why is Scotland so doomed?
Why is Scotland so doomed?
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I donno. The whole of the UK seems hell bent on stupid.
>near majority
That's a funny way of saying minority.
>This again
More like why is Scotland so ballin’. Fuck the UK (and the EU).
They wanna gain independence so that they can join yet another forced union?
All the people with balls were evicted 200 years ago leaving only sheep.
This. Scotland is based as fuck.
So why don't they just fucking do it already? Christ.
Yup.The Scottish independence movement was born of the film Braveheart. Its totally fake and gay.
It's not, though
>Only people who defend the Scots are the Swedes.
I don't even need to comment on this further. It says enough as it is.
>Egypt dropping redpills
Sa javla bra boys. When we leave can we be part of based Scandinavia?
More like Cuckland, amirite?
Based kang
They're fucking retarded.
>doesn't want to be ruled by the English, whom they have a shitload in common with
>cucks to the EU and wants to be ruled by kikes in Brussels
Scotland just wants to get out of this shitty union with the English and into a freedom and free trade loving union with Germany and France.
>london rule
As if London has any power over Scotland.
English murdered all of their good men. Same problem with Germany.
Scotland needs to remain a double vassal state. Of the UK and the US.
Its the only way to save the white race.
The whole British Isles are in the deathgrip of London mate. Even RoI.
Based Egyptian
They have a near genetic hatred of the English that makes them do the opposite.
He's kind of right, outside of getting shitfaced on Tennents super and buckfast then sleeping on a bench in their own piss and puke Brave heart really is the closest they've got to an identity. Oh and deep fried mars bars
They let EU nationals vote also
Scotts are some of the biggest cucks I've ever seen. These people whine constantly about muh England and muh Polish immigrants. At first you think, oh shit, these guys must be based as fuck, they want independence and they are against immigration, but that's wrong. They only want independence from England, because the left wing England is too ''right'' for them. They will let anyone else control them, just as long as it's not England. They hate their own people. Scotts can't find any people in the world more genetically similar to them than other people living on their island, and they hate them.
They want immigrants from India, Africa and Middle East. They only don't want the white immigrants.
These ''people'' are fucking drunks and druggies, almost all of them mentally ill, probably from the lack of sun exposure, all suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.
Sorry not sorry. You stand against us you stand against the world.
>a near majority
so a minority.
>The Sweden of Scandinavia supports the Sweden of the British isles
Yep checks out
Of course. Shrek is always welcome.
>Near majority
so, a minority?
I lived in Scotland for 4 years, that's your perception, but it's wrong
The same goes for the Irish
Here's the thing, we may well be doomed but at least we will be on our own terms and not because of a parliament we never voted for and wouldn't choose, cos reasons.
And London is ruled by Brussels, which again is ruled by kikes.. So is there really such a thing as "London rule" at the end of the day?
Whatever you say Hans. I suppose G*rmany has no problems with all those "doctors and engineers" you so wisely imported to help the economy.
When I went to Scotland it was really just a more miserable version of England. That said I didn't leave the lowlands which is basically English LARP county.
>near majority
Fucking journalism
Brussels definately takes a backseat compared to London. Even the courts ignore EU rulings when it suits them.
based Egypt
I'm actually English
>sniffs his own farts
>supports the Sweden of the British isles
Whoa, who ever said I supported England?
We're leaving and there aint shit you English gaylords gonnee do about it
Scottish people vote for the SNP because it has Scotland in its name. I advise anybody to look at the legislation these fuckwits have passed. It amounts to fucl all. The majority is child protection law and gay rights. They literally have never taken a risk, are based on devision and are to busy lining there own pockets to care about Scotland. As for sturgeon, what a character less piece of shit.
I hate my fellow countrymen for blindly following morons
doomed to greatness
doomed to riches
you english cunt
Ignorant burger question: how did Scotland become so progressive?
England is more like Denmark.
Stfu you commie cunt
because scucks aren't white
Take a seat your loyalty is showing
>why is Scotland so doomed?
Feed them to Nessie...
Stay mad, crumpetnigger
Scotcuck here. Salty Euro lovers will try and convince you there is a surge in support for independence but there isn't really. It's the same minority only louder. In saying that, I'd welcome independence and think it could happen if it weren't being led by the SNP.
Imagine having heavenly angel's singing at the birth of your child while a single ray of light illuminates his face and a halo of light appears behind his head.
That's what it's like for your child to be British. Even in America.
never met a scuck who wasn't a blathering pathological leftard flaming homo or the nastiest fucking seamonster slag
Scots Guards will become our military
Don't let the ministry hear you say such words. They banned the Swedish version of 'Blackbird' after all.
I'm for indy and brexit.
Come at me.
Shit like this is why I can't bring myself to be a white nationalist. Scotland is like 95% white and full of degenerates.
It's pro EU propaganda.
Might as well go full rant mode, the SNP should no longer exist. They formed on the principal of getting a referendum, they said once that was achieved they would disband. They are still here after 2 failed referend hanging around like a bad smell.
Nah, Denmark is totally Wales. Both fuck sheep and speak incoherent nonsense languages.
If only you would leave.
The SNP use class as a weapon and Scotland is very poor. There's also a lack of opposition party.
Thanks mate, French lads have always helped us in our struggle against the *nglish
If only you knew how bad things really are
Sweden and Scotland are basically the same place. Denmark-Norway and England are the old rulers. Iceland is Northern Ireland. Greenland is the overseas territories. Wales is a province of England.
It makes me cringe when I challenge someone's support for the SNP according to there policy decisions and the inevitable reply comes, what do you mean. 90% of voters don't know any of their policies.
The Scottish Tories and Labour are dead. The only somewhat palatable parties up here are the Libertarians and the Family Party. Given they're minority parties we're fucked.
>The UK is ruled by London.
They make all the money for the country and we help spend it. I dont like it either but whoever pays the piper calls the tune.
>London is ruled by the EU
This is the galling part. Because those fucking welfare cunts need money off us to exist. But then they start telling us what to do.
Labour supporters in England are just as bad. No wonder Scotland flipped from LAB to SNP practically overnight.
>near majortiy
If you get your independance I hope you don't join the EU though. Or just do like Poland, take the money but no immigrants.
So a majority of Scots are not in favor of independence?
As an American, how accepted would I be should I decide to move to Ireland? How easy is it to find work? Would I get the stinkeye from people for holding hands with an Irish lass, or would people rejoice in the fact im not a nigger?
Scotland is doomed if it stays within the UK too. I don't really see any long-term incentive to not push for independence, at least if you're Scottish
>Scotts can't find any people in the world more genetically similar to them than other people living on their island, and they hate them.
Why does genetic similarity matter? A lot of this stems from class differences.
Don't spread hate-facts online.
Scotland wants to commit ethnic suicide just like Ireland. Fuck 'em.
Scotland is the most fucking cucked country in the UK. Stop acting like they are anything other than pathetic bootlickers of the eternal german.
>support for independence among decided voters is now at 49%
>among decided voters
Why are journalists so shit?
I told you Jow Forumstards months ago, you never listen.
I was talking about Scotland, which is the furthest left part of the British isles, just like you're the furthest left part of Scandinavia.
Celts are just as cucked as Nords, they just have an even lower IQ. That is why they must be subjugated by the higher IQ Anglo. Albeit, we anglos are not a benevolent race, but we are just.
They aren't going anywhere. Except leaving the EU with the rest of us.
20% of blacks are smarter than 1 in 2 whites! Really makes you think huh, white boi?
There is no incentive for independence. Our oil is gone, our fish stocks are going, beyond the queen one of the biggest landowners is fucking Danish. That leaves farming outside of small to medium business. Guess what, 95% of small to medium businesses don't trade in the EU.
Good luck.
Normans (The French) still to this day out earn Anglo saxons in the UK.
Oh and Scotland has huge mineral resources but sold all the fucking land to foreign investors who say it's pretty.
>fuck off inglund we wont arr freedum!!1
>Immediately run off to deepthroat EU globo elite cock
Not honestly surprised from the nation of welfare lifestyle, alcoholic trash
I thought you guys had North Sea oil moneys?
Considering how much politics has changed in