Oh this tweet really made OP seethe.
Chink demoralization thread.
t. coping MIGAtards
>"See, Fox News said I did nothing wrong!"
You mean an organization that gargles your balls daily says you were a good boy? Shocking!
Wow, Trump is totally pwning the Libs on Twitter again.
>No deportations
>No lock her up
>No justice for the fact that he literally had a COUP attempted against him
>Q is a fucking larp
>Democrats keep wasting America's time
>Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube will SWAY the 2020 elections for Dems
>This fucking Jew knows nothing but Tweeting
Hello share blue. You know your funding comes from china right?
>shill calling others shill
This is your brain on MIGA
> "Everyone is Share Blue. All the time. No exceptions. You.....you....tranny"
>Everyone who criticizes my beloved Jewish puppet is shareblue!
Take your meds schizo.
>Why, hello there fellow anti-semites! Can you believe how pro-Jew Donald Trump is? I know I shan't be voting for him again! ;^)
Your talking points seem to shrink everyday. I remember when the “no wall” was on the list. Slowly but surely we are going to kick every shitstain out.
Wait, so, by your logic, I'm a top secret JEW, calling out the fact that our President is a JEW PUPPET?
Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of me even being here and posting?
your argument is invalid, refute this ZOGbot
Hook is set, reeling in the MSM to destroy Biden.
According to all the dumbfuck MIGAtards on Jow Forums....the REAL Jew is the person calling out the Jews.
Not Trump, not Kushner, not Bolton, not the 99% of his Admin that sucks Jew ASS all day. Not the President which tweets about Israel's status more than his own country's status. Nope, it's ME. The top secret "Share Blue" Jew.
According to MIGAtards, the REAL opposition to Jews is by becoming the BIGGEST Jew. Because only a Jew would speak out against Kikery. We must EMBRACE the Jew. We must BE the Jew. That way we win.
77th Dimension Rubiks Cube puzzle chess poker.
Ma....mak.....make America great again. SHUT UP SHAREBLUE SHILL!! REEEEE!!!
According to all the dumbfuck MIGAtards on Jow Forums....the REAL Jew is the person calling out the Jews.
Not Trump, not Kushner, not Bolton, not the 99% of his Admin that sucks Jew ASS all day. Not the President which tweets about Israel's status more than his own country's status. Nope, it's ME. The top secret "Share Blue" Jew.
According to MIGAtards, the REAL opposition to Jews is by becoming the BIGGEST Jew. Because only a Jew would speak out against Kikery. We must EMBRACE the Jew. We must BE the Jew. That way we win.
77th Dimension Rubiks Cube puzzle chess poker.
P.S. saving that image and reposting it every fucking chance I get
I'll be so glad to hear the news, "Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States has been impeached and ordered to step down." That will be the day.
>if I just increase the volume of my shitty arguments, that will make up for their falsehood
You must be a chink if you think quantity of shitty talking point trumps quality of argument
You do know that you might be fooling the casual newfag, but the other 99% of us cringe every time some faggot like you posts. Your attempts are futile you soulless bastard. The storm is still building.
Imagine Biden actually winning, and choosing Hillary as his VP. And they both throw Trump and his whole family and Admin in jail forever. That shit would be hilarious.
Maybe Trump would then think about the fact he didn't lock any of the fuckers UP
I love watching you guys seethe everyday when he sends a tweet.
>The storm is still building.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. ZioTARD MIGA Jew worshipper detected. You have a "Back the Blue" sticker on your Dodge truck, don't you, Mike? You 'tithe' your regular 10% to John Hagee? Don't you, you Q user Boomer fuck?
That’s pretty funny coming from someone who was bitching about the length of a shorter list. Was that one too long for you to read? What size would please you?
no valid points to argue about. The absolute state of trump IDF
But seriously what's got you guys so worked up today. Even the dems know Trump is gonna win 2020. No amount of crying is going to change that. Did you see someone do the ok hand sign and it triggered you again or something?
keep doing god's work user
No shit Trump is going to win 2020. And he's going to keep FUCKING TWEETING for the next 4 years while Dems stall Congress and not one person is locked up.
Oh and MILLIONS of more Illegals will have had children within our borders. ENJOY!
Trust Sessions
Don’t you think that if they’d actually had some real, and I mean real, dirt on Trump they would have used it by now instead of standing around with their dicks flailing in the wind.
Why doesnt this retard just quote alinsky so we can finally spread the idea that these motherfuckers do this mainstream
You niggers make any actual criticism look retarded. At this point you're literally just copying leftist talking point and practice Hilldawg tier shilling like holy shit you actual niggers need to leave
Nigger Obama was literally called the first Jewish president explain to me how what trump does is in any way worse than what presidents before him did.
>He gave them 30468 gorillion Dollars
Literally a budget signed under the Obama administration and pushed by democrats
You know we can still see your Id when you change your meme flag. Or is this another one of those "I'm just pretending to be a shill" threads That /ptg/ always does? Either way it's annoying
>there are people itt right now who still think Dognar Dorp is /ourguy/
It was worth a shot in 2016, but America is still browning, censorship is ramping up, even gun rights are slowly being eroded. Nothing has changed. At least we all knew a Hildebeast presidency would be horrific. With Blormpf, we get millions of MIGApedes coping and insisting that everything is fine now and we need only "Keep America Great," while we lose the only things that ever made it decent in the first place are stolen away.
I know about it, retard. I liked using various flags provided here. So, blame gookmoot and mods if you don't like it pede
I hate Trump but want him to win cuz I know he has it within him to destroy civilization and eventually all life on earth.
You had me for a sec. Have fun I guess
Trump let his daughter fuck a Jew, convert to being a Jew and then shit out Jew babies.
Nuff said.
>whoa don't you know Trump is a JEW PUPPET? I'm just trying to help my fellow anti-semites on Jow Forums! We need to bring a stop to Trump immediately for the good of the white race am I right? ;^)
Cope. You're not getting off that easily. The Trump presidency is a pressure release valve. Nothing has changed but the perception. When he leaves office, who will be the next president? Kanye West? It's just a long, painful decline unless we take steps to subvert it, escape it, or cambat it.
this unironically
111th Dimensional Crossword Puzzle. Trust Sessions. Trust the plan. Israel is our greatest ALLY!!!! We win with Jews!!
>voting for Trump will save the white race
Hi /ptg/
did this guy study 2016 Jow Forums to develop this persona?
You're right, Trump is just the most PRO JEWISH/PRO ISRAEL President of ALL TIME....because I'm a secret Shill. It's all because of me. It's all the doing of SHAREBLUE! Oh, and Trannies.....or something.
How does it feel to have DRUMPF live rent-free in your heads every moment of your lives?
Must suck pretty bad, I barely care about the guy, you kooks are obsessed with him.
fetch mi a kneepads and a cut orange cock asap