All deflection threads are either dumb boomer scum that has no critical thinking capacity, but the majority of deflection threads come from Mossad, in an attempt to deflect and distract our meme warfare.
>Do not deviate
>Jews scared, the plan is working
>There is no phase two
>Ignore vandalfags, this is a board of peace, we are not niggers
>You cannot get in trouble for this in america, and anyone that gives you trouble is infringing
>Eurobros, if its an issue, keep yourselves safe, we care about you and your wellbeing.
>Fuck off mossad
Sage all deflection threads. Keep the plan simple. Heres my poster
Other urls found in this thread:
Checking in
Prefer this font though. More sophisticated
Pick one.
make it all caps boys, watch thots heads explode
Best thing about these threads are the fake alternatives, and the rage they cause.
I made a tinder yesterday and already have four matches and counting. Two are college thots and the other two are middle aged roastie feminazis. What do?
Here's one of the old roasties
>Most normies just go "whatever"
It's shit from the get-go, because Islam being right or wrong about women is a matter of opinion, unlike IOTBW, which was a fact they tried to pass as something wrong.
Can you be anymore original though, this has been played to death. Its something a normie would see and just ignore anyway now.
I love the positioning of the Wayne's World "Not!"
Here’s an idea:
>Anti-Semitism is the belief that Jews are not white/native Europeans
They love to go “I’m not white, I’m Jewish” when you call them out on their bullshit, and saying that it’s anti-Semitism to not like what they say because they are Jewish, but if you said that this deflection tactic WAS the antisemitism, it would melt their brains
If it was all caps, it would look like the poster is shouting at them, and shouting at the other side only encourages the other side to shout back, instead of actually sitting down and think.
I think the one in the news reports
>Islam Is RIGHT About Women
was quite effective.
That being said - out of curiosity, if people *were* encouraged to shout back, what would they be shouting?
Remind them that Islam allows for sex with concubines and ask if they are ready to be your slaves.
>this breaks a Jow Forums user’s mind
That is an accident waiting to happen. Euthanize that bitch NOW!
>TOOL fan
I guarantee you she doesn’t even know any of the lyrics to her favorite Christian rock band.
>Angels on the sideline,
>Puzzled and amused.
>Why did Father* give these humans free will?
>Now they're all confused.
>Don't these talking monkeys know that Eden has enough to go around?
>Plenty in this holy garden, silly monkeys
>Where there's one you're bound to divide it right in two.
Agree, the capitalization is more striking as a statement, non-bold also prevents inference of shouting.
Caught that too huh? Looks like she’s ready to cling to the nearest provider.
Having a bit of trouble with my PC, but wouldn't "Islam is Right About Homosexuals" confuse/redpill the NPCs more?
Hey does anyone have those new infographics proving how Mossad orchestrated 9/11? They've got the dudes rigging that one building with explosives and the news about the dancing guys getting arrested.
The sheer amount of intentionally low quality spin offs of your design is proof that you're above the target. Good job, keep promoting IIRAW and getting anons to put up posters. I've been promoting it on other platforms too.
Targets less people personally than women
it's already reaping fruits
Should I send that as a first message "Islam allows for sex with concubines. Are you ready to be my slave you infidel?"
This is a fucking brilliant campaign.
Best thing that came out of Pol for at least a month. Love it.
Is this redpilled?
>lowercase beta
why not try Comic Sans and see how they react to that
>What do?
Penis in vagina.
Kek, a goat fucker is mad at being called a child rapist.
I thought that was the template, what are you doing OP?
I like this.I think the next one should be"
>"Jesus was right about Jews"
Since he mentions the Kikes being the synagogue
of Satan.It'd redpill Christians into reading the words of Christ more,and open their eyes to what the Jews really are.
nah it's just shit, we see a lot of shit here redditor.
I dont even know what it means but its hatespeech and im offended.
t. Mohammed
These threads positively reek of 8ch
>he knows what 8ch is like
>implies he goes there
>infinitychan bad!
>pee pee poo poo
Wrong, they reek of discord, 8ch is even more averse to engaging in any kind of IRL activity.
Sounds like something a discord tranny would say
My favorite thing about IIRAW is seeing the seething IOTBW babys seething having to cope with the fact that they spent three years accomplishing nothing, not even a memorable meme
Yeet nibba
obvious D&C shill
the overlap between people who did IOTBW are who are currently doing IIRAW is over 80%
and IOTBW was a massive success, pic related
we are only getting started
Judging by the posting rates and content in these threads the exact opposite is true. I except a narrative shift within a week to something new because this is already burning out.
I've been promoting both IIRAW and IOTBW on some big right wing platforms with people who will participate, check the link:
Some cringe coverage
Halloween 2019 is gonna be fun. The day after even more so. Printer ghosts aren't real, r-right Jow Forums?
day of the rake postponed by one day
we can't stop here
Please make a version with a small arabic (scribble) message underneath the message. God is great or something, but in Arabic. So it looks like a local muslim Mosque is putting them up. Get feminists mad at muslims.
fuck off reddit
1 post by this mental midget