Hey Jow Forums what is your opinion on this romanian political commentator ?
Vee theread
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Is that how you spell "literally who" in vampire?
> Romania
> GDP size of Nicaragua
> 3rd world shit-hole
> 16th century Turkish rape babies
> 98% of population darker than Mexicans
Romania is basically Africa with Electricity
pic related
2nd worst export behind Dallas.
>GDP size of Nicaragua
We have 12x their GDP
> 3rd world shit-hole
What do you understand as third world?
> 16th century Turkish rape babies
Coming from a 21st century turkish rape baby is funny
> 98% of population darker than Mexicans
Get a job vee, you're not clever and far from honest enough or qualified to talk about what you do.
Bună ziua Vee.
I like your videos, they're pretty good commentary, but I would like to see some original content and not just "Vee reacts to US news for clicks"
Would also like to see more about Romania contrasted with the rest of the world because Romania has a really interesting history.
But that's just me.
inb4 kys kike shill
>Romania has a really interesting history.
he's still active? I unsubbed from all the IBS crowd except Jim and JF
I remember him trying to "prove" that the alt-right was organizing against him on 4+Jow Forums /cow/
not realizing that they were just fucking with him
extremely low iq
Interesting when he tells his communism stories - those are insightful, but the rest is pretty much the same the other anti-sjws are doing.
I also liked his Dead Space vid.
He's my favorite alt right commentator.
I'm sure he is one of the Romanian anons and lurks/posts here.
bruh, you need to raise you T. Start lifting immediately. Your takes are merely tepid snickering, like a teenage girl. Also use your chest voice or gut voice, no more of this falsetto shit.
I like your videos, vee. Especially stories from Romania. Good stuff.
But, don't shill yourself here. It's classless. Eceleb threads are cancer, and you know it.
Ignorant anti-communist shithead.
He's fucking annoying
t. romanian
>talks about a not very well known e-celeb
Hi Vee
Center right e celeb
Oh hi vee, hows life been treating you?
Has the stepfather thrown you under the bus yet to go hang out with the fancy politicians or are you still kept around like an abused GF?
>16th century rape babies
Any proof of that? Significant genetic similarity will suffice.
The constant raids and rapes they did.
Why the fuck would they raid anything if they already had a monopoly on our markets and taxes that reached 80% at some point?
Because the soldiers were horny and didnt have wives?
Moldova and Wallachia had a special status in the empire that prevented colonization and stationing armies for significant periods of time. Everything was done through diplomacy and trade. Raiding your source of shekels just because some soldiers are horny would have been retarded
>vee for vore
this degenerate gets the gas first
Because they army had free reign and there are multiple instances where they invaded both regions to get people?
Are you thinking of crimean tatars?
Not only tatars but janissary forces.
Hes as smart as he looks
Here is the last uprising that happened
Hi Vee, is it true that you don't have to pay taxes the rest of your life if you have 4 kids in Romania? ...or was that Hungary?
Imagine being romainian...
Romainian: imagine being moldovian
Moldovian:imaging being transdinistrian
Transdinistrian:imagine being Russian, god i wish I was Russian, Putin sama pls notice me
kys vee
>lol wtf why is our overlord sending armies
Pig screeching in his fat whingy neck.
I hate this goblin mutt.
US dem lapdog.
Its know their army was doing the same in balkan especially bulgaria but compared with them our women didnt killed themselves after they were with child.
I wish 8 would come back so I can have my IBS general and talk about gay faggots all day.
> Literally half turkish half black
> Says shit about Romania
Irritating ballrider.
Can't stand this fucking gypsy's voice.
Met/Heard plenty of Romanians. He's the only one who sounds like a genuine cartoon character.
I like his voice. Makes me laugh.
This. Sqeaky voice makes me laugh. Makes his jokes more fun
don't care, just give back Transylvanian to Hungary as its its rightful clay
I think he sounds pretty informed. He has a lot of books in the background at least. He's smarter than Tim Pool imo
>Interesting when he tells his communism stories
have you actually read those books vee?
I like him. Sometimes he analyses unique subjects or mainstream subjects from a unique perspective (e.g. the ex-Soviet era POV). Also his "centrism" is the least prevalent (unlike Sargon or similar tards), which is nice.
This thread is shit and you faggot euros are trash for ruining the board with it.
the Holocaust didn't happen
Imagine fanboying for such a mental midget as Sargon of Akkad.
>be Sargon
>play a dnd campaign about going on crusade
>players never go on crusade
I'm a loser for knowing this
Literally who?
But I wish it did:(