What happened?

What happened?

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>What happened?

they still make scooters?

Obviously you live in the sticks. Not making fun of you, but those fucking scooter things are everywhere in the cities.

Scooters are cheaper, and you don't need a garage to put them in. They make perfect sense for city dwelling hipsters.

>What happened?


Attached: 2019-09-23_11-04-33.png (503x333, 432K)

Jews, helicopter parents, everything needs to be save. A generation of absolute pussies that is afraid of their own shadow and rather watch someone do a thing tipping them $20 on twitch for it than going out and actually doing something.

this is the correct answer. Gay Pride. Queer eye for the straight guy. Bake the fucking cake. 'Metrosexual'.
Faggotry went mainstream, and now a regular guy that acts like it's 1985 is considered some kind of regressive for doing regular guy stuff and finding faggots disgusting.

>expensive bike
>needs a parking space
>uses gas
>need a licence to drive
>maintenance costs
>unsafe and heavily regulated
>need to wear bike gear and a helmet like a retarded faggot
>cheap as shit
>carry it in your hand
>no gas
>no licence
>no maintenance
>no insurance
>not regulated, you get to annoy both the cars on the road and scare the shit out of pedestrians on the pavement
>no need to wear a helmet like an aspie or any faggy bike gear

Scooter chad vs bike virgin.

I haven't used a scooter since I was like 7 years old, grown people ride them around?

LBGTQ paradies and tranny movements

I’ve lost control while driving my car and hit a bunch of those scooters.

I’m not even mad, I don’t care if I have to pay for repair my car, at least I’ve trashed some scooters for good.

I didn't know Serbia had gay pride parades too

U actually need a licence for electric scooters in Bulgaria

Last time I was in Denver I saw two Lime scooters at the edge of an alley and I tossed both of them right into the dumpster.

Mimic Tom Cruise's behavior in the movies, and that's what you get in 2019.

>a fucking scooter

Dude chicks cream themselves over a sportbike rider in gear.


We tried beating the shit out of them but they're apparently into that whole thing.

That's kinda retarded. What about electric bicycles?

>What happened?

deregulation and trickle down economics is what happened.
