If you have 4 or more white children with a white woman, Are you allowed to mixrace with a non-white woman then?
Would be this case acceptable?
Is it acceptable to racemix if I had white children with a white woman before?
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just get sterilized and use your seed for european stock exclusively
I donate sperm so I have offspring god knows where. I've done more for the white race than being married to a single white gold digger.
OP the more gene expression the better right now. We already started mixing so may as well do it well.
race mixing is only acceptable if you have no other options
I would never racemix with her because it would be a sin to not always fuck her ass
There is literally nothing wrong with racemixing
She's Algerian ya know
>implying white men can resist a brown woman
I don't think it's possible
It actually improves the general IQ of the population in fact.
keep dreaming omar
Race-mixing isn't inherently bad when not done en masse. If you're white and you're living in a country that is 90%+ white it's not really that bad for you to marry a girl of another race so long as it's not a major trend and the vast majority of other people in your country marry within their race.
The "racial puritans" on this board are just inbred incels frankly.
I'm not even Arab.
But it is the harsh reality moron.
Just check the instagram of her sister and you'll see her nationality.
>I'm not even Arab.
berber whatever same thing. link her sisters insta.
Look, what leads to an interracial couple getting married and having children in the first place? Assimilation, integration, withering of old social ties and creation of new ones.
Every womb should be filled by white seed.
I'm French fucking mutt
Just check S.Anddy and you'll see how dumb you are.
Fucking dumb-dumb.
I seen her posted before, she's Uruguayan, probably Italian descent
Race-mixing is a natural human process. It's often forgotten that Europeans are the result of thousands of years of pre-historic race-mixing.
gib makreb milkers pls
>she's Uruguayan
She's American, born and raised in Texas.
Her father is Algerian
It's in the bio of her sister.
Now fuck off moron , I just proved that you are sexually attracted to Arabs (excuse me "berber") fucking moron
> Implying that Americans are white.
>sandra garcia
I never said that, we are all 100% Bantu African.
>"North African" HAHAHAHAHA
Fuck off mutt
That girl is white
No, stop having kids u animal and go be a father. 5 kids who do u think u are the fucking sultan of the trailer park or something.
>im french
you couldnt even post the correct instagram the first time and the second one has no evidence that is is her sister you nafri brainlet.
That's not her, the other girl is mati maroni. Thanks for the sauce qt algerian though
I don't want to waste my time to learn you how to scroll.
That's literally not her. How can you be so fucking faceblind?
You use that meme when an American claims to be white, I said I'm black.
Jesus christ... wonder what her sandy milk taste like
lmao retarded goatfucker
It's her sister , not Mat.i
It's literally written.
Fucking dumb piece of shit
stop acting white.
you are welcome to the ethnostate, and are white as a potato nigger.
wow white men are becoming white women in the constant need for acceptance
pic related
I don’t care honestly. I would have sex with any girl above 6/10 regardless of her race. With an exception to African Americans who would need to be at least 9/10.
Why would you ask us?
How is that her sister?
Latinas don't count as race mixing
i proudly racemix, but not with spics.
i fuck Asians.
much better than white degenerate whores and spics infested with std's
it's pretty hard to go into a club and not get blown by some sandnigger thottie, as a tall white guy with blue eyes
I need this in my life
You'd be in the minority on Jow Forums, who regard Latinas as subhumans.
Everyone just keep feeding attention to the thots who benefit massively by whoring out and getting the easiest ride ever.
lmfao@other country's sandniggers
I wouldn't even get it up with this uggo
pic related is half african american (american) half estonian (dad). This user posted here race mixing can work if done right.
Only when you visit 3rd world nations.
I can smell your tracksuits and hear the dubbed weeb anime faggotry from here.
Yes, have as many children as possible. While it's important to make sure you have some white children, you also doing a service by having mixed children. It can be assumed that any mixed children you have are essentially replacing some purebred children of that race. For example, if you have 2 children with a black woman, it can be assumed that without you she probably would have had at least 2 black children in that time span. Half blacks are much more tolerable than full blacks, and anyone who tells you otherwise has never interacted with a pure African. Even blacks have stereotypes about light skinned blacks and dark skinned blacks, though they will never admit that the light skin is due to mixed ancestry.
No, don't fuck up your kids' lives. Be an active father and don't replace them with mutt autists from your aged sperm.
Fatherless mutt children grow up to be worse than fully black children with a present active father.
They will probably be adopted by tyrannie and lesbians and later become drug addicts or kill themselves
Your kids are being molested and turned into trannies by lesbians and single moms as we speak.
Those are the chances yes. That could happen anyway being married then getting divorced and the wife gets the kids. There's a greater chance that 1000's of me are running around with no problem.
>Be an active father and don't replace them with mutt autists from your aged sperm.
spotted the roastie
>Id: S O Y
Spotted the guilty depressed faggot who ruined his kids' lives
Yeah but how many fully black children have a present active father?
Racemixing is never acceptable.
Not enough. Blacks actually used to have a decent run for a while before the 1970s when the "civil rights movement" destroyed their families.
Can you stop spreading your alarmist bullshit?
Truth hurts. Fatherless children become nigger tier.
What if only white males were allowed to impregnate all other women of color? We could bleach the entire world in a couple of generations if only the female mutt children are allowed to breed with other white males.
Yeah and we can have the Jews brainwash all the male children to be homosexuals
Its funny when watching Daily Shoah and racemixing comes up and they all gag and talk about how weird halfies look, then you see Alex McNabb's dopey inbred cro magnon head.
>1 post by this ID
Retards took the bait.
I'm mixed so no matter what I do it's racemixing
You should kys or become a tranny so your ugly mutant genes stay contained.
Keep your bullshit in America, mongrel.
no obviously the solution is to find someone else who's mixed (but of two different races from me) and create the ultimate Amerimutt
>1 post by this ID
>promotes racemixing
>picture of slut
>143245325 replies
Where's the white kid?
Yep cause "bleaching" works that way faggot.
What race is that girl supposed to be? She would pass near anywhere in southern europe as a local.
When talking about race mixing its incredibly disingenuous to post decently European mixed people already, obviously most of us 4channers would be more than happy to date her
Race mixing is never wrong
What's her IG?
No. Get over yourself.
Come home white man
she keeps deleting it for some reason
That's like saying you don't have to vaccinate your kids because herd immunity exists and you can just count on everyone else to be responsible for you.
>1 post by this ID
yes. you've done your job. now bleach away
H-here I go cooming again... bros.
Are you really thinking about it? Most of the people here are hypocrites , they would racemix with anything they're just mad when WW do it , nothing else.
This was taken outside the Leopard Lounge on Westheimer Rd. in the Montrose area of Houston, TX.
>Yeah Das Rite
>Volupchuss Neegar wiminzzzzzzz
>U Racis if U won't fuk dis Chocolate Pussay Whyteboy
>Gibs me dat mulatto baby boys
Yeah no thanks bro.