here faggot

Eat grassfed liver once a week and then get a good tan.

>It's the type of tired sleep won't fix.jpeg


Degeneracy is prevalent all across the board now. Relationships have gone down shit creek, it was bad a hundred years ago, but worse now. Women do not have the capacity to settle down with an average looking man. They have social media to find the top physically attractive male. Since men have far lower standards, and will fuck almost anything that moves their selection of women is almost infinite. My advice? Get plastic surgery or do anything to make you look attractive, if you’re after pussy I mean. This is literally the only solution you got. This, or become gay and fuck traps, but even then most fags have adopted the hypergamy of women.

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you're pale and sickly looking and clearly an incel, quit making me look bad by associating with me and making videos you pimply nigger

sort your own life out to some extent instead of attempting to attention whore with your tepid brainlet takes

and paint your walls a different fucking colour too

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That guy is ugly, timid, chubby, and gay looking

Why the fuck would a girl be attracted to that

He could spend a year eating right and lifting heavy and become ripped, muscular, high testosterone, and look more manly and even masculinize his fat faggot face

But we all know he won't do that, and he'll just keep crying about being a bitch

Who hurt you?

Wtf is wrong with his eyes, is he crack addict?

How the fuck does lifting weights affect your face? He could grow a beard and still look like a bitch. Also, what if he’s short
What can you do with people like this? You’re talking a good chunk of the male population not getting any pussy and run the risk of not spreading their genes. White genes

Genes and sleep deprived most likely

Looks like a young Terry

Unironically improve yourself and forget about dating

It's hard, especially on nights when you feel lonely, but I mean this, get yourself a hobby, it sounds like bullshit but its legitimately helped me completely forget about women

I'm not opposed to a relationship blossoming, but I couldn't care less, this is the best advice user, live for yourself

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Good goy, get divorce raped!

This is only thing you can do. Stop thinking about intimacy with depraved whores that have no value structure. Get a job OP

get some more sunlight bro

Stop posting your blogs on Jow Forums. Attention seeking is for women and faggots.

I'm so glad I'm not a teen in 2019. Literally dodged a bullet growing up right before the spread of smartphones.
Imagine watching political memes and memes about women and racism shit etc... How did it go from icanhazcheezburger to this in less than a decade?

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>Get f.lux

>"five guys"
>"dyed hair these stupid fucking colors, pink, purple"

stop jerking off

Lifting heavy and increasing your muscle mass both increase your testosterone levels, and the testosterone will change his facial structure making it more attractive to females

Higher testosterone levels will also alter his mental state and give him more aggression, focus and energy, and he will stop crying like a little faggot

A shortcut for a loser like this would be taking steroids, which I wouldn't do, but even with the side effects it would still be better than looking and acting like this

>trying to better yourself just to impress girls
Tell me how i know you're a bitch

Does jerking off cause it seriously? I am married but wife is fat and slovenly and no sex drive so i do jerk off quite a lot. Never heard the correlation before

You get a woman

You control a woman

If she can't be put under your control move to the next.

Find one that you enjoy sexually, and she enjoys you. Carry-on happily every after.

There is no such thing as trust. Question anything that doesn't seem right, never let anything slide.

This is called keeping a bitch in check.

Now, earn resources, improve your physical and mental health by working out and training in something (don't have pixel hobbies that drain all your time and you look like a faggot)

Don't jerk off.
>Why am I jerking off when there is a pussy right there I could be fucking
>She doesn't want t-to
>....yeah fucking right, pound that ass
>Don't pull out


He looks so sad.

>You get a woman
h-how do I get to this first step?

In my experience, yes, but not jerking off also gives me the drive to live in healthier ways by exercising, getting better sleep, getting outside more. Not sure how much can be attributed to simply stopping masturbating. Usually takes a couple weeks before I notice a change in my eyes.

More fruits vegetables, sun, workout, vitamines, fish oil, don't eat red meat everyday.

This kid has heard some shit on the internet but doesn't understand anything.

where was that fat socialist kid that had eyes going in 2 directions from london? i think his name was alexander johann or something

Less caffeine, go out in hiking in nature. and 2 liters of water is not a lot, i drink 3-4.

prolly an oxygen deficiency. try taking beta carotene supplements. worked for me.

Don't look at a screen al day look in the distance.

user, I've got nothing against raw, off-the-toppa-yer-head content. But I don't have 11+ minutes for it.

Just don't ever look in the mirror. Worked for me.

So not a single soul has told you that this is just how your face looks? Yiu can't fix "bags" that you have naturally. Go put some diaper rash cream on them like women do if you care so much. you big girl.

>prolly an oxygen deficiency
What makes you say that?

>beta carotene supplements
How does that relate to hypoxia?

>How to fix it

Stop being a paki
Second it is caused by inflammation of the eye glands due to some allergic reaction. could be dustmite could be chemicals.
Get anti inflamatory drugs or move to a country that has no dust mite

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A poster higher up said that part of the problem is that guys will take any vag they can get.
Don't be part of the problem. Develop some standards. Stick to them.
It isn't easy, but it is the way.

10 replies and no real reply this only goes to show you Jow Forums is full of pseudo-redpilled christcuck schizos, the only shitty canned advice they have is hippie bullshit like diet or sunlight, fucking idiots.

the reason your eyes look like that is because your infraorbitals are recessed, there is nothing you can do short of surgery.

>By the time they're 16 they've had 5 guys.
If these guys are white, then they are just as much apart of the problem as the women are. Most people are hypnotised and they are very comfortable with the current conditions of the west.

You need some fresh air kid. Go for a walk in the woods with no internet.


I had sex with three women by 16, two virgins. Do I regret it? No. But I sure as hell know by now there can be no trust nor intimacy with a depraved whore. These retarded women are the worst to be around, pure toxic and draining. The wall cannot come soon enough!

>there is nothing you can do
don't be a jerk
it's better to shitpost than to distribute black pills.

this isnt facebook dumb boomer

i believe in the truth and only the truth

Have you tried COOOOOOOING?

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>Be a woman.
>Demand a job as a fire fighter.
>The first day on the job you find out you are incapable of being a firefighter.
>Demand separate standards for women in the fire department because the fire brigade needs a female opinion on how to put out fires.

Western men do this shit to themselves. If I was a woman and men everywhere were begging me to walk all over them I would be tempted to fall in their footsteps.