What exactly do some white women see in niggers?

>shitskin check
>nappy nigger hair check
>nigger stone age iq check
>more ugly than frankenstein's monster check
>mentally unstable,prone to violence check
>talks only about muh dik,kfc, and niggers throwing balls check
>plays loud nigger music everyday check
>pumps and dumps women check

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Muh dick

Its mostly just Americans

>"fuck you dad"
>"shitskin peepee big, my brain small"
>"how progressive"

Niggers are fashion accessories, like small dogs in purses.

Even if what you said is true, it's still preferable to white incels (right wingers).

I very rarely see interracial couples, especially WFBM. Its either fat white bitch settling for Jamal, or in your OP pics case money. You could be half retarded with a missing leg you'd still be drowning in pussy.

White right-wingers are more alpha than left-wingers

good arguments incels

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Same reason why pretty girls take pics next to their ugly friends. Comparative beauty/narcissism.

Also fuck your b8 thread, white women are statistically the most loyal race and only the mentally ill date niggers.

They're like zoo keepers trying to tame a wild beast. If they can civilize the negro It shows their skills.

Also most of these women also funk dogs so it's a form of beastiality more than anything

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its the same reason they like big ugly dogs. The idea of controlling a beast

Why do you care about my virginity, are you a pervert user?

>pumps and dumps women check
That right there is what women see in niggers. Women get flowing like a sluice when a man treats them poorly.

A lot of young black men really dont give two shits about politics outside of "man fuck trump, lets light this joint". I wouldn't exactly paint them as political opponents because a lot of them dont vote either, or cant because of a felony.

Literally masculinity but because they can't find that in their husbands.

Is that Jordyn Jones

When you say white women you mean white whores. No sane white woman would go near a primate like that no matter how rich or macho he was.

I sage you with love, but I think the nigger iq is key. They don't think a lot, so women feel really on the same level. Also, they can't project into the future, so women see this as confidence. Also, propaganda tells you you're cosmopolitan and tv-worthy if you pretend niggers are humans.

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That very clearly looks like a prom dance group/get together. So this would be high school. I dont think money is the case because the girls parents probably have money.
>its up in the air for the nig, they always are buying fake brand name shit or actually spending all their money on it lmao.

>another racebait threat

have to coom i guess

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Blacks tend to be bold and confident, women like this in a man.

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Transgression and sometimes vengeance.

He's not wrong user. Why do you think women fall in love with men who hit them, who *know* how to hit them because their society did not amputate their animal side.

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>Memeflag creates race bating post, even though WFBM is very uncommon

What a suprise

Maybe they dont choose them not based on their skin colour but actually on their personality? like they actually like them for who they are ??

It's a way to piss off daddy, then they regret it.
Really separates the whores from the based and redpilled qts.

That looks like a white kid with his skin painted black and a wig.

This. White women, unaware of their nature, are too masculine to be attracted to the feminized white men that they created, so they seek it out in immigrant invaders and uncivilized nigs.

It's basically fashion.
Women conform to fashion trends a million times more than men do.

That's all it is, (((they))) have pushed coalburning in the media and stupid women fall for it because it's hip and cool.

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They care about fashion
They care about gossip and drama
They spend hours on their hair
They like jewellery, shiny things
They are easily influenced by adverts
They got to have the latest accessory

Am I talking about niggers or woman ?

Emotions are illogical.

It's the taboo affect of Jewish propaganda and social engineering. Females are very easily influenced by social pressure.

Jews glorify niggers in music/, entertainment, sports etc so females think they are desirable male partners. It's not rocket science but social engineering.

The Jew glorifies

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It is common though mate, not as common as the (((advertisers))) want it to be but in terms of mixed race couples it's definately one of the main ones if not thee main one. Sad but true, these woman deserve no sympathy when one chimps out or leaves town.

See it as our race cleaning itself by producing half breed repelents.

THey feel sorry for them. Women think they can change people or the world, they really cant

I hate niggers just as much as the next guy but this is pretty obvious. Primitive biological instinct plus Jewish cultural subversion.

Kek...some of those girls are Jewish.
What are they doing to their own people.

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Women will conform to whatever they're expected to. If the west became white, anti immigrant, and pro family and was promoted as such, women would immediately conform. Their whole world is centered around rising the social ladder, the key is that they rise whatever ladder is in front of them regardless if it's ultimately hurting them. If they're brainwashed to believe the agenda, they are powerless to resist the influence unless their is a counter narrative. Seeing other ways of life as uncool, unhip, or weird is the bane of a women, they don't want independent thought if it means they are ostracized. You add all this up and you can get to some pretty freaky situations women allow themselves to fall victim to. They aren't to be seen as lowly animals of course, but naive and easily influenced, they must be led down the right path even if they don't agree, they do not know better.

I'd assume the latter, but the niglit could also have rich parents or even adopted. Bill Burr does a great joke about how never trust a black guy with dirty shoes because the last thing a brother is giving up is his shoes. Also looking at the picture again it makes me wonder if the reason rich black kids have a higher crime rate than poor whites is some type of need to prove they aren't uppity uncle toms.

Oh no, you are retarded

They are the forbidden fruit. They know they shouldn't, but they are naughty. And nigs treat them like caveman and cavewoman style and for the purpose of sex they enjoy that and then they get older and are roastie toasties and hopes for a stable family diminished

Women like animal behavior in men, ever notice the dudes who got detention always had women around them?