Is the solution to the UK's mass cuckery by all those mohammad loving sorts the unbridled passion and virile ferocity of Celtic men?
But i am an english and ginger.
>its already succeeding
come home arturian man
I have jet black hair, light brown eyes, and red tinges in my beard. The fuck am I? Don’t you even dare posting la goblino either.
Britain and Ireland have the highest rates of ginger hair in the world, not Ireland alone
you carry the ginger gene, many people do.
Same. How do we convince people we are redheaded descendants of red headed viking BVLLS user?
You aren't English, look at your flag
>tfw also English but with freaky mishmash of brown hair blonde mustache and carrot red beard
Is it a sign of purity or muttness?
>tfw look like a norf fc drawing
>don't know my hair colour cus im bald since birth
There lies... potential within you.
I have really dark hair and green/orange eyes and my facial hair grows in red except for the mustache and chin hair
Niggers will never know what its like to be persecuted for being ginger.
Ginger Natsoc Pagan Gamers are the most oppressed class of individuals
The struggle is real.
God blood
Ginger beards are pretty common
They already know
I mean it is true i can lift more than you and beat the shit out of a couple of you at a time
>t. Souf
Blonde/blue here. I started getting red tinges in my beard a few years ago aswell. An aunt of mine was a full red-head, and you clearly have ancestors that were red headed.
I have hair that looks black but it's actually dark brown. Same thing with my eye color. Barely have facial hair, but from the lame stubble that I can grow, I have a small amount of dark red hair in it.
> Dublin schools 80% foreign born
I have the red in my beard too.
Have a ginger mother and sister.
Jet black hair and green eyes myself
only a tiny percentage of people here are ginger. it's a meme.
Maybe your great grand daddy bred with a kuruminha
Your flag doesn't mean you're English either MacDonald
I have rust red hair with black tinges on the sides and brownish facial hair. Ancestors say my family comes from Ireland, Britain, and Germany. Coolest thing is I can trace my Germans side back to the 1600s.