Redpill me on Ecofascism

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You need to read Teddy Kaczyknsker

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Teddy wasn't an Ecofascist. He was a technophobe..

Searching for that name only yielded this thread.

He is talking about the Unaburguer.

Read Pentti Linkola’s “Can Life Prevail”, check out Kaczynski’s works for a more realistic alternative and check out for good anti-tech discussion

It's like the hippy movement, but more cool for the average Jow Forumstard.

Yeah OP theres a good wikipedia article on it:

What is the Ecofascist solution to the Jewish Problem?

Any and all fascism is retarded.

There. You've been redpilled.

Hi Herschel

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Deffo he is the most essential read.

Unobloomer guy... you knowies Teddy?

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Meme flag's opinion isn't needed.

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This. People have lost faith in democracy and the only thing keeping it together is that not making revolution is more convenient. If there was a legal way to make the transition into autocracy, it would have been done a decade ago. Democracy should only be used as a safety net if no suitable leader can be found.

Plant a tree in their corpses

a nation grows from its soil like a plant. if the soil is not defended from all threats the plant dies. it also helps to note that the term "ecofascist" originated as a slur against deep ecologists who had a brutally realist view of the human population problem, specifically the explosive growth of certain kinds of human who have no regard for their environment nor desire to limit their numbers

These anons get it

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Destruction of disaster Jewish capitalism that sacrifices the future for the profit of a few kikes and propagation of a new race of la atrocidad consumers

It's hella boss, yo! Totes bitchin'! You should join now, bro. Totes for real 'n shit!

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Here's a simple logical puzzle that proves fascism, or otherwise statism is the only valid answer.

You own a gaggle of niggers. You want to be as successful as possible. Are you going to make the most money by enslaving them, forcing them to work, depriving them of any form of dignity, doing anything that is necessary to ensure that they produce the greatest amount of labor/yield possible? Or are you going to set these niggers free, you're going to give them rights, give them respect, and presume that somehow, by removing any constraints upon the system, you are going to produce the highest yield possible.

All people are niggers at the end of the day. It's the same shit as owning a dog. You're going to end up with a shitty dog if you don't forcibly exert your power over that dog, train and condition that dog to be a good dog, or a working dog. You're going to end up with a worthless fucking dog that barks all day, bites anyone, shits in your house, and frankly doesn't give a fuck because you never conditioned it in the slightest. People are animals, that's the end of the story. The method of producing a high quality person is exactly the fucking same as producing a high quality dog. Freedom is the antithesis of civilization, it creates wild feral dogs at best, if not degenerate dogs that can't survive in the wild yet act as burdens upon their owners, shitting everywhere, barking endlessly, attacking people, producing no value, and always being a nuisance to society.

You're literally a dog saying "I would rather shit endlessly in my owners house, bark all day, attack people, destroy things, and provide no value to society rather than be a functional, respectable, valuable, and lovable dog." Every problem in your society is caused by freedom, if people didn't have the freedom to be problematic, if they didn't have the right to be a problem, a nuisance, a burden, then there wouldn't be any fucking problems. Keep on coddling those degenerates, faggot.

Just another camp of virtue signalling idiots who think that ideals are as good as action.

You mean every human. There is no subset of them that seeks anything but total exploitation and domination of their environments or limited resources.

yes, the ELF were such harmless virtue signalling idiots that the bush administration expanded domestic terrorism laws just to include their sabotage operations

it seems pretty cool

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kind of makes it hard to explain the existence of environmental protection laws anywhere, doesn't it?

They ultimately accomplished nothing but setting a few diesel fires as a nuisance. No policy change other than identifying themselves as idiots.

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yea hes more of an anprim from what i understand.

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One aspect of National Socialism. A big one, at that.

Are you a journo like this who went to ask about ecofascism on leddit?

Those laws were enshrined by forward thinkers with the means legally and also as a consequence of research and tragedy. The primary means for environmental protection has been the human cost when they figure out they made mistakes such as in the Love Canal incident.


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no. natsocs arnt at the level of actively controlling their tribes air water food and environments genetics to the point of putting people in green house micro cities. eco fascists are at that level of understanding and policy.

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yes but he's an important read

niggers can't into trees

read these

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it's really just a modern version of Blood and Soil

Learn proper punctuation if you want to be taken seriously enough to be corrected when you are wrong. Such as now.

Read the middle two first. Both relatively short books that are interesting reads.

eat my fuckin hairy ass and floss with my pubes senpai.

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Wow. What a thoroughly unexpected reply.

Whatever you say Mahmoud

>here's logic
Proceeds to lay out fallacious hypothetical.
Jesus fucking christ.
All totalitarians get the bullet. No exceptions.

this guy gets it. and if you have to pick one go with linkola, he's basically a murderous henry david thoreau

Greta Thunberg Nudes is Ecofascism.

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Fuck is this gay.

the book is good though

they wouldn't even be that good. shes disgusting for loli standards desu

Then deep fake. I want to pack her pigtails and take her doggy style.

you guys need better propaganda this stuff sucks

I made the text bit more noticeable.

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that's an internal prop image not an external one

where the fUCK can you get neuadel in english.


top kek

Asking for Greta's nudes is gayer tbqh

It's of a final kind.

its a kike hiding behind a memeflag... dont you get it