Meloni and Orban
How come Hungary and Italy are such good frens? Is that the flags colors?
We are both bad goys and don't like cultural enrichment.
We italians got buttfugged in last Salvini's attempt to get rid of M5S though.
Hungary and Italy had good relations for many centuries. there was an Italian legion who fought in Hungarian wars of independence, and Hungary had very good relations with Italy under Mussolini era (eg Hungarian-Italian Treaty of Frenship 1927)
And of course this famous Italian anti communist pro Hungarian song
>female leader
She's got more balls than Trump in openly addressing ETHNIC REPLACEMENT, mutt.
but she is tho
Orban sucks jew dick
le epic diplomatic travel pictures dumped by a memeflaggot.
let me guess: are you a fucking leaf?
keked and checked
Women are often the strongest supporters of whatever their ideology is. Since they operate chiefly on emotions rather than logic or reason, they double down on their beliefs when challenged. The secret is to indoctrinate them in their developmental years so the teachings sink in and become crystallized. Look at ISIS: they had an all-female wing of their religious police devoted to policing female behavior, burkhas and all.
Le 56% has basically destroyied americans.
Aldo this
2 milioni vis
90% chance she’s a coalburner. Italian American women are our most notorious coalburners. I say this as a Hungarian American. Stop trying to steal Orban’s thunder. Same shit with Salvini. A ton of talk and ultimately cucked on every boatload of niggers that turned up. Meanwhile Orban has never allowed so much as a single boat of niggers to dock in Hungary.
t. seething ajax fan
>I say this as Hungarian American
Shut the fuck up mutt, she already had a white blonde hair child with an italian BVLL.
Fuck off mut you will not spread hate between us, we will only hate you.
To be fair to Meloni, she browses /a/ and Jow Forums, so she is more based than 99% of Euro politicians due to that alone.
>not allowed a boatload of niggers
either this mutt still thinks Fiume is still part of Hungary (based) or he is confusing countries.
>90% chance she’s a coalburner
Don't always make your deducitons based on your own women.
>browses /a/ and Jow Forums
I don't think so, but either way she was into fantasy and loves Tolkien, and she also shares weeb memes that people send her on Facebook.
>all these swarthy berber rapebabbies calling a pure turanid magyar american a mutt
Eastern Adriatic is Magyar clay.