Azov Battalion is managed and funded by Israel.
US Army Mossad infiltrator arrested by FBI
the fucking responses
>meme flag
>instantly talks about responses.
It's funny even with hundreds of millions of people censored and botnets you kikes still think Twitter is a good representation of reality
>any time a white man fights back, it must be Mossad
Fuck off, demoralization shills. Your day is coming
>any time a white man fights back
Why do shills think this is a good rebuttal? Enough false flags Mossad. You're sloppy as fuck.
>On Aug. 19, 2019, Smith allegedly spoke with an FBI informant in an online chat group and discussed a plan for an attack inside the U.S., his search for more "radicals" like himself, and the possibility of killing members of the group Antifa.
Spoke to an FBI informant in a chat group?Sounds like Jow Forums.
Of course the cancerous Ukrainians are involved
Nah. Sounds like Discord or Telegram or something like that.
whos jewing who?
So it was a false flag to raise sympathy for (((MSM))), if it's true.
>his search for more "radicals" like himself
this part is likely fake for media purposes.
Ukraine was supposed to be the reason the US and Russia went to war. Along with Russia helping Syria maintain control.
wow what a coincidence, this happens right as there is a major story about Ukraine and Biden
Wow. Just like the USS Liberty and 9/11.
Yeah we get it, faggot! Zionism is just jewish Nazism. Israel Zionist are primarily made up of eastern European jews who realize they are more slav than semitic. They even admit it now, they say they're moving all of them back to Ukraine and turkey.
Man this is some lame kike damage control.
>called himself a radical
Lol he false flagged for sure
No, these Azov faggots are all on youtube, discord, telegram. They openly fed post all over social media.
sloppy job mossad
Azov is legitimate N.S. but their motives along with US and Israel (which are the same thing in reality) just happen to line up.
Enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of deal.
Its all just proxy war bullshit. As soon as interests come into conflict the funding will dry up and they'll all get arrested or killed.
>US using jews to use the ukraine poke the bear
>jews using US to bomb syria poke iran
>US using iraq to blow up isis
>turks using isis to blow up iraq and syria
They admit they're Khazar jews, retard.
Memeflag in the crosshairs - keep it up faggot youre doing the work for us.
They were shilling hard on cripple for years. I think many mods were azov sympathizers
>zero proof that he was mossad
>entire story will just raise sympathy for lying news media
OP is a glownigger
but who pays attention to ABC except dumb NPR listeners, and you should already know who that represents.
>An ally can turn. You're gonna find that out.
You forgot Russia using Ukraine to poke the US, China using Iran to poke Israel and the US,
India using Kashmir to poke Mecca, Pakistan being plum fucked, and Indonesia watching it all up close and personal.
But why did you post the same story twice in that line up?
Oh my...a damned shame
Exactly, look over here, not over there!
we are going to take your guns away. if your army won't do it, we'll find an army who will.
you got a turn in your pocket?
can you dodge artillery?
Seems fake, how could anyone take Beto as a threat?
>US army soldier plans attacks
>Azov is jewish
Wait how are they connected.
lol, why do you just use nukes bro?
you have any fucking idea how artillery works?
didn't fucking think so