Why not just post this instead of IOTBW? IOTBW changes nobodies opinion, and they think it's white supremacy. (which doesn't exist)
Why not just post this instead of IOTBW? IOTBW changes nobodies opinion, and they think it's white supremacy...
And nobody cares because there isn't a porn pic.
No one is going to stop on a street corner and spend two minutes reading that. You could make the equivalent 'JEWS OWNED MOST SLAVES' poster, but most people won't give a shit because their feelings about race aren't based on anything but their emotions and guilt. Most people will never wake up regardless of what you tell them, it would take them being exposed to the truth of the situation at a young age and even then it may not stick.
I don't know, I've been reading that website and it's pretty powerful. And the meme, if a person reads the first paragraph, will go to the next one.
Because normie programming shuts off anytime they see a wall of text.
Messaging must be simple and to the point.
Because IOTBW is already difficult reading comprehension for most ghetto niggers, let alone an entire page to read.
Even if some random nigger did happen to read it and understand it he would never admit it was true or otherwise they'd lose their victim status. Niggers just don't have that kind of intellectual self-honesty that most non-niggers are capable of.
But when you give them IOTBW all of a sudden they become deep thinkers.
And fly directly in the face of their brainwashing. Most of their programming was successful by exploiting their emotions. But you can't argue with your emotions without eventually realizing you are wrong.
I think maybe you are a racist and you enjoy the belief that blacks are as stupid as you claim. I don't know either way because I don't talk to them, but I doubt you talk to them yourself.
Something simpler would work this might be to vague but it has to be something simple that doesn’t take long to get the message
Look at it this way, even if black people are easier to convert because they need a scapegoat to explain why they do so poorly compared to other racial groups, but they're still only a minority of the population even if you woke every single one of them up, and it's very hard to fully do that because the truth of the matter is that their situation is their own fault more than anything. Even still, as much as they hate white people, they're ineffective against them. It would be a similar situation if they hated Jews and little would change.
With white people and people with very high empathy, they had to constantly reinforce racism by being over the top, otherwise indifference would win out, which is what led to our current situation. Posting signs showing hypocrisy may help a bit, it's not nearly enough to move them. I don't know if there's anything that will truly change things around, we're fucked because of our design, empathic people who were stupid enough to think that everyone could feel the same way as they do. It's likely going to take more than posters. We can't even get the most racist generation alive to support us, and they're dying like flies.
>not going to read
just like a retard who needs a brand logo to tell them what to do
I absolutely would, don't care that she's black and 95% plastic. If she was younger and still had a good 10 years of fertility left I'd marry her.
>We can't even get the most racist generation alive to support us, and they're dying like flies.
Sounds hopeless to me. They want their dystopia, and they will get it. The whole world seems to be turning communist, or am I wrong?
The most effective leaflets are ones that trigger leftist cognitive dissonance. The entire reason "Islam is right about women" was so successful, is because it made leftists painfully aware that they cant criticize islam's mistreatment of women.
Sure buddy. A lot of them have Orwellian double-think; being able to hold two (or more) contradictory opinions at the same time. Logic and truth don't work against them.
The leftists are past saving. But the normies will easily see their doublethink.
You need a quick slogan. Something that can't be read and understood at a glance. It won't change anyone's mind though. The final redpill is that normies are in fact cattle.
if you distributed that throughout the hood in leaflet form, you'd start an uprising at the speed of a tachyon
Blacks redpilled about the big J get a pass on being called a nigger.
> When Germany and England and America will long have lost their present identity or purpose, we shall still be strong in ours.
Maurice Samuel
Jesus fuck.
I'm not sure, it seems like it's going to turn into something else anyway if technological advancement keeps improving to the point where most people will not be able to work, due to inherit limitations of human intelligence. At that point we're either looking at the government providing basic income or the corporations we buy shit from, but that could actually be a good thing for us because it means more people get a little less hungry, less motivated and often times that means they get less aggressive as well. No one is immune to the diseases of a first world lifestyle and the slow creeping of indifference. The boot on our back may be lifted to the point where we could get something done, even if it's just starting a community of like minded people in the huge tracts of wilderness we do have left. There's enough space and resources out there for everyone to flourish, maybe one day go on to colonize somewhere in space, with a healthy few hundred light year gap between groups.
Maybe we should be happy that we could see the world break. Most humans in history lived with the only major piece of news being some king or tribe leader dying with nothing but brutal work that they had to get done in order to see the next day. Now there's little work to do and all the time in the world to watch what happens as we speed off a cliff.
Another Jackson on the list
>is that their situation is their own fault.
I doubt it. Someone told me there is a documentary about the CIA bringing in drugs to destroy the black population, don't know what it's called though. And the music industry these days id deliberatly destroying blacks, while they think they are being empowered. In fact, they are being groomed for African style Communism against white's. They already vote 90% Democrat (socialist). Maybe the war is lost.
And fucking Alex Jones is such a beta. His entire show deliberately avoids (((racism))) by proving how non-racist white's are. And he never calls out the Jew, except mossad sometimes, then that's it.
>There's enough space and resources out there for everyone to flourish
You just don't get it. There's us, and there's THEM. Their constitution is evil, they own the world almost completely, and they want to complete their task now that we have the technology to create a world of slaves. They will ban us from nature using Agenda 21, and only the elite and the Jews will be able to enjoy such a thing. They will be immune from laws and persecution, and the world will be totally theirs. History will be erased and rewritten, and it will by like every dystopian book written.
I more meant in a general sense, not the specific mechanisms that make their lives worse, but I'm sure the CIA had a hand in that. They were never going to be able to compete at the same levels as whites in western nations, it wasn't in the cards for them because they developed very different than say Europeans that needed to be very intelligent just to live through the winter. Even today in areas of Africa mostly untouched by Jews and white people alike, they'll still act abhorrently with very little regard for others around them.
Don't get me wrong, I blame white people for a lot of what we allowed happen to us as well. It's a "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" type situation. We should have known what would happen with such high levels of moral decay and idealization of these destructive behaviors.
They're still losing control of the world. Countries like Russia and China already started to disregard them and their billionaires have started flooding the world making their own way to subvert the masses. There's only 15 million Jewish people globally, it's not even half the population of Canada alone, and the vast majority of them are just useful idiots. Of their elites, they're losing their religious ideals that made take such terrible actions in the first place and have generally just started to concern themselves with making money above all us, minus the support of Israel.
In the future, we'll have as big as a problem with Chinese billionaires turning the world into a dystopian hellhole as anyone else. We need to start watching all of them as a collective entity.