Are aircraft carrier useless?

missiles becoming more faster and faster
for example Russia deveploment hyprersonic missiles

so logic says that when you shoot many missiles towards ships/aircraft carriers, eventually some missile hits

for example Russia has already succesfully launch hypersonic kh-31 missile for air fighterjet to missiles


At least two successful launches of a Kh-31 hypersonic missile by a Su-34 fighter jet during Russian military drills in the Caspian Sea were held in July 2018. The target later sank due to extensive damage to its hull.

i think this is footage of this event

air craft carrier cost is huge, but missiles are so cheap compared to a aircraft carrier

Attached: aircraft-carrier.jpg (1200x800, 146K)

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You should pay 2% because Russians want to invade EU

in any sort of "real" war scenario, the 2 main nuclear superpowers of the planet - USA and Russia, will strategically nuke their enemies off the planet
this isn't the case for most of "modern" wars, because the 2 main nuclear superpowers, also happen to be the number 1 and number 2 top arms dealers, so most of the "conflicts" you see emerging, only do so for the profit of these 2 states and their subsidiaries

I wouldn't say useless per say, but they are extremely expensive.

love how we spend $700 billion a year on the dod budget or whatever, but 70% of the people age 20-34 aren't married alone because they are jewed so heavily and/or screwed on taxes alone to other social matters within society as well.

we also bankrupt ourselves for israel (jizzsrael - black men on white daughters) to as well.

$13 billion on a new air craft carrier alone.

failing marriage rates - white marriages / white families. all you can do is let the west fail and/or for it all to settle again that is. until then it's a waste of time for now alone at least.

yes i understand, but if we forgot politic, if we looking this just objective perspect, then logic says that air craft carriers becoming obsolete if war breaks out with US vs, Russia, China who is also deveploment these kind of missiles

you cant defend your ship against missiles that become towards with 3.5 mach speed what kh-31 missile already has


Kh-31A/P: 2,160–2,520 km/h (1,340–1,570 mph)
MA-31: Mach 2.7 (low), Mach 3.5 (high)

and Russia and China constantly deveploment better and faster missiles

USA and Russia are NEVER going to war with each other, wake up

>Reddit spacing. You have to go back.
They'd be useless in WW 3, nothing but big fat targets. But they're useful in all our little wars for oil, like Syria, Iran, Libya and soon Iran.

>and soon Iran.
iran is going to snap the spine of our empire as soon as they sink one of these floating coffins

The thing about "hypersonic" was that the technology is half a century old. Supersonic flight leaves a big fat radar signature.