Let's have a thread to discuss voting and the general development here.
As it seems, by the last votes we're allready on the path of getting our guns taken and being remote controlled by the EU. Might be a little exagerated for some, but I guess, I'd rather prepare for the worst, that to just assume all going well.
The current Campaing of the SVP, actually said, what I always thought. I never acctually thought, that a Politican, nor a party would ever dare to say that. Obviously the parasite uproar was there, but didn't hold on long tho.
Since you assholes gave up your gunrights you are factually a member of the EU.
Jeremiah Morgan
Not me, lefty parasites etc. Unfortunately seems like that political power will lead to that tho.
Xavier Williams
Its over for the swiss people. Their ancestors gave their blood and sweat and tears to be FREE. The modern mountain jew votes away his right to possess Arms for the mere prospect of shekels.... Shame on the modern mountain jew...
Grayson Peterson
Once you have lost your freedom, there is no way to get it back... Except you fight and die for it... But then you vote away your gunrights.... Now you are fucked.
true tho. It's just the media liking it and repopularising it. Like they do with all the fake science/studies etc. Unfortunately the shit is so big, that even formerly respectable scientific institutes go sjw.
Owen Phillips
There you go... good EU member... Do as (((They))) please...
Ryan Morales
Yo swiss peeps, am i welcomed if im conservative/right and can integrate into the local community, however that may look? i ever wanted to live in the berne oberland, being a good man to my fellow people.
Lincoln Stewart
By most swiss and swiss conservatives, yes. I also just don't want too many immigrants generally. But theres more and less preferable immigrants.
Lucas Baker
im blue eyed dark blond good looking chad type :^). swiss people are really friendly to me until they hear me talking hochdeutsch, then everything nice is gone and the just hate me. what can i do about it?
Jaxon Taylor
replied to myself..
Thomas Wood
Probbably be nice and get to know them better. Easiest way, is probbably, to allready have swiss friends. Not beeing a neet helps :^)
Nicholas Ward
Just fuck off and leave... We are full....
Isaac Bell
Who is that cunt..?
William Long
i made really good swiss friends over the years and they told my i look and am like a stereotypical almöhi. what they like, but also i cant for the sake of my life speak schwitzerdeutsch. i will try my best. i will become a swissbro
i like sektion chuchichäschtli. are they still a thing in swiss?
Brody Thomas
Kei Partei isch wählbar, alles paijas wo kei ahnig hend.
Wahlzettel chasch gradzueguet als azünder bruche zom cervela brote.
Jayden Anderson
>sektion chuchichäschtli never heard of that desu
Brayden Edwards
Wafflebro here. I'm already here. But I'm a shut in neet. I'm also in a town that's overrun with fugees and migrant workers and where hardly any true swiss live outside of grandpa's Anyway hiked an alp with a swiss girl saturday. We talked about the birth rates. Appearantly you need to pay 70-130 CHF per day to get you kid into childcare? Holy motherfuckers. Because those childcare ladies/ahmeds only take care of 5 babies max??? And they need to be in this type of care until 5 because kindergarten only starts at the age of 5? Thats almost 100k on kindergarten costs only! And when kids finally go to schools there arent any facilities to eat lunch at, so the mom needs to be home at noon? And since the woman needs to get a super flexible job she often gets fired or laid off and there's no law that prevents that. And to top it off there's been an increase in pensions and a decrease in child allowance. Also the dad gets 1 day off to relax and enjoy his child, lol. WTF switzerland, how will you ever get those birth rates up?
Rule 1) less pensions for fucking boomers who've ruined the west and hope saima's and ahmeds will wipe their ass once they are old. Rule 2) less taxes for people under 40. Rule 3) kids go to school from 3-4 Rule 4) Daycare sizes of 5-10 babies per caretaker Rule 5) raise children allowances to something fucking respectable. A lot for the first and progressively lower for the subsequent kids. (those cranking out 5 or 6 are probably ahmeds trying to take advantage)
Leo Campbell
Naja, accelerationismus isch es meme und funktioniert nid. Mer müesst, zum zwecke der vorbereitung, s grosse problem am beste so lang wie möglich no useschiebe.
i know, liked this stuff way back in time but never the less it reminds me of a good time. these songs are just whining like little bitch faggots..
Isaiah Garcia
>Take women's rights away, is rule 1. You think that is possible? I know they only got to vote since 1972 which was based, but I think feminismus has shitted all over your little mountain nation as well. Waffleland is definitely too far gone to try and push that.
Owen Cox
Ursli reporting in
Oliver Bailey
if one can extract the commie shit from the thought of humans can be good, its kinda beautiful what humans are for what they are. the live, the wonder of a newborn. but then, europe is a socialistic shithole and the swiss banks are gaming against the euro in a big way.
John Martinez
not a swissdog, just wanted to say that's a cool pic.
>zum zwecke der vorbereitung I mean in Germany they voted their rights away, back in the 1930s, allready. Well, kind of the men's too. Yes, but it's also "eternal struggle" thanks :^)
GP11 isch subventioniert, also hed egtl. meh wert, wemmers so nähmt.
Joseph Jackson
>vocaroo.com/i/s1rQSi340sz7 cringe but its ok. you are little offkey, work on your singing bro. you are singing in your neurotic voice not your real one. google neurotic holding pattern.
Nicholas Price
de roger isch eifach en jude, dank em thiel weiss ich das. un die huere ex bundesrätin dreifuss isch au vom glichä schlag gsi.
Easton Gray
Is not me. I belive, (if it is the version I meant), that I pulled it from the html of some abandoned swiss patriotic site,which I found after googles result page 2. I tried to find some good version, with all or at least more of the lyrics sung.
That's the best I found at that time. Someone really should make a nice version with the whole text.
Jaxson James
based af
Zachary Long
De hends ez überall komplett abgsaget. Wahrheit isch verboten.
Angel Wright
meinsch de thiel oder de schawinski?
Joseph Martin
De Thiel
Ethan Davis
Eigentlich würd ich lieber lega ticinesi wähle als svp aber die trättet ja nur im tessin a. Pnos is mir eifach vo de optik her, zu fest uf national sozialismus. Nöd, dass das schlächt wär, per se, aber irgendwie zu sehr alti rächti.
Jordan Diaz
>Based Aeschi calles out the leftys on wasting the tax payers money. >youtube.com/watch?v=6hO67Ct8uYI did they film this in an Apotheke?
It’s going to be a landslide victory for Green and Green Liberals, don‘t even bother
Ryder Lewis
>It’s going to be a landslide victory for Green and Green Liberals, don‘t even bother if happening you mountainjews are lost give up your nazigold, childsex laws and pay for the holocaust
Christopher Morris
>childsex laws Wat
Josiah Moore
the Greens are known for pedophilia >every age needs love
Das ist doch die deutsche Grüne, nicht unbedingt direkt das selbe(obwohl die Tendenzen wohl stimmen) Wie man bei ihnen aber sieht, wird Pädophilie nicht durch eine Diskussion des Alters, wie es z.B. evangelisch feministisch christliche Amerikaner denken, sondern direkt über die Normalisierung von Sexualität, in einem eindeutig pädophilen Zusammenhang(e.g. 5 jährige stimulierte mich und so), gemacht.