I’m getting married

>be me
>I was a 15 year old high school student
>a foreign exchange girl from China moves here
>she was a big communist
>I thought she was cute, but not her ideology
>she tries to teach everyone about communism all the time
>I told her I’m interested and want to learn more (a lie)
>she invites me over
>her room is FILLED with pictures of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Tse Tsung. Posters everywhere. She has a small statute of Lenin.
>she gives me a copy of das Kapital, and we read it together.
>I pretend to not hate commies, and I go along with whatever the book is saying.
>we do this after school every day for a few months
>eventually, I’ve read all the most popular socialist books from Marx to Mao. This is starting to make a lot of sense.
>a lot of sexual tension
>one day when I come over after school, one thing leads to another and we take each others virginities
>We keep doing this at least once a week until we graduate. I continue becoming more fascinated with the communist ideology.
>My love for her grows and my ideology strengthens
>after we finish college, we’re going to move back to China and grow old together

Only thing I regret is the statute of Lenin looking down at me while I fornicate.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Chinese girl
>Defending Mao

More like Lmao

I believe every word of your story
except for >girl

>race mixing

How about you don't
Also you'll never be able to get citizenship in China as a gaijin.



As a colony of them you should know better, leaf.

How did I end up on Blogger? Fuckin kikes at it again.

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Very strange larp, sweaty

>>she gives me a copy of das Kapital, and we read it together
You lie. No one can make it through three volumes of that autistic kike bullshit.

this is some amazingly low quality chink shill bait. 200+ replies inc

Gaijin is a Japanese word, you.
Not bait. This is my life. I just want you all to know that an American grown man is about to move to China because their system is better than ours. I fell in love with her and we’re going to be happy together in the PRC.

I am nervous moving though. I’m open to some suggestions, errr.

I applaud you for leaving, because they day of violence is coming and there will be no communist survivors

It's Gweilo for chinks

Sloppy job, mossad

Ever heard of the “One Belt, One road”, because you’re a part of that.

Communism = death

Ghost her and stop wasting your life.

China isn't a communist country anymore, cunt. All those books you supposedly read (yeah right) mean jack shit.

I did more or less the same thing but with Korea. You're in for a surprise but nothing in the world can stop you.

I know exactly what it is and I think it’s a brilliant plan.

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Impregnate her, wait for the delivery and then ghost her.

No seriously start teaching her about Hitler.
You'll be surprised how easily she'll accept him as a good guy.

Image related.

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Why do americans think this board is their personal blog

>being pussy whipped so much you start hating not only your personal freedom but your society's as well
fucks sake nigger every ideology can sound good on paper, which is why there's an expression - sounds good on paper
you got a piece of pussy so that will keep you in line I guess. see ya

Achterlijke sukkel


I honestly can't think of anything gayer than this post.

Think about your dad molesting you as a child.
Wat about now?

Fake story.
OP is a faggot once again.

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>Defending the guy that genocided your race
9000 iq girl

I'm pretty sure china doesn't have the mechanisms to allow foreigners to become citizens

Yeah that really helps your argument there OP.
Pic related, it's you

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Communism is for low-IQ brainlets. You two deserve each other.

>grow old
>in china

My IQ is 137 and East Asians are some the most intelligent people on the planet.

>about to move to China because their system is better than ours.
doubt it

Attached: doubt.jpg (1000x1512, 259K)

That's why they abolished communism in 1992 by legalizing private property, and in 2007 passed a law that says the state must treat private property equal to state property? The Chinese are clearly trending away from communism and toward capitalism, with a current status of state-capitalism mixed system. Picrelated saved China from their communist hell.

Attached: deng_xiaoping.jpg (1280x1546, 200K)

Worked as an engineer in china and it is a shithole.
Most western raised people can't survive there and leave it eventually, it will be a good experience for you.

Imagine related. Thinking China has abandoned socialism is ignorance of the parties beliefs.
