>read Homeric and Vergilian Epics
>women have a redundant role and know their place, the only warrior woman dies in battle without accomplishing anything
>read Arthurian Legends
>women get to do whatever the fuck they want with knights, they summon and command them at will and the cucked knights do their bidding all the time
It's like Varg says, looks like anglos always loved to get cucked by their women, I'm disappointed.
Why are anglos total cucks?
You will never be white
I'd rather not be a white cuck
Anglos are cucks. But Greekrabs and Shitalians are still retarded filthy MGTOWs by comparison. And dont get me started on the jews
>read Arthurian Legends
You mean the French ones written no less than 600 years after Arthur allegedly lived?
Idk which age he lived in but I know full well why Monty Pythons decided to make Lancelot a pussy and they nailed it
Because he was French? Fair call.
You're happy being an Arab one?
This arab/turk/italian meme is retarded
Greeks were always swarthy
>Varg says
The bleat of a faggot
Agreed, Arthur and his knights were based.
You cant make a clean comparision between Gold standart literature, written during an 1000 years great Hellenic civilization, almost 2000 years Ago(and still very good and important in the modern Cannon) with 600 years old shit novels based on retarded folk Tales. All the thing about arthurian novels is that they are for created for chickens/fat nobles entertain.
Except for Eschenbach all the Arthurian novels are Saloon books, not civilization-epics as the Hellenics you pointed.
The thing is: even If you take more than 1000 years in comparision, the germanics cant stand agaisnt romanic art. There is not you cant use as stand comparision.
We cant even imagine how nordics looked like during the homeric age because they were monkeys unable to speak, much less to write. Germani
>that hat
So why do greeks larp as albanians?
>>read Arthurian Legends
Those are mostly French though.
Nord women and mema men
>The thing is: even If you take more than 1000 years in comparision, the germanics cant stand agaisnt romanic art. There is not you cant use as stand comparision.
How would you know, ever read some German novel from the late 17th century to the early 20th?
Meme flag kike posts. Gtfo here.
Theres more than one warrior woman in the epic cycle, shes simply in a fragment.
Also, the Greeks had the amazons in their myths, as well as lymnos, island where the women killed their husbands and got away with it.
Meanwhile the point of Arthur is chivalry. But, that doesn't mean knights follow it. Sir Gaehris killed his own mother so that she couldn't bang sir lamerock
You mean Varg "men are disposable, Christianity oppressed the poor wamens " , that feminist Varg said all that?
Memes aside they had a written language fairly early, it’s just that they treated it as disposable and used temporary mediums like wood when it wasn’t meant to be some lasting monument.
Go spin the distaff nigger
They were Anglo-French stories about Christianity basically.
Actually having a written language means there no longer is a priest caste to memorize everything, thus the written language starts as decline.
What'd you expect, 100 thousand anglos followed a woman and she lost against 3 shitty legions.
That would be modern or pre-modern literature. I mentioned a 1000 years Gap using Homeric/latin poems as reference. The marks ends ar the renaissance, for example. There is not a single germanic paper, from 600bc to 1500ac even close to Homer or something like that. Germanics couldnt even speak properly without romanic lessons.
Yeah, like barbarians using trees as books.
At that point Romans and greeks already settled a powerfull historycall data.
I've found many people here hate Varg lol, idk why honestly.
>Based on JQ
>Knows the truth behind WW2
>Has sired more white children than any of us will
>Speaks of autonomy, being self reliant
>Hates degeneracy
>Knows the simple fact that Christianity was a tool for monarchs of Dark Age Europe to control their subjects.
I don't agree with everything he says, but even the few points I don't agree with, he makes a compelling argument.
Meme flag
You're referring to proto-chivalry and chivalry which is a different value system than ancient Greeks. All of Western Europe acted the way you described by the 12th century
Varg is fucked in the head
Even so It dosnt matter. Homeric poems are part of a large oral tradition. Why there is nothing in the entirelly germanic Cannon se can stick too? The Eddas cant against the greek plays, for example. Its not even faire.
homeric épics os greek plays are our oral tradition. Were is the germanic one?
There are only two options: The germans cant creat art, or they couldnt preserve It. In bought cases we see a lack of civilizational status.
So says the Anglo lol. Way to throw away that empire to give the Jews their patch of desert. Even after WW2, look up Irgun and what they did to Brits right before Israel got their patch of desert. It's depressing shit.
The Germanic tribes carved rune stones. More difficult than writing on paper, but more difficult to destroy. You are aware that Achilles was said to be blonde, right? A Germanic trait.
Arthur was a Briton, not an Anglo-Saxon.
I don’t have to look it up - I know it well.
Just because I know the kikes are cunts doesn’t make Varg sane.
If you ACTUALLY read the recently declassified documents of the whole ordeal in Israel, you will understand that the govt only supported small groups of Jews in the very beginning of their Zionism project and mostly to control the Muslim hordes. Most of the time it was Brits trying to control the shit from exploding into a full blown mess. We had very strict Jewish immigration controls on the whole region.
King David Hotel was just the icing on the kike’s cake. Let alone the Irgun and other groups literally sinking their own Jewish ships carrying Jews to influence global opinion AGAINST Britain’s policies.
Believe you are right. The Anglos and Saxons came from North Germany/southern Denmark shortly after Arthur's time, right?
Yes, the stories are also not French, but rather Breton.
You sound offended lol. I didn't mean to hurt your delicate sensitivities regarding the mistakes your country made back then. Perhaps if you all hadn't signed that Balfour document, perhaps if that idiot Cromwell hadn't let the kikes back in... hindsight is 20/20. My country isn't any better though. We have fought Israel's wars the last 20 years, we're run by kikes, and thankfully I live in a very rural almost completely white area, but I know this won't last considering all the Hispanics, Arabs, and Africans coming to other parts of my country. Where England and other parts of Europe are heading, the US is following.
What were the Britons exactly, are they considered Celtic?
Yes, they were the ancestors of the Welsh, Cornish and Bretons.
Appreciate the knowledge fren :). I watched an interesting video awhile back, about the Scythians. There are some Celtic and Germanic people who say we are descended from these people. I would think Celtic people especially are descended from the Scythians, who were described as red-headed or fair-haired by the Greeks and Persians that wrote about them.
No, the Scythians were Iranic. However the Scythian tribe of the Alani did migrate to a place next to Brittany and tales of their feats similar to the Nart Sagas found their way to Britain and Ireland.
I think it's because of this...
What the fuck, Anglos are actually kikes.
Didn't you know about this?
I genuinely thought it was just a meme...
Most of the Arthurian tales were written by French monks. Lancelot the lost French noble being the best most attractive knight that steals the English king's wife is no coincidence.
There was no issue with women until the Frankfurt Schools counter-culture of the 1960s, i.e Boomers. Birth rates were above required, marriage rates high, divorce was unheard of, crime was one of the lowest in Europe- certainly lower than Italy. The only issue is the counter-culture, that is it.
Ulster is Northern Ireland i.e. Irish and Scots, and yet you blame it on the English.
I'd just like to point out that we successfully kept Jews out of our country for 350 years, and from 1650 up until the 1800s there were less than 500 Jews in all of England because they were constantly attacked and harassesed and had their buildings set on fire. Before 1290 Jews were the personal property of the king and were routinely robbed whenever the country needed money, and English writers encouraged other countries to do the same. We were the OG anti-semites; why do you think they targeted us so hard from the latter half of the 19th century onwards?
Orange Order = House of Orange-Nassau = Judeo-Freemasonry. Northern Ireland is basically an open Masonic state, where even handgun licences are allowed, so Freemasons can walk around armed - for personal protection.
Arthur isn't Anglo. He's the old Briton king that fights the actual anglos.
It's their Celtic blood not their Anglo blood
Celts used to have their wives go to the battlefield and taunt the enemy soldiers
So were are the masterpieces you guys created in those Stones?
Thats an mistake of translation. There is not a word in ancient greek for "blond", the word used to describe Achilles means literally
"Young hair". It could be translated as "blond" because Med kids are a bit "blond", and with the pass If years e hair becames more dark.
You should be aware that translations aint the an exactly original language copy. Many expressions need to be recreated by the translator in order to become meaningfull to modern english readers.
>Ulster is Northern Ireland i.e. Irish and Scots, and yet you blame it on the English.
Stop blaming it on the Irish and the Scots, if that is a problem then England should give up on the territory.
Read Beowulf and the comparison might be more appropriate
>I'd just like to point out that we successfully kept Jews out of our country for 350 years, and from 1650 up until the 1800s there were less than 500 Jews in all of England because they were constantly attacked and harassesed and had their buildings set on fire.
Apparently it wasn't enough to make them leave or deter them from taking over the country...
>Before 1290 Jews were the personal property of the king and were routinely robbed whenever the country needed money, and English writers encouraged other countries to do the same.
Well then how did they manage to get power after all of that if this is the case?
>We were the OG anti-semites; why do you think they targeted us so hard from the latter half of the 19th century onwards?
Is this why the English supported in the creation of Israel so hard during and after the first World War?