why are the lowliest white men constantly under attack through this constant vilification?
Why are the lowliest white men constantly under attack through this constant vilification?
dumb gorilla marketing
so they're going to profile white people
(((Barclay))). Also when was being virgin a bad thing? I suppose it is to kikes. Since they keep pushing degeneracy.
>no source
They're desperate for a real huwhite shooter, they get fucking mad when you point out its schizo Jews shooting schools, try it on the YT comments section and see how quickly you get brigaded by hasbara trolls
Start at the bottom, and get into that "at first the came for" situation.
By the time it's too late, it's really too late.
how can i spot members of I.N.C.E.L.
>why are the weakest people in society, the ones who have no power, no support and no connections, the ones that will never retaliate when attacked, constantly under attack though constant vilification?
Gee, I really wonder.
>Save the planet, drop social media
Social media uses gigawatts of electricity to run its server farms, for no other reason than to promote narcissism.
ah fuck
Because even the lowliest white man is worth more than 100 white skanks, 500 homos, 100,000 niggers and 6 gorillion yid pedos.
anons surprised normies are scared of the clowns
fallen into your own memory hole so sad
>Violent tendycies
Nice work op
The Media Entertainment Industrial Complex is literally trying to get society to the point in which young, weak, white men are being constantly bullied, beaten, and killed. They will openly admit it if asked.
You can tell from the first few poorly written sentences that it's fake.
fucking lmao
nice work OP, you are a tremendous retard.
tendycies, nice bait though.
I too like to eat tendies
These people have been trained in many different types of warfare, my friend. They're not so easy to take down. I found this picture on an obscure Russian forum depicting some members of this supposed INCEL team, but I am sure these guys have alternate personas and false passports. They lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike. Many people online claim to be a member of this elite INCEL group but I doubt they're telling the truth.
The InterNational Chastity Enforcement League grows more dangerous everyday anons.
How do we stop them?
all it takes is people to look like mega incels to be excited in line and say shit about what they will see in the movie about what happens and to get these "vigilante group" people nervous to accost the person for a fun lawsuit against the group, the media outlets that created the fear about the movie, and the theater
>let me axe u a queshton about ur tendycies
... that American education, though.
You spelled "jews" wrong
Yep. I saw a pic of one in a wheelchair with massive spikes on his wheels. Holding a flamethrower. No one is safe. Have sex.
We will have our revenge
The thing that baffles me is how most of pol loves cops killing negros however when its on the other foot they whine and cry.
if actual clown frens started committing violence...
all the weird normies. all the paladins. all the wanna be cops. all the good soul pacifists and emotional man children
are dressing the fuck up as batman
and they will patrol these cities. harrass clowns. and eventually, beat these hypothetical clowns into cultural oblivion
This just sounds like it’ll attract them and give them ideas. What happened to not giving shooters a platform and name? This is CIA encouragement, period.
>pol loves cops killing negros
gotta source on that you dumb shit? gtfo
Little do they know that The Incelebration is not going to be mass shootings in the theatre but rather the Day of the Rape.
Because of Jewish privilege. Turns out nations that worship a religion that contains Jewish genealogy, they end up handing them positions within their own countries as they go on to give more positions away to other foreigners and promote/allow automation to displace the host race of said nation. However, the Jew ain't gonna take on a position that can't influence them to their advantage. That's why it's always through the same facets.
Trump literally has family related to him that is Jewish and is his senior advisor as Trump always finds himself surrounded by Jews.
Homelessness is increasing simultaneously as the economy grows. In fewer and fewer hands of course and they systematically and continually promote (((their))) agendas.
>This is CIA encouragement, period.
nah i've seen incels saying this since day one.
Fuck off we're Patriots and we stand in front of the thin blue line
>"a growing demographic of angry white supremist virgins bent on disrupting a society they feel has forgotten them"
>"Normally these people are easy to ignore"
Do these fucking idiots have no concept of cause and effect?
oh well thats enough proof for me. this guy has seen it with his own eyes on the internet. the one place the cia niggers dont dare go
>terrorist groups forming to harrass straight white movie goes at premiere of new joker film
Priming for genocide
well spotted
Based leaf. Protecting the beautiful western civilization from these ugly white virgins.
Thank you for your service
Do it fggt.
they want men to strike out, so they can make more articles about how evil they ware
I sincerely hope the harass an armed incel and goad them into legally killing some normal fags. You can't impede on anyone's ablity to see a fucking film shitbirds.
Fuck its an inside job article that was our "dog whistle" I hate that term is there a less faggy term for a "dog whistle"?
>is there a less faggy term for a "dog whistle"?
Um that pic or story or whatever you want to call it is complete bullshit.
how is it bullshit?
>lowliest white men constantly under attack through this constant vilification?
>they smell
>terrible hygeine
>bad breath because they don't brush
>typically obese
>cringe women out so you can't invite them to parties
>incessent whining
>too poor to be able to do anything
i could go on but then i would be writing a book.