This young lady is trying to change the world and all you do is mock and belittle her! You should all be ashamed!
How dare you pol!
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
lol magnificent bait you gay nigger
Is Ben Fischbein still a thing?
oh no no no no i would neeever do that to her gentle little body no no no, you are mistaken good sir
she is just very irritaded, she has been containing her pussy farts to protect the enviorment, she needs someone to suck them out of her
that someone being ME obviously
why do children think their opinions matter? lmao
Skip to 0:30 for a Shakespearean performance.
Why are Greta threads being deleted now?
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
you know we're in clown world when a considerable amount of boomers, gen Xers, and millenials legitimately see this clown of a girl as both inspiring and correct. On the other hand, most zoomers see right through her and are based enough to call her what she is: fucking ugly at most.
two more years and she'll be legal enough to get dicked on camera. It's all she's good for, like all Swedish whores..
dude she sailed solo across the atlantic...she'd beat the shit outta you like she caught you trying to steal her EZ bake oven. that said, it appears that she's no more than a pretentious little cooze (parents fault) that knows how to sail, come across the waters to enlighten us colonials.
problem with that is yurop is nothing more than a collection of guilt-driven fuckups anymore. what u could teach us, you have.
fix yourself and we can do stuff together. otherwise, stfu.
Not only are we not ashamed, we celebrate.
Does anyone have a gif of her aspergering out on stage? I think mass posting that on Twitter would at least make some ppl consider this girl ain't right or is being abused.
This it's major cringe
>This young lady is trying to change the world
How's that? With a fucking CARBON TAX?
Fuck off.
Thufferin' Thuccotash th-the sunth's awfully bright. Potato.
It wawsn't solo you dumb shit, she was a passenger.
If we get to zero net carbon does she get her missing chromosome?
she can do her part and kill her self
she will save a lot of co2
when i was that age i would hold my presentations free
only general bulletpoints noted to not forget a subtopic
hell how retarded is she?
i am pissing myself for laughter.
>"I... am The Fear... I will give you fear such as you've never experienced before! Come into my web. It is time... For you to feel the fear!"
Fucking seriously?
Holy fuck can we get some Jow Forums comments on the video? I am so sick of seeing mindless liberals just regugitate how amazing this ammoying little whiny cunt is. All the commwnts are fucking stupid as shit.
No, even worse. Socialism in the form of a green new deal with “climate change” as an excuse to seize the means of production
Liberal spaces are heavily moderated, thats how their ideas thrive. As greta opening line said, "we are watching".
Some Jews got their hand up her ass and is controlling her like a puppet. Don’t be so dumb, faggot.
little kike puppet, tired of seeing her ugly face
ok then...retract that part. fake news. the rest goes though. it's peak arrogance for yurop to send a cute little pig-tailed girl to lecture us.
you blew up your continent twice in the same century. you're not smart. stfu and fix yourselves.
fuckthisknownothing bitch
Why isn't this ugly cunt chastising Indians and Chinese? Everyone knows they're the big polluters.
I don't even understand this strategy of the jews, do they think they're going to destroy whites and simply move on to destroying everyone else? China would fucking annihilate them because they know what they are, and they wouldn't have whites to protect them anymore.
Dinesh 'Democrats are the real racists' D'Souza
her folks...not her. she's just a puppet and they are sanctimonious scum
she's actually the ugliest child in sweden and that hurts. her old mother is more fuckable than her. Greta, put on some weight and seek BBC and be happy.
Greta's face looks normal guys
Because they're spam.
>How dare you pol!
Shes sticks out like a sore thumb, shes an alient plant and the tip of the spear the aliens are using to make us kill ourselves
Speilberg has to get a hold of Greta! She is one of the most promising child actors seen in a generation!
>spam on this board
yes, she’s just being used
her puppet masters can commit sudoku and save co2
I want to fill her up with my semen until she blows up