Post your racist novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere

Post your racist novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

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lo l happy elphant :)

two niggers walk into a bar

a 7ft tall german nazi muscle officer fucks a pale jewish twink

Genre: dark comedy
White dude sets out infiltrate a Synagogue because he heard Jews control shit and work against White people.

He finds one of the guys from his racist gamer clan is a member and figures out what he is up to. Sets out to prove him wrong. However because of the neurotic paranoid hyper-feminist nature of Reform Jews he finds out the White guy is technically right.

The big third act is that a protest is planned that they BOTH know is gonna turn violent and have to stop it. The White guy uses his new skills in Schmoozing to get the Jews to back off, and his Jewish buddy utilized the synagogue yentas to set up the White-Nat would be protesters with white gfs to "have sex" and lose interest.

The last chapter is a here we go again ending where the two friends decide to infiltrate a mosque. They find their clan leader is some black kid there who had assumed they were black too because they kept saying nigger online.

Tasmanian aboriginals knew how to use fire
Filed under: science fiction, alternate history

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I understand your confusion, but it's actually a pige

set in a fictionalized NYC(because it hasn't been done enough)
paranoid Jow Forumstard murders 3 niggers because he is paranoid
seemingly gets away with it but stuck alone with nobody but his paranoia he goes crazy and ends up turning himself in to police.

a nazi bear want to fuck a nazi girl

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In the near future, a diverse group of white american traditionalists who are of the slave caste try to escape the racial tyranny of "New America" and make their way across the world to the last bastion of oppurtunity and freedom, China.
Along the way, truths are known, friends are found and lost, and the survivors each find their true homeland in the nations they cross over until the last pair of them, reach china, only to discover...


Post apocalyptic USA
1000 years after some sort of apocalypse, races have segregated and begun to display more intense differences.
A lack of oxygen makes fires incredibly weak, gunpowder nonfunctional, and the heating of steel for tools/weapons incredibly difficult.
Blacks can barely speak, are cannibals, and live in the concrete ruins of ancient cities.
White men have a few separate groups. Seafarers (think the Mariner from Waterworld), Woodsmen, and Miners. The miners are like dwarves, and preserve technology.
Asians are shore-scavengers, growing smaller and hunchbacked over time.
Mexicans went back to the desert and are now small, lithe, long-distance runners.
Jews have an enclave with advanced technology and lots of gold. They also subsist on human blood.

A Jewish scientist makes a virus that infects White people. It was supposed to make them passive but instead it caused them to be unable to emphasize with anyone who didn't share their state. Initially as the virus spread it worked well and White people were suppressed however as the majority of White people became infected a change occured. All of a suddenly the far right started to make dramatic gains, minorities found themselves unable to get real jobs and foreign aid budgets were crippled. The next stage involved far right death squads and public executions of the 'impure' minorities. In the closing stages of the novel the main character 'Schlemo USAberg' finds the scientist's base in Antartica far away from the New York it was initially supposed to be. It's completely abandoned. Strange ancient iconography covers the walls. Red cloth and backwards buddhist symbols are all over the place. In the deepest parts of the base the MC finds the scientist who started this all. A skeleton sits behind a podium with a huge eagle symbol behind his back. Thousands of skeletons are standing in front of their seats saluting like the Romans did. The MC pulls out a note from between the scientist's fingerbones.
'The Greatest Enemy was never the Jews but ourselves. With this we have been saved.'



Based /polit/

Checked and correct

I'm full of fucking useless info


Just write the truth and copypaste a redpill thread
This would make media sperg out enough

Post-zombie apocalypse, the world is entirely made up of undead.

The barrow wights are undead who have not decayed, have smooth, pale skin and have maintained human-level intelligence. The ghouls are undead who have decayed bodies and brains resulting in an extremely low, almost bestial intelligence, prone to violence and incapable of invention, and make up 90% of the world's population.

The wights have founded a successful city-state, Necropolis, and have allowed a few ghouls into the city for menial labor, but kept them separate from the general population. However, a mysterious group of undead have taken power and have began integrating more and more ghouls into Necropolis. This mysterious group is actually a different type of undead of which the people of necropolis have never heard of, liches, who appear like wights but need to feed on the souls of wights to survive. They know that it is only a matter of time until the wights discover them and cast them out, so they play the ghouls against the wights.

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“The Last Jew”
>In a future where Jews have been completely systematically wiped out, a neofascist officer sits down with the last remaining Jew before his execution to explain why he has to die.
Really more of a short story idea that popped in my head one day.

Get your own ideas you shovel faced heeb

a classic

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Someone have the screencap of the nigger novel

Fucking checked.
It would be produced and directed by Jews though.

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Dude, that is great.

Plot twist:

It's the jews deny the holocaust in mass and the German government goes into an autistic shitfit and exterminates all the jews for denying the holocaust

>first exc within 3 min at 18:56
>second exc an hour later at 20:00
>third exc 2 and a half hours after the last at 22:33
>fourth exc 3 and a half hours after the last at 03:39
That one's full of shit and is a faggot

That's a tapir
Basically an elephant/pig hybrid though lol