How do we fix Christians?

How do we fix Christians?

Their hearts are in the right place, but they sure do make us look stupid

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Oh and Evolution isn't real.
Look up the term " Missing Link ".
Evolution is still considered a scientific theory.
Theories remain theories until they're proven.
Evolution is not proven.
And it should have been considering the nature of the theory.
I'm a Christian and I'm seemingly smarter than you is all. Not my fault. Have a nice day.

Why do we still have monkeys then?
> checkmate

Gravity is also a theory

At least evolution is a theory. Giant old man in the sky is pure fantasy.

Yes but gravity is an abstract concept.
With Evolution all you need is a skeleton preserved in the middle of it's transitional period.
We don't have one.
It's been over 100 years since the proposed theory. We've been digging all this time.
This isn't a theory like relativity.
This is just something that's easy to prove if it's real. You just dig and find it.
We haven't. It's not real.

What's with the boomer spacing?

>Giant old man in the sky is pure fantasy.
Yes a " giant old man in the sky " sounds like fantasy.

listen, the fossils were suspicious, the DNA is the nail in the coffin.

>We don't have one.
all skeletons are transitional

>How do we fix Christians?
Blame the Irish?

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>all skeletons are transitional
No they're not.

>all mutation is evolution
what's ratcheting?

Mutation rates in prokaryotic cells are calculated per cell division and when you look at what causes mutations it is mostly spontaneous replication errors. Replication is amazingly accurate because fewer than one in a billion errors are made in the course of DNA synthesis. So when bacteria propagate themselves they rarely produce new genetic features and when they do it's harmful, genetic mistakes that aren't beneficial to the organism (typical mutation rates for bacterial genes range from about 1 to 100 mutations per 10 billion cells, which is practically nothing).

A huge amount of genetic information and an enormous number of cell divisions are required to produce a multicellular adult organism. Even a low rate of error during copying would be catastrophic. A single-celled human zygote contains 6 billion base pairs of DNA. If a copying error occurred only once per million base pairs, 6000 mistakes would be made every time a cell divided and those errors would be compounded at each of the millions of cell divisions that take place in human development.

Neurofibromatosis is a disease that produces numerous tumors of the skin and nerves. It results from mutations in a gene called NF1 and it shows how synthesis of DNA is a complex process, fundamental to cell function and health, in which dozens of proteins, enzymes, and DNA structures take part in the copying of DNA. All you need is a single defective component, such as a DNA polymerase and it will disrupt the whole process and result in severe disease symptoms.

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yes they are


As an example, HIV’s reverse transcriptase is very error prone, giving the virus a high mutation rate and allowing it to mutate rapidly within a single host. This rapid mutation makes the development of an effective vaccine against HIV very difficult.

You think this proves evolution is real according to your mental gymnastics. But it doesn't. All it does is prove that HIV rearranges its nucleotides. It doesn't evolve into something else. It's still HIV.

There are different mutations, by the way, like somatic and germ-line. Somatic mutation arises once in every million cell divisions, and so hundreds of millions of somatic mutations must arise in each person. Many somatic mutations have no obvious effect on the phenotype of the organism, because the function of the mutant cell, even the cell itself, is replaced by that of normal cells. However, cells with a somatic mutation that stimulates cell division can increase in number and spread. This type of mutation can give rise to cells with a selective advantage and is the basis for all cancers.

But germ-line mutation can be passed to future generations, producing individual organisms that carry the mutation in all their somatic and germ-line cells. When we speak of mutations in multi-cellular organisms we’re usually talking about germ-line mutations. In single-cell organisms there is no distinction between germ-line and somatic mutations, because cell division results in new individuals.

By default, bacteria should mutate more often, developing into new organisms by the millions but you still don't see bacteria evolving into other types of bacteria or even multicellular organisms for that matter.

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Teach them that we're the Real Jews now

>he says while supporting evolution

cucktianity is dying don't worry, like a hangover the only cure is time

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>he says while denying the overwhelming evidence for established science because a Jewish book told him Gud created man from dirt

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Fuck off, Jews are evil, the Jews from the bible were genocidal assholes and freaks, I don't want to be a kike because it's putrid to think about.

Any souces? Cause its if its true then that would probably mean that we are actually de-evolving
>tfw those edgy de-evolving memes from 10 years ago are actually true

We can’t. / thread.

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We do have them though.

>he says while posting Richard Dawkins

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