Apologise. Right fucking now.
Message to Switzerland from Sweden
God please smite the Sweden and rest of Scandinavia
I'd rather women get paid for sex than raped by goat fuckers.
>Maybe we used to be brutal vikangz
Swedes know from birth that they wuz VIKANGS
It's funny because they look soft as shit. Not a drop of vikang in them anywhere.
Most of the women in the video were probably already raped by migrants, and a few of those men stabbed or beaten by the same.
Id rather live in Switzerland. Also its pathetic how they even mention Vikings when they are literally melting down viking artifacts cause they are considered outdated garbage.
>majority of prostitutes can't quit, but want to
Because they got used to a luxurious lifestyle? Escorts earn a lot of money.
As an american, switzerland is the hot chocolate place and sweden is the nobel prize place, right? I know you've got a nignog problem these days, but hopefully you're gonna go all viking and fix this soon.
Tit's or gtfo femnigger
At least come over into swiss general
Did he say “8 percent of prostitutes want to quit”? Or is he trying to say 80? Because if 92% of whores don’t want to quit in Switzerland they have higher job satisfaction than lawyers...
Regardless, I fucking hate Swedes.
At 0:15 "but will do".
Kek always a meme flag.
>inb4 fucking leaf.
Found the vikang.
Whatever race inhabited Sweden before the current ""swedes"" moved in are long gone.
swedes are subhuman filth. i'm ashamed to have swedish blood in me.
fuck Sweden
Never apologize to lefties.
>Comments are disabled for this video.
i guess they don't want us pointing out the rape and violent crime statistics and demographics in (((Sweden)))
what the fuck!
Self righteous fucking mongs.
The sooner that place is blacked the better. I'd rather have a state dominated by Islam next door than these fucks.
Sweden is being raised by a feminist single mother.
Is every nation of warriors doomed to breed faggots eventually?
I want to punch every swede and nigger in that video in the face.
>from sweden
more like "from a select ((few)) people that have the audacity to claim to speak for an entire country in an effort to push their agenda"
>in Switzerland prostitution is legal, we here in Sweden allow our women to get raped for free. Please do something about this Switzerland
based Switzerland
Success breeds jealousy SmugKallesKaviarGuy.jpg
Also that is an add, which is payed for, by a local feminist organisation.
except for thouse few payed swedes, sweden hasn' t too much to do with it.
lol made my day
Stop spreading falsehood.
Here in Sweden it's forbidden by law to be a criminal.
What the fuck did he jump into
No, not anymore, at least, since 1971.
LIkes/dislikes are also disabled
Sweden envious of dem darkies in Switzerland
>Switzerland Immigration Statistics 1960-2019
you misspelled whores somehow, edumcantion ain't what it used to be
in case you wonder - "porn star" is just a whore on video, just a friendly pilpul awareness public service - don't thank me
Hanging is too good for feminists and male feminists.
Hard labor without rations and safety equipment, or you start your own Nordic Unit 731.
Why is Juha Mieto in that video?
nope, they gonna roll over and die out
So, if a man pays a woman for sex, which implies they both consented to the activity, it is illegal in Sweden and the MAN goes to jail? That'd be like sending a drug user to prison while leaving the drug dealer out free. I can understand if you send them BOTH to jail, but if you HAD to send ONE person to jail, shouldn't it be the supplier of the thing you are trying to prevent? The drug dealer in my case and the prostitute in the second case.
Man, I fucking hate the left.
Also, I thought the left was pro-prostitution.
Jesus, these people is dump...
For the military government of my country, these shit Swedes went to my homeland, took all the people from the worst Valparaiso Ghetto and took them to Sweden saying they were political refugees.
You can imagine the amount of thieves, drug addicts and people of low IQ who took away (even now, any chilean can note that kind of chileans there).
And the same thing continues, it is easier for the dumbest and less qualified people to find work in Sweden, than someone who graduated in engineering from the best University in my country.
I understand that you don't need chileans engineers but is stupid take the worst of every country.
Fucking degenerate Sweden trying to lecture Switzerland. I've lived 10 years in Sweden.
It's like a dirty, disgusting bum trying to lecture the business guy about his suit and tie.
Go fuck yourself, Sweden. Apologise to your own citizen first. Then we'll talk again maybe.
Don't know.
>Comments are disabled for this video
what do?
Download and reupload
the funniest thing is switzerland ain't what it used to be, banking secrecy is gone and their central bank:
I can't stop laughing at this song played on radios, yeah sure Saint Tropez, aha, don't mind the text, like at all, anyways, their central bank is literally the biggest hedge fund in eourope buying stocks bonds and everything that's not nailed down. And, they house the plague that is eating away sweden, aka mountain j***s moniker. Aalways found sacdy politics cringey, was not disappointed.
The Swedes were a different stock. The real Viking death squads came from Norway and Denmark. The Swedes were more tradefags and explorers.
Sweden is more blacked than America.
From the looks of it, it seems to be one of those play houses for children to screw around in. I'm guessing it's too small for that particular obstacle or he was screwing around and just fell through the tiers.
Either way, one of the funniest gifs I've seen this week.
they unconsciously wat to erace themselves, too much good times, even the nobel idiot kinda forshadows it with what he did with his fortune
>4 4s
Swedes are mentally ill.
How are the Jewish slave traffickers and pimps supposed to make money then? Banning prostitution is anti-Semitic.
god i fucking hate the swedish arrogance
Based. Another wonderful example of emotional leftist propaganda.
Switzerland's law is made by the swiss people. Nobody else. Fuck you Swedish leftists!
On behalf of my country I am deeply sorry for the constant stream of steaming hot shit that is excreted from the libtard, globalist, sjw bumhole that is modern day swedish "progressiveness". Thank you for understanding.
Ffs I hate Sweden so fucking much. That whole "I'm a cuck and not only am I proud of that, you should be ashamed of yourself for not being as much of a cuck as we are" attitude is so fucking rage inducing it's not even funny anymore. Sweden is like bait on a national scale except for them it's serious
You seem to have a stroke or cerebral hemorrhage. Please call the ambulance
Yes he's retarded unfortunately
This. Also the reason why sugar babies exist.
steaming pile f shit smells less in cold climate - it's gonna take some time till they won't be able to claim any superiority
just wonder what sort of goes through j****h mind when they say - i'm gonna make sweden brown, a mixture of excitement and evil laugh followed by no fucking logick at all mmaybe?
I feel for you Swedebro
He fell into the eternal pits of hell.
sleep depriivation gn hf
Do people actually mix up Sweden and Switzerland?
I think you need to make a program in which you send young swedish people to the third world to live how third world people.
Every half swedish in Chile, finally prays to return to sweden because when they grow up in the third world they understand that IS BAD TO BE POOR AND, YOU NEED TO BE SELECTIVE WITH THE PEOPLE WITH YOU JOIN, IF YOU WANT TO PROSPER.
Really, your people have a very idealized thought about the rest of the world.
It gets better. What they earn from prostitution is actually considered a source of income that is taxable. They have to pay income tax on what they earn even though their customers are fined or thrown into jail.
With our new consent laws there has also been a case of a man being sentenced to "neglegct to rape", it's hard to translate, but basically manslaughter instead of murder because someone who is forced to be a prostitute can't consent.
One funny spin is the prostitute that went to the police and wanted to have the state prosecuted for being her pimp since she had to pay taxes.
Swaziland and Switzerland gets mixed up all the time.
Dysgenic evolution since the industrial revolution... Spiteful mutants. Social epistasis. I want to vomit
No ratings, no comments. Why could that be? It really activates my almonds.
You'd think they can't cuck themselves even more, but they can. Their biggest issue is unironically Switzerland not cucking themselves as hard as Sweden, not thousand of migrants killing and raping swedish girls
I thought sex work was empowering for women?
>Do people actually mix up Sweden and Switzerland?
Honestly, you have to be a fucking idiot to do this. The word Swaziland is closer to Switzerland than Sweden. Anyone that mixes up EITHER of these countries is a mouth-breather.
That's what I would think.
kek haven't seen this one before
>the prostitute that went to the police and wanted to have the state prosecuted for being her pimp since she had to pay taxes.
The Somalis are way ahead of you lad
>those accents
Fucking hell, why is it so hard for other Swedes to speak English without toning down their accents. I wish I was Danish instead of Swedish.
Checked snownigger
what happened then?
Roll buys your new swedish prostitute for 2 hours.
What motivated this video?
>wants prostitution to end
>doesn't have a solution for how the prostitutes will make a living
really makes you hmmmm
Those blonde girls sound like aliens, with their weird 'E's, apparently that's a Stockholm thing
But yes Danes have the most subtle English accent, probably because Old English is related closest to Danish
>claps in american
please not 2
You got enriched, my main man.
i bet she's taken less black cocks than 2 so it's okayish
Swiss are top tier in every category, sweden is a leftest shithole
>"neglegct to rape"
We're done here, fuck Sweden. Fuck this country SO HARD! Like, I could maybe understand the pimp being prosecuted, but the customer that just had a consensual transaction?
And the taxes thing is also contradictory, since you are BOTH taxing income earned through you consider to be immoral AND prosecuting the people generating the demand for the industry you are taxing.
What a fucking faggy country.
>One funny spin is the prostitute that went to the police and wanted to have the state prosecuted for being her pimp since she had to pay taxes.
Based whore. Not that I agree with the system, but she has kind of a point. The state is exacting a cut into her pay AS A FUCKING PIMP DOES!