What explains that so many nigs and arabs are brought to Sweden, when Sweden doesn't have a colonial past ?

What explains that so many nigs and arabs are brought to Sweden, when Sweden doesn't have a colonial past ?

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ah coom

Sweden loves black cum

They are cukks.


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Several reasons:
1. They would accept it easiest
2. The jews have selected whites for extinction, particularly the Nordic type
3. Sweden was already degenerate and thus exceptionally vulnerable, due to having largely turned its back on Christ years ago.

Swedes need to turn to Jesus once more. And then begin slaughtering Muslims, kikes, and traitors.

>that pic

Because their country's been comfy and safe for centuries and because they're ashamed of their past eugenic practices, is my guess anyway

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it has nothing to do with a colonial past
it's white women
white women need a steady supply of black cock to be able to function

Because their highly socialized system has been very successful so they think they can help the world but they refuse to admit that it only worked for them because of demographics and now they're suffering for their mistake.

every even slightly white nation on the face of the globe is being destroyed with endless hordes of literal subhuman trash.

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soros working at a icelandic bank londonistan

Sweden has a long tradition of self-destruction.
During the thirty years war it depopulated itself harder than Germany despite not being touched by the war, but by simply recruiting fucking everyone into the army and have them die of dysentery in the German winter.
Swedish cuckery i their nature, it cannot be helped.


New Jersey + one or two Carribean islands. Jesus, the absolute state of French education.

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the colonial past thingy is a stupid excuse for white genocide and the real reason is that different nations have different levels of hate for niggers. sweden just happen to be thee country with the least nigger hate and because of that swedish people will go extinct like mammoths.
It just so happen that racism is actually a very healthy thing. .Now compare the swedes to the chinese - the chinks are racist as fuck and their numbers only grow.

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Look at who is in charge.
Women have a slave fantasy, where all men and black people serve them say and night.
Nancy Pelosi has a literal plantation and imports beaners to work the fields at below minimum wage.
Same in Sweden. The women have farms where imports slave away and the women get off on the power.

Oh fuck. Get a new spokesperson. This cunt said one thing on camera, one time and you morons latch onto it like God spoke to you on Mount Sinai.

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"particularly nordic type"
it's not about being nordic it's about the bullshit anglo idea of individualism that makes your societies easier to atomisation and spread of degeneracy

reminder that russians poles kicked out the bolshevik jews while you keep having them in congress and keep sending 38$ billion a year to israel

fuck off kike

We all know that a large % of usa posters are jews. What are you going to do now: change your flag to a meme one? if so: go with the libertarian flag - jews love it!

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Swedes are genuinely a race of retards. People like Hitler heaped praise on them for being Nordic but at the end of the day, they have hardly invented shit compared to the English or Germans.
They're cowards who haven't fought a war in well over 100 years.
They have a very infantile worldview that includes them feeling morally superior despite their incredibly minuscule accomplishments as a nation and a culture.

This is how you end white supremacy and white pride; you destroy and infect all examples of white success.

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Kek. It must be satiated.

Degeneracy. Gay and women needs a new fetiche. Same reason people fuck dogs or horses.

Sweden owned Delaware, and parts of Maryland, fun fact, the log cabin we know as Americana, was actually Swedish.
But still, that's not enough to damn a entire nation.

Take off the VPN Moshe, you're not fooling any one.

Because it's the whitest. To kill something, go for the heart or the brain.

Germany was the brain. Sweden is the heart.

She spewed out the agenda of American capitalist (oligarchic) liberalism. To create good, lack of identity and the culture consumers, and cheap work force as a consequence. Shithole creating plan filled with degeneracy and atomized individuals. And ofc, massively increasing automation would mean plans for reduction of population inherently, because who needs useless eaters, or the actual socialism or lowered work hours so more people are employed type of solutions. They'd rather have their cake and eat it too.

His left arm should be completely atrophied from lack of use. Minor detail really, but I've fixed it for you.

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>Vikings fought off the Roman horde
>Romans started having internal issues when Christianity rose up
>Formulated a new Rome hundreds of years later
>Swedes did a little converting thanks to already having fought off hordes
>Societal progress across all Europe
>(((Infiltration))) started occurring
>Tolerant Swedes did nothing to prevent it
>"Became Godless"
>Now they have an immigration problem
Let's face it, places that allowed the infiltration got it the worst. These places just so happen to be trusting "huwhites" that took in foreigners long before there was a black problem to acknowledge. They've lost touch with what it meant to be Swedes/Nords/Vikings. Losing touch with Christianity had nothing to do with it. Had the Swedes rejected Christianity to this day, they'd still be 99.9% Swedes, with the .1% being tourists that begged and pleaded to stay after their vacations were over.

As a matter of fact, you could even make the case that Christianity simultaneously paved the way for the formation of Western society, as well as its eventual destruction due to the morals imposed on the believing populace. Had the northern Europeans never embraced it, they'd have either been eventually conquered by the 1st Reich, or the 1st Reich would've just set the demarcation point, and left them alone to their ice fishing and fancy boats. But ultimately, it isn't even Christianity that can be blamed. It's huwhite people's "trusting and compassionate" nature.


>Vikings fought off the Roman horde

Based Catholic Rhinelanders BTFOing swedish protcucks. I'm proud of my ancestors

that's the whole fucking point, the jews, financiers, globalists, marxists had to go and destroy the very bastions of white people

See also how they love to target anythign maculine - the police, army, firemen etc - all are forced to accept women and go on gay pride marches

>What explains that so many nigs and arabs are brought to Sweden, when Sweden doesn't have a colonial past ?
Jealousy - (((ugly people))) want to destroy the beautiful ones.

(((They))) knew the Swedes wouldn't put up a fight

Just because an official account of Vikings being called Vikings by your (((historians))) doesn't exist before ~400 doesn't mean the same phenotype that would eventually amass themselves as Vikings didn't fight the hordes of Rome.

(((White))). Can't jews just man up, how much of a losers you are to lose with niggers, like really.

The truth is exactly what they tell you. Diverse populations are harder working more creative and more diligent. This benefits international investors. What they don’t tell you is everyone is less happy more stressed and live shorter lives because of it in diverse populations. They work their asses off because they are trying to accumulate the resources necessary to escape diversity


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It’s not about revenge for colonialism it’s about subverting western nations for the benefit of Globalist and bankers

Because colonial past is a fucking pilpul attempt at deflection.
The people with a colonial present didn’t have niggers all over their countries even when they owned half of Africa.
You ever see Balkan slavs all over Turkey ffs?
Imagine falling for this dumb shit.

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1) their cuckoldry
2) they care only about money, nothing else.
3) they see how rich New York & Californians are, and want to live alike. Hence multikulti-trend is the new Swedish culture.

No god, no faith, no wars in a hundred years.
Literally the best scenario if you want to puppet someone. Its not about colonisation either. All of the Scandinavia fucked up big time in 80s-90s with their "democratic socialism" and even though they try to limit social reforms, they are still suffer from their economic policies with nothing to bring to the worldmarket(tm) unlike Norway with oil and Denmark with medical shit. So they did the best 2 option: grab paper money from daddy USA and import shit ton of immigrants so they can soften the debt(which is spread between people)

>Jewish population in Norway
>Jewish population in Denmark
>Jewish population in Sweden
Good job taking in all the poor (totally not subversive, manipulating and damaging to society like the nazis said) jewish refugees that fled during WW2 Sweden. Good job, really.

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>you could even make the case that Christianity simultaneously paved the way for the formation of Western society,
nah, socialism is in the root incompatible with Christianity and don't believe any commie who tells you something else. Charity is Christian, socialism is commie invention.
It is said in the Bible "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."

What I'm getting at, that without socialism you wouldn't have migrants. And without wealth, you wouldn't have socialism. So ultimately it's the lack of problems and abundance of wealth, that caused the crisis for the West.

The worst kikes came here after the polish communists started purging them.

Sweden has grown fat and lazy off the backs of US military protection. Without having to spend money on military protection, they spent their excess capital on socialism instead of reducing taxes. This created entire generations of entitled, soft people very susceptible to SJWisms. They've also let their women completely take over the government, schools, and media to the point that men are now powerless to stop it.

So here you have a majority-white clean population with no real threats completely motivated by feminine feelz so all it took for a brown invasion was a few images of one brown child invader washed up on a shore somewhere.

As of 2010, the US had more jews than occupied Palestine.

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Swedes are cucks.

sweden was found to be playing a game and human rights groups were disgusted so they decided to ramp everything up. you see while white people will just pretend that 5 european UN members didnt gun down every one elses UN representatives a few years ago and then pretend everything was fine and stage fake un sessions with stock photos every one else knows it happened. this is what got europe in trouble to begin with

back to the point swedens game was to coax the nigs into raping a girl in school. this would lessen her value then the boys would pass her around. this was observed a few times and the swedes had the nerve to say they dont care what happens

so you can see how the flood gates have been opened. germany wont dare say they cant be dumped on sweden. now this is a disturbing thought for many small EU states. germany doesnt rule the world. they cant fathom it.

and i guess it should be stated that the older women in sweden were no better than boys in schools. they thought all the little girls must love all the attention (the victims love being molested) . there are so many lines they crossed in such short time it was actually discussed if they would be treated as america was for 2 years. a bio weapons testing ground. thats right for 2 years under obama any country could use any biological weapon natural or otherwise on america for trying to use aids grapefruit 5 times on other countries. incurable crotch rot tops the list of things that were used on america during those 2 years

Swedish are mentally ill

what if he uses both hands

1. Swedish policy is cucked, so once they get in Sweden, they can apply for fucking family reunification.
2. Swedish gov gives money to them.
Sweden is fucking degenerated


Who's the girl?


Sweden is fucked and evil on many levels, for example many of their political class own real estate, so lobby for more people to come in so they can charge higher rent.

I feel bad for Swedes who didn't want this and were overwhelmed by hordes of idiots among their own ranks. Any Swede over the age of 25 should remember what Sweden was like in the 90's, it was a byword for Utopia.

Now look at it, I'd rather visit Brazil.

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should be some sort of new giga-coomer, would require a redesign of the entire meme

All these evil Polish and Hungarian troops that colonized Africa in the past
Oh yes

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thx man

Didn't soros publicly admit somewhere that he actually was pushing for african migration to europe? I forgot where it was but im pretty sure it happened

>for example many of their political class own real estate, so lobby for more people to come in so they can charge higher rent.
What? This is just false
>Any Swede over the age of 25 should remember what Sweden was like in the 90's, it was a byword for Utopia.
Sweden was stagnant in the 90s. Sweden peaked in the late 60s, then the country become Marxist

Yes, of course, Sweden is so much better now than the 90s.

Except it was worse in the 90s due to the total economical crash. Ask any Swedish adult and they'll tell you how shitty life was during that economic crash

I know, terrible, GDP is everything......literally everything........even conceptualizing the idea of it not being everything is impossible even through the lens of sarcasm, it's just impossible.

>The idea behind deconstruction is to deconstruct the workings of strong nation-states with powerful immigration policies, to deconstruct the rhetoric of nationalism, the politics of place, the metaphysics of native land and native tongue… The idea is to disarm the bombs… of identity that nation-states build to defend themselves against the stranger, against Jews and Arabs and immigrants…

>Jacques Derrida

In his own words; Derrida, a marxist post-modernist philosopher, the father of deconstructionism and a jew.

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That’s one perfect baby-making scene right there

Are you actually retarded? People lost their jobs in masses, people's interest rates went way up, it was almost impossible to find a job etc. Life fucking sucked during the crash, but someone on Jow Forums wouldn't know anything about how terrible it would be losing everything due to bad politics

Also people lost their savings because the crown got devalued like hell. GDP is not a meme dude, when it goes down people really suffer

You're already losing everything due to bad politics and unlike an economy, it's fucked in a way that things can't recover so easily.

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You can survive and recover from a "bad economy," but if your people are fucked out of existance by invaders who hate you and want to dominate you, it's game over.

To simplify it by a large degree, the schengen zone of free movement combined with organized crime syndicates in southern Europe which make assloads of money on human trafficking bringing over third worlders to Europe who largely want to come here because of a successful propaganda campaign conducted by certain groups where fliers were dropped telling them about gibs in specifically Germany and Sweden.
Add to this the fact that when Sweden did try to shut down the borders because of the crisis the (((EU))) threatened to crash the nation.

tl; dr - Jews, and jew crime syndicates with roots in the kehilot.

It’s because it’s perfect. She’s Jewish, was living in Sweden, talked about how Europe needs to become less white and how Jews will be a powerful part of it, and then she moved to Israel where she lives today hahahah





Even Goebbels called Swedish men effeminate

Not as much as norway it seems

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> they have hardly invented shit compared to the English or Germans.
Kek, Swedes are probably the most inventive people per capita

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>Things that didn't happen
Also forgot to mention that Sweden was the main winner of that war

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>when Sweden doesn't have a colonial past ?
Tell that to Finns.

>"Never have I seen such a combination of uncontrollable dash and perfectly controlled discipline, such soldiers and such subjects are not to be found the wide world over except in Sweden."
>- General Stenbock
Swedes are probably the toughest warriors in history. Here is a comparison between the Swedes and the Poles that get hyped up at Jow Forums

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Your women do it on the daily.

Used to be. Inventivity can't save you know though,can it?

>Even Goebbels called Swedish men effeminate
This cuck? The Nazis regarded Nords to be the highest caste among aryans so cope harder mutt

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Apologies for my mongrel compatriots. Anyone who studied history knows Sweden got a stellar track record in warfare

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He did his job though.

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During and after ww2 all Norway and Denmark jews along with many others took refuge in Sweden where they eventually went on to dominate academia and the media basically Sweden got a triple dose of jews

We are still very innovative. Just google the most innovative countries on earth and Sweden is almost always among the top 5. However we used to be even more inventive than we are now, if it wasn't for the social democrats and their extreme marxism that started in the 70s Sweden would be the most superior nation on earth in basically every metric available.

Lots of jealous cucks envying Sweden here

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Nordics are the master race, their greatness is their weakness. If not even they can make multiculturalism work, it should serve as proof that it doesn't work.

Reminder that the reason Finland became part of the kingdom of Sweden was because western finnic tribes had begun to convert to catholicism and requested aid from the also catholic swedes against the eastern finnic tribes.
Shove your muh poor victims shit firmly back up your ass, and add a couple of lego bricks for good measure.

>burger math

Thanks, hopefully we will be able to flourish again once the social democrats finally lose their power in government after the next election
didn't they all kill themselves?

Yeah why don't anyone ever make movies about the Swedish Empire? That's some downright heroic shit!