The shit that happened under him, the shit he signed into action, the shit he agreed to do even before he became president was essentially the true "final" nail in the coffin for The United States of America.
You can basically pinpoint the beginning of the true downfall of the United States to the mid-to-late 1960's, when this cocksucker was in office.
Some can make a strong argument for 1913, but the Kennedy was on his way to dismantling that and Johnson already agreed that he would do away with virtually every intention Kennedy had thereof.
This is arguably one of the most evil men that has ever walked the earth.
Few even realize that 1913 was set up by 1871 - in fact, wouldnt have been possible without. Can also note the sacking of the Virginia statehouse as the opening salvo of 1812 to prevent the ratification of the original 13th amendment. Then note all of the corporate law that wen into the books in the early-mid 1800s. Set the stage for the corporatization. 1913 was just where the gravy truly started for them.
Liam Long
Johnson was just them stepping on the accelerator, with a big mark also coming on 911. Spystate to 1wg was the capstone for all of it. Fucking scary how close they are. Were. (hopefully.)
Evan Wright
Please inform an ignorant user, what happened in 1871 that set the stage for 1913?
James Russell
>signs the Hart-Celler Act >dooms America to eventually become a majority non-white nation
Fuck LBJ. If hell truly does exist, then I hope that he's suffering for eternity.
Eli Phillips
>kills Kennedy >creates the welfare state >kills Americans killing Vietnamese >doesn't even want to run again based Remember kids, Nixon was the worst president ok lol
The USA as a sovereign nation ended and became the epicenter of globalism after ww2
Colton Ross
>This man may very well have been the Antichrist. He was a crypto-Jew. What else would you expect?
Goddamn kikesucker singlehandedly destroyed America for his beloved Jews.
Nicholas Russell
I don't understand the accusations people make that x or y is the antichrist. Isn't the antichrist supposed to be liked by basically everyone? That almost no one is immune to their lies? I mean here we are.
Jack Peterson
While Senator: - Amended tax code in 1954 to force churches to restrict free speech or lose tax-exempt status - Pushed the creation of NASA in 1958
While President: - Fake civil rights fight, opposed bill as senator but then pushed it as President. - CIA culture war: drug-fueled pop music (Laurel Canyon, etc), feminism - Vietnam war, experimental killing grounds for drafted U.S. men, and cover for CIA drug trade - U.S.S. Liberty attack to frame Egypt, was actually done by Israel. - 1965 Immigration act - Removed Social Security from isolated "trust fund" and put it into the general fund so Congress could spend it. - Great Society (boomer crack) : Medicare and Medicaid - Fake moon missions filmed by Stanley Kubrick.
"In 1967 the IMF approved a plan to create SDRs (Special Drawing Rights)-a new international reserve asset-to support fixed exchange rates. Plan is implemented in 1969, in First Amendment of IMF Articles of Agreement. In 1968 Congress repudiated redemption of all forms of "lawful money" in silver, thus turning Federal Reserve Notes into a fiat currency domestically for the first time."
"The college system went downhill in the 60s, when colleges started to diminish the teaching of Classics and began turning into glorified business schools. The problem was further accelerated when the hippy curriculum of psychology etc started to rise. All of the above is covered in the Classics, but in a more serious, holistic, and academic manner. The Higher Edu Act of 1964, part of Criminal LBJs Great Society Programs exacerbated the problems by introducing the student loan programs and thus allowing pretty much anybody to go to college."
Logan Richardson
Nobody ever mentions Victorio Peak.
Angel Watson
Not liked so much as in awe of. "This can anyone stand against him???"
LBJ was a very bad man for the US, yes. But, as the FPBP points out, this shit was in motion long before him. LBJ was just a nail in the coffin. It's not like we weren't warned.
>kills JFK >sends boomers to die in Vietnam >admits modern welfare is for niggers to vote Dem >actually used “niggers” when he said it >still beloved by boomers
Leo Robinson
Congress basically never lawfully reconvened after the south seceded. Lincoln instituted martial law & appointed new representation to any rep who didnt basically return at gunpoint. Civil war was not about slavery at all, that is a total history rewrite. It was all about the City of London's financial inroads and excesses/infiltrations into the north. 1871 is the "end of the civil war" which culminated in the Acts of 1871, which established things like the 14th Amendment, which unironically was not an amendment made to the OG constitution, since there was a different name to the document which reflected its corporate facsimile nature. An old copy of the US constitution was found in Maine that had 13 amendments and was labeled "The Constitution For These United States of America" and the original 13th prevented anyone who had a foreign title of nobility or such things, from having US citizenship. Which also unironically would have prevented the BAR Association for ever having formed in the USA. Most people dont know that BAR means British Accredited Registry, so basically spelling right out that our law has been captured by the City of London.
The 14th Amendment was thus made to a Corporatized forgery set up by the Acts of 1871 - and all subsequent "Amendments to the US constitution" have been made to this corporate forgery. The 14th Amendment did not free slaves, it made slaves of us all, it made us an underclass. This is precisely why there are dual sets of laws, one for the plebes, one for the connected. This is also why "technically" you do not ever owe any federal income taxes since they are as written odious to the Bill of Rights (and Marbury vs Madison tells us it is thus automatically null and void,) but good luck in plebecourt on that, because that is why on legal documents your name is spelled YOUR NAME and not Your Name, because its not the same friggin thing even though they sound exactly alike as pronounced.
Charles Brown
tl;dr when US went Corporate, there went the constitution. how else do they enact blatantly unconstitutional things (social security, johnson, patriot act, obamacare, regulatory superstate,etc) and Marbury vs Madison doesnt immediately eject them at SCOTUS?
when dubya said its just a goddamned piece of paper, he was referring to a goddamned forgery that stole our birthright and our nation from us.
Jaxson Ward
Wasnt the biggest opponent to the Fed assassinated at the time? i can never remember the politicians name but I think i read he was poisoned?