>he prefers steel doors
fucking madman
Other urls found in this thread:
Kek. Based Al.
A quick rundown? What's going on?
Al from Home Improvement posting gas chamber memes
but what building is he talking about? or who was this vid intended for?
i dont get it ...
So trolls payed him to say this?
>Lets hope that this builing lasts...FOR CENTURIES
Lamao, you could just tell he had to control himself to not say A THOUSAND YEARS instead
yeah, clearly
This is literally a script he's been paid to read you idiots.
I don't think so Tim.
leave Al alone
So what are those chambers then?
He needs to be careful with what he says
jesus christ this is fucking OUTSTANDING.
thank god for ignorance letting this happen
but i feel bad for karn, he seems like a decent guy who is now going to go down in history.
I need Heidi busting out of a SS uniform with her busum pic NOW
delousing chambers. kikes are fucking dirty and lice infested.
This pic is doing weird things to me.
how wehre link help
i need source of pic i need her sooo much
did he open by saying shadilay?
kek twitter memes getting spicy
You can pay celebs like $50 to do a 30-second personal message video. Richard Karn got tricked into doing a holohoax joke because he didn't get the "wooden doors" meme and now people are ironically memeing him as based and redpilled. Same thing I think happened to some sportsfaggot and a message about the USS Liberty.
DIY gas chamber
Michale rapaport needs to be fucked with.
>He is such a douchebag
Imagine getting him to say some 1488 shit.
>In 1488 Columbus sailed the Ocean blue
>So (insert name here) could be with you.
>But back to reality, 7% of his love could be the cause of 50% of your happiness
>So buckleup the bucko, the ride never ends, and once your here your here forever
Just some spitballs