Did he tell the truth?

Did he tell the truth?

Attached: Bob-Lazar.jpg (600x800, 204K)

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Looks like a pedophile.

Bob Lazar? To lazy do duckduck it. Anyways, there's no way of knowing. But one thing's for sure -the world is not what we're told in many ways.

i think he's full of shit

Well he is still alive. That should be kind of a hint.

Lazar couldn't even convince Rogan. That's a pretty low bar.

>subscribe to Netflix and watch the documentary and learn the truth!


Absolutely not. he's been debunked to high hell just do basic research reddit fag. stop watching Blow Rogan

He's a patsy. He was shown some stuff and dosed with scopolamine.

Interesting you say that, just saw this today

Imagine destroying your life by bullshitting about ufos

he literally said things existed in the 80's that didn't come to be public knowledge until 30 years or more later so....

the government still raids his business/home trying to get that element he may have stole

>Well he is still alive. That should be kind of a hint.

This. If Epstein was killed in prison with a million eyes on him, there's no way Lazar should be alive while walking the streets anonymously.

No Bob LARPzar.
Actual 'UFOs' and manmade
Ayys are fake and gay.
Couzinet's disc 1955
He died 6 days after this was published in the news.

Attached: couzinet07.jpg (650x509, 130K)

both of these statements are false misnomers. do better research on the fraudulence of his story then come back

He's got a netflix movie. Whaddya think? Limited hangout.

Another man made UFO
Astro V Dynafan (VTOL) 1964
By Astron Kinetics corporation

Attached: Astro-V-Dynafan.jpg (600x477, 113K)

Government raid his office because he was making a proscribed chemical. I have the FBI warrant.

Attached: FBILazarSearchWarrant.jpg (470x616, 90K)

I believed him, but now I don't know.


>man made UFO
NASA Pepp Aeroshell

>man made UFO
>NASA Pepp Aeroshell

Attached: aeroshell-02.jpg (600x305, 55K)

There are some strange circumstances to his stories that support his claims but then again I have to imagine if it was legit they would have most certainly killed him. People have been suicided for less.

The whole idea of “no one will believe him” seems pretty optimistic to me so I doubt they would have relied on that if he actually did see what he claims.

Basically to me the whole thing doesn’t add up.

Yes. He identified an element 15 years before it was added to the periodic table. His description of UFO flying characteristics matches what was seen in the recently released F18 footage.

> There's no way any atomic physicists were studying theoretical stability of nuclei of high atomic number elements and realized 115 is a good candidate

> The only way to explain is that Bob had direct revelations from viewing alien tech

Non STEM people are borderline retards

I'm pretty sure he's completely full of shit. He says he's an MIT trained physicist but he talks nothing like one and has the lexicon of a person who isn't an MIT trained physicist.

also some of the shit he says is just fucking retarded. Like he said the FBI or whatever found out his wife was cheating on him because they were listening to his tapped phone lines 24/7, because muh top sekret no leaky beaky. That would imply that there are thousands of people with their phones tapped being monitored 24/7, by people who must have top secret clearances, who must probably also be monitored, etc etc

it's just a fucking retarded story. It's bullshit.

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Stephen King is a writer of fictional stories, silly

Nope, straight up lied about his education, cannot be believed with anything after that.

hey dumbass anyone can identify element 1xx because it's literally just the number of protons in the nucleus. In the early 2000s the entire 11x were 'known' but never observed in a lab, until people gradually observed them for a fraction of a microsecond before they deteriorated

So what are these new videos released by alien rocker man?

Laser propulsion pic drone
The lightcraft technology was created by Dr. Leik Myrabo with NASA / USAF

Attached: Lightcraft-03.jpg (400x499, 43K)

looks like Stephen King, so...

To be fair, It was fairly easy to predict the coming of Element 115, as the elements are numbered in order.

every publicity stunt he has ever done was to promote his SHITTY chemical website which he can't even manage to run legit and that's why the FBI goes after him. It conveniently makes it look like "the FBI harasses him" in reality Bob Lazar is a proven pathological liar who hyperbolizes and obfuscates facts into weird retard talking points for brainless conspiracy theorists. I just hate this guys whole shtick because my mate who claims to be this edgy skeptic completely falls for it because he's a depressed alcoholic who spends all his days on twitter

NS 97 Northrop designed 1950

Attached: NorthropNS97-1.jpg (600x402, 29K)

Sometimes it's easier to just call him a nut. With all the fake stories and "whistle-blowers", if one has merit it does matter. You cannot really know which one. Muddied water. Everywhere.


No. He's Jewish

Attached: LazarTheJew.jpg (956x419, 53K)

actually my friend who is a biochem major at Boston University fell for it too so i think people are just basically retarded

So basically, at this point, we've learned:
>Yes, he was telling the truth
>No, he wasn't telling the truth
Why do I even come here? Fuck me dead. I can learn about Tibetan soap carving from other forums.

I can post all day, 'real UFOs' are ALL man made.
There's more proof in antiquity for flying dragons than flying discs (zero).

Attached: Ulyanovsk_ALA-40.jpg (835x539, 104K)

No. I agree with theory that he was doing some non alien based classified shit. He got caught fucking around with his friends there and used the alien story to get enough media attention that the government couldnt fuck with him.

Hes been keeping it going since for the protection the attention gives him and money.

When will non scientists learn?

Oh, he predicted it? You mean there hasn't been research done on superheavy elements for longer than you have been alive? You do know the story of Germanium, no?

Here's a 1981 article about superheavies including 115. How is that possible if the belief that 115 is a semistable nuclei is evidence of alien knowledge?


Alleged site for the infamous Die Glocke.

Attached: glocke_site.jpg (480x360, 36K)

The elements are prediction by science long before we actually make them.

Artists rendition of Die Glocke

Attached: glocke.jpg (564x564, 22K)

holy shit, a talking macaco!

>t. glownigger
He's probably full of shit on all the UFO stuff but the gov trying to cover up him being an employee gone rogue and leaking was too hamfisted and left a paper trail. He's been vindicated for years now on his education, employment history, and security clearance.

I listened to Dolan today a 2017 talk, 15mins in I caught him repeating three lies. Why are 'Ufologists' such lazy bullshitters?

Does the periodic table still have the elements on the end with the dotted border symbolizing that we made them and they dont naturally occur on earth? Some of them were faded and I think if i remember right those were the elements predicted to exist that we have not made yet.

He actually said this multiple times during the Rogan interview, but only when Rogan was leaning in on him, after having tripped him up with a subtle point of logic. Yet the rest of the interview (which was LONG) he acted perfectly comfortably. I saw no signs of any headache at all. Lazar is too pathetic for words.



>has the technology to travel gormillions of lightyears
>crashes on earth
Yeah, sure.

You "UFO's are made by humans" guys are going to need some convincing theories on certain hows and whys. Pictures aren't really enough to convince people.

Best real UFO pic, this was a NAZI inspired disc in Barra da Tijuca Brazil in 1952.

I bet he's a kikel.

Well i listened to the Rogan interview with Lazar and Lazar failed to convince me too, so what Rogan's credibility may be, Lazar still strikes me as the phoniest con man I've seen in ages. He makes Trump look like Hans Gruber.

Guess who got a hold of Telsas journals....

I too fell for the Alien psyop... till it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Was Jacob not a "deceiver"

>Best real UFO pic, this was a NAZI inspired disc in Barra da Tijuca Brazil in 1952

Attached: Barra_da_Tijuca_Brazil_1952.jpg (600x679, 105K)

rent free

He’s just a good liar

>Did he tell the truth?

He's a kike

Attached: 4534.jpg (917x785, 187K)

People don't want to accept that the whole UFO thing is a product of Hollywood and the CIA as a psyop to help push one world government bullshit.
Just ignore the connections between Laurence Rockefeller and the aircraft industry, and his interest in UFO's. Ignore the fact he funded the disclosure movement.
There is no good Rockefeller

Attached: 040711_laurance_rockefeller_vsm.grid-4x2.jpg (308x453, 19K)

Attached: 1569028023800.jpg (920x1077, 170K)

why dont these kikes just change their names when disinfoing
such arrogance
at least alter it to something like, rocafella


Attached: 294d593df55efa2355c6989790716b59e73475f920c2102d58098837d5e4a4c4.png (1068x614, 914K)

It is perdect cover for human testing and and drug induced suggestability (aka brainwashing); the subculture around UFOs ia the perfect testing ground for PSYOPS. It has all the stuff the elite love

They don't care the people are goyim, cattle, and regardless of how many people do the research and show its bullshit the idiots still lap up the disinfo.

glad the veil has been lifted.
Nazis made flying discs because German are brilliant engineers and NatSoc freed Germany from the kleptocratic central bankers.

List of Nazi flying discs
>Viktor Schauberger, Repulsin A&B Model doscoid motors,Forced by SS
>Henri Coanda Lenticular Flugscheibe Forced by SS
>Rudolf Schriever Flugkreisel Projekt Heinkel Employee
>Richard Miethe Flugkreisel Projekt/Elektrische Luft Worked for; SS, Canada
>Tubine und Raumschiffe (V-7) USA
>Klaus Otto Habermohl Flugkreisel Projekt Worked for SS
>Guiseppe Belluzzo Flugkreisel Projekt/Turbo-Proietti Axis Cooperation
>Hermann Noordung Wohnrad Space Station Independent
>Franz Philipp Sonnenstrahltriebwerk Flugscheibe Independent
>Heinrich Focke Fw Schnellflugzeug Rochen Independent
>Josef Andreas Epp Omega Diskus/Pirna Flugscheibe Independent/USSR
>Arthur Sack Sack A.S.6V-1 Independent
>Gerhard Faulker Flugkreisel Projekt/Feuersturm Worked for SS
>Henrich Fleissner Dusenscheibe Luftwaffe at Peenmunde
>Alexander Lippisch Aerodyne research Independent/USA
>Hermann Klaus WNF Feuerball Worked for SS
>Richard Kraemer AEG Kugelwaffen Worked for SS
>Winfried Shumann JFM/RFZ Series Thule-Vril-SS E-IV

everything else is bullshit, disinfo, the glocke was likely a reactor to power a disc.

Attached: manMadeUfos.jpg (1077x992, 846K)

didn't know he was THIS cucked...

Didn't know about the elite kike connection, I should have guessed. I'll look into that.

t. ufo autist.

He's clearly very intelligent, which makes a good liar.

the fact there was an effort to "erase" his records lends credibility to his story

No, his story doesnt hold up to any degree of scrutiny. This motherfucker has no proof he even went to MIT. What he never got a diploma? Never took a picture with any other students? Never even bought an MIT sweatshirt or something?

Have you actually read some of his books? Go read IT.

I think he may have been a CIA agent at worst, or just a LARPer. I think the later chancing his hand.

If he could also identify the isotope that would give his story enormous credibility but of course he can't.

My current working theory is that since a paper trail has popped up and it's clear he is a physicist and did work there is that he had clearance as a private contractor and was just a retard. Bragging to his friends and showing them where to view test flights and when he got caught the gov instead of killing him used him as a disinfo asset. More mirage men bullshit. He's been a "de-personed" ufo quack for decades with no meaningful employment and living as a side cult figure that ufo media really doesn't touch yet somehow has been living a seemingly financially comfortable life.

>You "UFO's are made by humans" guys are going to need some convincing theories

Flying discs and were made by Nazis.
The Soviets got the designs before the US.
The CIA made up the ayys bullshit.

glowniggers are strong in this one
>muh he never went to MIT
as if some fucker from noodle board would know

He's intelligent, but I'm not sure he's a good liar.

>didn't know his MIT masters thesis paper
>didn't know name of his lecturers mentor
>didn't know the names of his fellow students.

I did, King is crypto pedo

Yet he can't remember what his MIT master's thesis was about?????! I would have that framed on the wall and wank to it everyday.

>underage gangbang

It must have been a different time for that to be crypto. I bet he got along real well on some of those hollywood parties.

lol your glowing shilll....i was almost convinced he was a larper but then you just confirmed its all real with your bullshit cover-up of mass surveillance

I agree. His whole story was a cover for his affair which led to his divorce anyway. I really enjoy listening to him though, but he's a good storyteller.

>Muh flying discs are ayys
Has anyone noticed the US and Soviets dont make flying discs anymore?

Attached: ekip3.jpg (700x493, 492K)

>Consistent story
>shut-in, trying to live his life like the rest of us
>hates media attention
>hasnt made money off of it
Seems solid to me

He was raided by the FBI for making / selling Thorium, which is illegal. This was found in a woman who was murdered. See the FBI warrant here. Nothing to do with Ayylmaos, or secret-exotic-fuels.

All UFOs are man made, aliens are bullshit CIA explanation for USAP technologies

Attached: 5xT6ycy_d.jpg (601x799, 99K)

>psst kid you buy some brain cells?

It's theorized that the B2 thanks to electrogravitics has upto a 30% weight reduction.

Wow. Glowfuckers have taken to pol/ to discredit the man.

He's telling the truth. He spoke of a sub-compound within Area 51 called S4 back in 1990 before most people had even heard of Area 51. The existence of S4 has since been confirmed. How the fuck would he have known shit like that if he wasn't there? How would he have known where and when test flights would occur? How would the people who did his background check and interviews remember him?

Stop listening to Rogan's idiot grug friends. What insight do they have into anything besides shooting steroids into their arses? "Muhuh he looks like he doesn't even lift. Can't trust a pencil neck like that"

Pretty much a non-country, user

No. After checking the fag he's a complete charlatan. Every crime he's been busted for involves fraud in some way. I wouldn't trust him with in a room with the mere concept of money.

Jow Forums doesn't believe Bob LARPzar.
Only boomers and zoomers

He worked there yes. They appear to have been working on particle beams. The ayylmaos shit is something he made up when he was caught violating the classified area there. Its just a story he made up in order to avoid getting fucked by the government.

But what if the man made UFOs are attempted copies of the real UFOs?