The wall people are now climbing in minutes just for fun! It’s a tourist attraction now! No ropes needed! No ladders! They are timing who can do it the fastest! The current record is 45 seconds!

Attached: ewhqetn.png (581x519, 367K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fake news! Notice the chain link fence on the opposite side to help climb?

That’s a felony and they should be shot on site

The second picture clearly shows they are climbing the side where there is no chain fence. And if placing a chain fence would be enough to make people climb this thing in 45seconds than that's pretty lame, still.

That's not the boarder wall.
Fake and gay. Saij

>Can't slip feet through slats to get a grip?!?!
You dumb fucking goat fucker. Also, that's an old wall you dumb kike.

the tweet that cost Trump 2020

I hope the border patrol shoots these "people" for fun

That's not trumps wall

That's the small Obamawall.

Do you retards never get tired of replying to the same bait thread the same way everytime?

The real wall is taller, has an incline at the top and is covered in razor wire. But please, come on down like the dumbass in this video:

Good luck climbing that shit cornhusk nigger

Attached: 5d82b39a4084f.image.jpg (1200x800, 92K)

It gives us a reason to post these videos:

this you faggots
that's Mexican territory

Attached: the-eternal-awoo-46082.png (900x900, 599K)

You will never play on Monkey Bars like this.

Attached: (1228x652, 1015K)

Please, fuck off.

>Slide thread
>Slide thread
>Slide thread
>Slide thread

None of that is a wall and none of it is recent construction. Hows your economy doing Hans?

Full Welfare Nigger MAGAtard status

Attached: 1569237070671.jpg (4000x4000, 3.35M)

That's not the wall. Fake and homosexual.

Is that Obama's wall?


Attached: images(25).jpg (225x225, 9K)

Electrify the fence and fry them all like a fucking bug zapper.

Attached: trump wall 2.png (888x1188, 803K)

>That's not trumps wall
Immediately obvious. I'm still hoping that after it's all up they finish it off with a large pipe across the top. Guaranteed to cause more than one 'death by misadventure'.


Should have uses depleted uranium

Now show me some goblina and her pack of mutts doing it.

Just build a wooden form around the fence and add concert Rebar is what i see 50 foot solid wall

he promised us a wall, not a god damn fence ;__;

Attached: 1569117346153.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

We had bars like that when I was in Elementary School in the 50s. I bet they aren’t there anymore.

That's the old wall that us being replaced. The new one is much taller and has a plate at the top that deters climbing.

>Notice the chain link fence on the opposite side to help climb?
Oh. That makes me feel so much better now about the state of our national security. I can go to sleep now.

That's not how felonies work

Concrete and rebar is inside the slats of the new fence being built. BP wants slats so they can see what's on the other side.

Germany would know about quality walls from when they walled off their own country from each other.

Shoot them with a shotgun.


Attached: A3B54BF6-1E43-47AE-8F73-8EC5A4ACA548.png (1887x1612, 176K)

>Elementary School in the 50s

literal boomers on my Jow Forums. fucking q user and reddit for bringing them here.


You're a leaf.

No one's gonna get over with kids, and only physically fit people can get in.

It's still an improvement.

Its really sad to see the dead husk of an empire that only went to war for fake and gay ops, hasnt had a statue of a war general in centuries, and whose people are so gaslit as to tear down their own heritage, and statues and act as the henchmen of big business while thinking they are against it, all end in this, will a fence be built or not.
How can FBI and CIA go to bed at night knowing their country will forever be remembered as a tyrannical state that forced its will on the world and everyone spits on its grave.

looks like he took a knee to the face. ouch!

the prototypes that were quietly cancelled

this is the newer stuff that is getting built in some areas

Come on, who the Fuck designed this. A nine year old white boy could design a wall that Spiderman couldn't get over.

hard to believe that was real

Why not make concrete wall?

Just walk around it lol.

I literally do not care. A barrier is better than no barrier. Any barrier will help border enforcement, y’know, ENFORCE THE BORDER. We are a country right? With borders and laws n sheit?

Because everything Trump does he has this urge to try to appease leftists with. It's so that wildlife can still pass through it.

>american olympics
>le spat
this will soon be an official discipline

just put carpet over

>45 seconds to stop and take aim
Gonna have to be faster than that, Pedro.

Now try climbing the one with 6 feet plate steel and nothing to grab onto at the top

Lel that's not the wall .

Because a concrete barrier is not what CBP and the actual boots on the ground want. Steel slats are what they say they need to most safely and effectively do their job, it allows them to easily see what's happening on the other side of the wall while still slowing down and making it difficult for people who try to cross.

Well the wildlife certainly is passing through it.

LOLOL that one kid falling in the back. Someone shoop him into the Falling Man pic

>That’s a felony and they should be shot on site
You would think that, but over the yrs other countries have watched the US government cower down from and suck off jews and then they see whites doing nothing while niggers run hog wild with all their kiddie bullshit and they see the US as soft and ripe for the plucking, all talk so they do things like this in mockery. It's true no one respects a coward, but people absolutely despite a coward who won't even admit it to themselves. On top of that it's nonsensical to say you want more colored people that ever to come to your country and then get around to sort of/sort of not building a wall. Unless Americans mean they want to all be boxed in with scum from the 3rd world. Non compos mentis.

That is not the wall. Lmao!!

Based. Spics are gonna learn

The only bad is then Uncle Sam ends up paying tens of thousands of dollars in hospital bills for these losers who injure themselves trying to break our laws.

Hes on a swing

why don't they connect it to the grid?

but not all the time. that wouldn't be fun. also, it would be too expensive.

>between 0 and 10 times a day (use some RNG) at random times (RNG as well), let 500kV flow through the entire southern border wall for 10 seconds.

>send cleaning teams weekly to collect the friend nuggets.


Attached: niggertrap.jpg (474x313, 35K)

There was an idea to add solar panels to the thing to shut the fucking eco-fascists up for a few minutes. I'm surprised Trump didn't troll the fuck out of them with that.

>boarder wall

Why are you burgers so poorly educated?

This is your tax dollars in Trump's tiny hands

Attached: xloYpcz.gif (400x225, 1.89M)

also this

Attached: 1567430453372.png (788x768, 861K)

>in the 50s
lmao how the fuck did an OLD ass boomer end up here

I could climb that wall easily. They need to put barbed wire on top at the absolute minimum

Yeah vote for a literal kike who wants to tax me more while he buys his third house and second Audi A8

>That's the small Obamawall.
its the smolwall


You're right, felonies only apply to citizens, thus they are an invading Army and should be shot on site.

that is not trumps wall. This picture is from 2014 or something.

Attached: whats in the box.jpg (636x382, 40K)

Anons you wanna hear something?

Back in 2012 when I left the army, they renamed monkey bars to hanging bars and assault course to obstacle course. Because nigs n sheeeeeet.

True story.

It's not really worth shedding any tears over at this point. Too many internal forces want the US to fail.

I remember that video, those monkeys panicked when they could not scare whoever was recording them and they climbed back inside the can of beans they came from.

Not the actual wall.

he also promised to bring our boys home.

Attached: 2FB3CAF0-DC25-4375-8514-05058E67AF6B.gif (875x994, 484K)

Better not happen again

Most contraband makes it through the borders successfully by way of the international bridges. The paid-off federal agents wave off surges of semi's loaded with humans and drugs, money and goods. The rest is by air and water. Great job merica. Keep posting, cumskins.

But can a pregnant beaner climb it?

And cbp will get them to the nearest us hospital where they will get the best of care and be visited by free La Raza lawyers who will then sue the us gov for causing his injuries.

>haha americas so awful we just want to go steal and pillage and take from random people that have nothing to do with the actions of the government and otherwise are disenfranchised enough to not be able to just murder undesirables in the street
show flag retard

They need to give the pieces on top an angle towards Mexico. Makes it harder to climb with a rope. Then they should add spikes on top of those pieces \

>and only physically fit people can get in
Ok more strong young cartel members to rape and murder randoms

Kek. German doesn't know that's ot the new wall going up. Hans, get your shit together.

He keeps repeating that the border patrol requested it. Probably took that advice from those latinx agents caught on film opening the gates for them.

>The worst gaslighting in history
Pictured: tiny old fence they're laughing about alongside the actual barrier that's replacing it

Attached: 90nu.jpg (1536x2048, 531K)

Are they actually building it
Are burgers finally not tired of winning?


spics are such vile people

That's not the wall. That thing to the left of this text that's at least twice as tall as the gay shit you posted - THAT'S the fucking wall. Very few people are going to be climbing that for fun.

Attached: trump-wall-visit-02-ap-jef-190918_hpEmbed_3x2_992.jpg (992x661, 80K)

Electrify it for fun

i don't even view leftists as people anymore, they're just a joke. can't wait to hang a few.

Notice there's no fat women with three kids climbing? That's who we're trying to stop. We are having hundreds of women and kids just walk in and claim asylum. Much like the Muslim hordes in Germany.

Thats the old shitty wall that Trump is replacing. Pretty sure its the cali beach wall pictured and that pic was shilled on Jow Forums long ago when it was actually taken.

Attached: 1569105303638.jpg (1024x682, 364K)

Attached: 1533783264836.png (1090x1087, 312K)