Canadian shootings

Why is this?

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maybe Canadians are just dickless faggots I dunno

We have 10% of the population they do and a huge landmass.

Gun laws

Is domestic propaganda legal in Canada?

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>AR-15 is legal in Canada
>Handguns are legal in Canada
It's really just a matter of proportion. Also, of gun culture isn't really prominent or publicized. We're a quiet bunch who just want to shoot, not brag about our ability to form a militia and shoot people.
We do still do that, but just between ourselves.

So shouldn’t we be doing 10% of the shootings? Maybe 5%? We don’t even do that

Also we have to consider the ethnic differences between the populations. America is much more bigger and spic filled while we are more Asian filled. The demographics alone certainly skew the statistics.

82 male cops and 7 female cops have died in the line of duty this year in America. Why are male cops so shitty and weak? Female cops are way better at not dying.

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Canadians play more anime games than shooter perhaps?

>Low T virgin leaf vs the chad burger shooter



Because there are far more male cops and when you take the population of male and female cops the deaths match up. Which is not the case when you take population into account for America and Canada in relation to mass shootings. Canada is 10% the size of America so we would expect to see 10% of the shootings ( maybe a little less because you have so many niggers and spics and we have a lot of Asians and are more spread out).
So idk wtf the point of your comment was.


we have a much lower population. that said, our gun murders are lower per capita than the states.

maybe, just maybe, it's because we don't worship firearms. that's what Americans literally do. worship. like, a god. sending spiritual energy. whatever you wanna call it.

I sincerely doubt this will change until my eventual children are old and grey themselves. it will take a whole generation of more self-aware citizens to stop and think "hey, maybe these murder sticks aren't so great after all. maybe our racist planet killing forefathers had a few bad ideas. oh well, here's to progress".

How many mass shootings since January 1 are from Chicago?


Ok but has anyone been eaten to death by a gook on a greyhound bus in America? I don't think so, they'll never amount to anything, those damn yanks.

Canada has a much smaller and whiter population.

>Less kangz in Canada
That's it.

3,000 people were shot in Chicago last year. They define "mass" as 3 or more.

Chicago Crime Stats:

>Amerimutts being shot
Implying that is a bad thing

and almost 2,000 were shot since Jan 1, 2019

Guns will only increase in value as the shitskin population increases. Whites don’t like be assaulted and robbed.

Ethnic make up, population density, borders... Blah blah blah.

No blacks means very little crime.

That’s nice, now how many mass shootings since January?

The criteria is different. If USA went by Australian criteria they would have only had 6 in the last year. We had 3

Canada CAN own guns though. So really why is that?

We should go through these and see what the ethnic breakdown of the perps is (this does not include any gang shootings, even gang shootings with more than 3 victims)

You're one brainwashed mother fucker, I just linked you detailed stats for one city and you cant even read it.

There were 78 "mass" since Jan 1, in ONE gang violent city. There are other cities with gang problems, these "mass" stats are almost exclusively gang related.


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Have you been to the us? Half the people there are retarded.

Snow and Winters. It makes a fucking difference. Up in bumfuck, hour south of the border, NY, we don't get no bullshit but innercity fucks come up all the time and while they make a ruckus the first year, thier passive the next. The cold makes a huge difference because they don't get -20F with windchill going lower than that down in NYC. They don't get 3ft snowfall multiple times a month in NYC and a fucking dusting shuts them down.
Watching idiots learn to drive in 5" covered roads is amusing to me.

>USA has around 10-20% of its population identified as black
>Brazil is alsmot majority black or a mixture of black and white genes
>Same videogames, same price(if not cheaper, thanks to steam regional pricing)
>Brazil's black population is less educated, therefore more susceptible to crime
>Brazil has around 1-3 mass shootings
>No guns allowed(as widely as in the US, due to new trumpsident)

"bUt vIdEoGaMeS"

No niggers



But I thought gang crimes (even those with 3+ victims) were not labeled mass shootings but gang crime?

You are incorrect, any shooting of 3+ is labeled mass.

Blacks. Note how we've seen recent uptick? Totally not related to Somalians...

Wtf even Brazil had less mass shootings than you burgers despite having twice as many niggers.

But Brazil has more niggers and less mass shootings.

You still have a higher murder rate than the US though. Niggers just nig with knives and sticks. The difference is women and old people can’t defend themselves.

Also higher murder rate.

There were like 8 million people in canada in early 1900s. Half that in 1800s. Only 20 million in 1990s. Our mass shootings didnt start til we let niggers in in the 90s and our population doubled in last 25 years. Americans have had niggers for 400 years. Do the math.

Canadians can't even afford food let alone video games

Wrong again. Brazil had 56,000 murders in 2017 with a murder rate of 32 per 100,000 while US rate is 15. There are differences in how other countries define "mass" and I guarantee there were murders in the jungles and favelas that arent even documented.

Indians shooting each other up goes unreported. Mass shootings are on the rise though because of all the Browns and dindus in toronto

Let me tell you about the shootings. In case you are this skeptic.
>Shootings are motivated by victimization. >Victimization of course caused by someone or people causing emotional, physical or other means of torment on said person to the point they cannot fight back, or cannot do the rightful thing that is usually the go-to method to try to make a wrong a right.
>Well, in current states of manners. Jews have since perplexed the concept of doing the right thing, telling the truth or having a concerned opinion.
>Where as the antagonist or provocateur in this case gets away with victimizing said person. Said person exhausting all forms of alternatives to the point that it drives them to.
>And wait for it.
>To go grab or obtain a gun for which to use on said tormentors, agitators or provocateurs.

Media of course plays the narrative that the victim is the criminal, the worst of the worst, up-ticks the regional incident as a nation-wide epidemic, because you know, muh ratings and guns are bad narrative.

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What if it involves multiple assailants? 3 nigs killing 3 nigs doesn't sound very mass to me.

Not from my observations

Yes, it is, and it's thick.

Right, but they still count it.

no but it is legal for the girls just not the johns. It is very lightly enforced tho and the escort loophole. You can find 10/10 girls here for 200-300 an hour of any race of your choosing.

the same guns are sold in canada

And yet I own guns that are illegal in the US.

We got more murders, whilst you got the highest incarcerated population on earth, getting into more serious crimes. I do not defend our lack of action, however, we do not have as much resources to spare, unlike... let's say... someone spending half their country's money on the military, to keep them muhhamed's under control.

Oh shit. Will Americans ever recover?

>US has aprox 37x more niggers
>but only has 16x more shootings
Your niggers are better behaved then ours. Strange.

Mass shootings are only conducted by whites
Non white shootings are simply cultural diversity in action and not worth reporting.
Hmm, when I think about it, "not worth reporting" means they greatly devalue non white shootings, they ignore them completely, ignoring brown folk killing other brownfolk is the ultimate form of absolute racism by the media, they care so little for black folk they rarely care to report the issue.
They value black and brown skinned people so lowly that they don't even want to report about their actual suffering.
There must be some way this horrifying disregard of the most common victims of crime can be brought to the greater public awareness and the media companies can be correctly vilified for this?

Canadians are too cucked to reach the point of fuck everyone, fuck the world, and fuck me too that gets a person going on a spree. Official statistics on "mass shootings" are mostly niggers shooting outside of a hip hop club because somebody's Jordans got scuffed, but it still has been on the rise. Pretty much the same as the rise in youth suicides and such. If you don't die doing it, you'll be locked in a cage until either the government kills you or you finally die in chains of natural causes. People don't go on a mass shooting and then go on to have any kind of life. It's kicking the world on your way out.

Most perpetrators are niggers, but you gonna get hanged up on those 10 done by white, cause those are the ones cited in "muh gun reform". Niggers from gangs that do those mass shootings use illegal firearms. Americans needs to have those guns, when niggers outnumber them it's their only chance to stay alive and if you think it's not then look at South Africa retard.

We ain't no need any niggers here, we be the niggers.

Lol. I somehow suspect that's because a lot of Amerinigs calm down or get shot while Ontariofags just nig until they die. It's like killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

That's where mass incarceration and long sentences comes in handy. Niggers show a propensity for breaking the law as a young adult, they get locked up until they're older, bit calmer.

Feminine people more often act out in self-ham rather than violence against others

Tell that to all the aborted babies when you reach heaven.

Heh, I think I see it.

no niggers and mexicans

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