Truth be told my room is dirty but at least I'm not addicted to pills. Take that Jordan Peterson!
Truth be told my room is dirty but at least I'm not addicted to pills. Take that Jordan Peterson!
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Clean your room and also don't be addicted to pills you fat slob
Clean your room like the rest of us jorden peterson frens
Wow, what a respectable man
Why do I need to clean my room exactly? I know where everything is, there's no garbage lying around, and it doesn't bother me that much. I got more important things to do. Yes, posting here is more important to me, but not much.
Ironic how he’s addicted to pills that help you kick addiction.
Our pm is not malicious he is just naive
He was obviously an idiot from the beggining. If one can`t recognize them at first sight you might be one.
No one is perfect. Still, he’s probably the best thing that ever happened to you retards.
Also, get married you whiny faggots.
china are smart
our pm is just retarded
The best thing to happened to me was probably when I got laid. Jordan Peterson isn't even in the top five bucko!
Who cares what Juden Peterstein has to say? oy vey be a good goy and do what society expects, no goy stop thinking for yourself.
Can you blame a faggot for being a faggot?
calling this bandit naive is a just a tactic
like stop robbing us please
we know on we chat you were hugely sucessfull
i may be a racist for calling your colleague
a chinese puppet
I think there are good , more nuanced points in his 12 rules to life. It's not nearly as trivializable as "Wash your penis " or "clean your room".
That being said , the story of his anxiety medication withdrawals is honestly a sad one. He started taking them to literally cope with his wife's terminal cancer diagnosis, and recently she went through a really bad surgery that had a lot of complications. However, she was just recently deemed Cancer fee, which is why Peterson just stopped taking the medication. Cutting anything like that cold turkey can fuck you.
I respect him, not on a political level for the most part - for what he's been through in life. And how he approached life's problems.
We voted a nigger in
It actually really helps with motivation and self-esteem. Surrounding and presenting yourself with order and cleanliness affects you on a fundamental level. Rationalizations (even if they're well-founded and reasonable) are pretty irrelevant when it comes to your psychological state.
>omg he takes a few benzos
>he's as big a loser as i am
By accident trump was just so charismatic
i love trump
i just dont like getting robed by a dude who shit his pants literaly at mc donalds
Wash your penis you filthy kraut
And you don't say suspicious statements like this:
>owns a house
>raised children
>has a career
Yeah but he takes pills. Check mate.
lol you say suspicious
lel the top notch meme
My psychological state is fine. I get regular sleep, I don't dream about my grandma brushing me with her vag hair, I don't hurt anybody, I like smiling. I work, not as much as I should, but it could be worse. I'm a bum but meh I probably feel legitimately less existential dread than Jordan Peterson.
This is exactly the point. I might be a loser but I have my addictions in check. If you can't even do that who can you tell me to clean my room. Get of the pills first.
I live vicariously thorough our chinese overlords
sometimes i think like what if i could afford a white picket fence and a family there is not much more a human being wants sometimes i imagine my children playing in my garden i made
and telling them off for stepping on the chilli plants going to work and paying for it all as myself
Its all just a dream
I am jealous of our Chinese overlords it makes me question why cant i have that
the right to property
its because the guy we vote for is a traitor and wants more
Imagine being a millionaire and still needing pills to cope with 'hard life'
Peterson is a fraud. You can see here he doesn't even clean his own room either.
Are you addicted to anal sex and getting your balls electrocuted?
Jorden peterson says crime happens over malevolence
no i just want what my ancestors had,
why do we need to balence the budget by selling land?
Its a crime if you disagree with the occupation
Nah, I'm golden. I jerk off, yes, but nothing fancy.
If i remember right , they were moving and i'm sorry its kind of difficult to keep everything together mid moving process.
My room is clean, and I'm not addicted to pills
That doesn't mean he's a "fraud". It means he should be taking his own advice. Most of what he says and teaches is based on studies and clinical experience, not on some shitty personal success story.
>Motivational speaker/scam artist not following the advice he sells for 20 bucks a shot
Color me surprised
>That doesn't mean he's a "fraud"
Fraud is synonymous with hypocrite
No but you are addicted to brown dicks
Literally wrong.
Also, when a drug addict says that drugs are bad, does that mean that drugs are good?
People are aware of the wrong they do , 9 times out of 10 they have a voice in their head telling them to stop. And what i think Peterson's message really is, is himself telling everyone else how he wished he would behave in his past situations.
clean your room meme literally saved me from hanging out with hippies, depression and constant boozing. I listened to his JRE episode and I started paying attention how those hippies never cleaned their stoves, they had cats shitting near the place they cooked, it was more important to them to smoke weed than organize their places, I declined job offers because every Wednesday and Thursday were the day I hang out and drank a lot with my friends. After listening to a lot of his messages I decided to take action and gain back control of my life. As silly as it may sound, I'll be forever grateful
Had my own addiction to benzos & opiates for nearly half a decade - been clean for 7 years now; no rehab, no support from family (they didn't know) just willpower driving me forward, and the knowledge it was a total dead end if I didn't turn things around.
Strange to think that a man obsessed with having his house in order should fall victim to his own teachings, though.
Oh well. I'm sure he'll find a way to capitalise upon such an embarrassing misstep.
>muh coom
Wow! A nice warm feeling in your crotch.
This one isn't fake AI shit:
You may be a memeflagging Canuck but you're not wrong.
Fuck you nigger
Take your pills.
Seriously though, i've non-ironically enjoyed reading his 12 rules to life. He really shows a deeper side to life and it's solutions.
And i seriously respect his humbled beginning in life.
I agree entirely. Every actions needs a reason, what could be the goal of cleaning up my room? One reason is that you will find items better since you know where they are usually kept, another is you might not walk over something important. I can't think of more, but if these factors are taken care of, there really is no point in having the exact same state in your room all the time. Whenever I cleaned up the room I felt like a dumb robot. When it is chaotic it is more interesting and you even get a slight sense of freedom.
There's the argument that people who are neurotic about cleaning their room have weird relationship with their own feces and compensate. But seriously, I figure most of this neatfreak stuff is more about showcasing yoursefl to other people and meeting expectations. Kinda like tattoos.
I know there are some studies out there that correlates room cleanliness to mental stability. I think it boils down to having a area, where no matter how bad things were on a given day , to just decompress in a clean and ordered environment. That inherently makes you feel good at the end of the day, or the morning - the times you're in your room.
Peterson's remarks about how it can be treated as a daily win , in which after a year of at least that daily win relates to more meaningful 365 wins per year. Which leads to huge amounts of momentum and change in ones life.
I'm thinking the likely outcome for /pols is - no treatment, not prescribed addiction but street drugs, and the an hero stream ending
>overall I've got to say JP does have a clean room
there we have it - sex as the answer to everything wasn't enough - thanks Freud you pedo freak, but you've been outdone, some smarmy lowlife has actually beaten you, with a bowel movement
mein schlafzimmer ist sauber, was jetzt?
Jetzt trinken wir ein Gläschen Apfelwein und genießen die Aussicht schöne Aussicht an der Spitze der Dominanzhierachie.
He recognized his problem, which the MSM is claiming the blame belongs with his own nervouisness over his wife's health setbacks (indicating a deep love in the family), when instead we all know the relentless leaf attacks on his not left enough philosophy would give plenty a rather permanent unease when a public figure. He took action to clean his room with treatment.
>Wow, you're fucked
So what? You want a participation trophy now?
danke fuer akzeptieren mein klein Deutsch Sprechen
Didn't he admit taking benzos long before his wife got cancer?
Same. Its a mess but im on zero perscriptions.
Kek pill pervert BTFO
Jordan peterson was a UN plant
Its on the records that he worked for the UN
He's a globalist and the enemy
>. I might be a loser but I have my addictions in check.
Could be the stress of opposing leafville on their tyrannies against all - means the loser does have an advantage in certain cases. He entered treatment instead of remaining a loser, quickly after becoming one.
I see clear difference, and you're not ahead.
Immer gerne mein amerikanischer Freund. Du sprichst besseres Deutsch als viele die hier schon seit 30 Jahren leben und es eigentlich können müssten.
“Clean your room” is an allegory for sorting your problems out. You have to sort (cleaning up) your problems out to have a less difficult life or give it a level of meaning to not an hero/suffer in life.
Not sure how that matters, obviously not taking benzos was the time or instance where a problem became apparent.
danke, ich praktizere auf Duolingo fuer ein paar stunde jedes Tag, immer noch sehr einsam online
>you're not ahead
Somethings when you're going into the wrong direction not being ahead is still being in the lead. If 40 years of psychoanalysis didn't fix his stuff rehab won't either.
Maybe he needs to chill out and stop the constant mental jibber jabber about dragons and whatnot.
He's making money hand over fist and he has two kids who AFAIK are doing alright in life. Jordan's a grandfather already.
Take that Hans.
Dein Deutsch ist auf jeden Fall schon gut genug um mit Muttersprachlern ein wenig zu kommunizieren. Es könnte besser sein, aber das könnte mein Englisch auch.
another fail subversive commie in the trash heap
Still happier than he is.
I appreciate it very much, there aren't many German speakers in NY so as you can imagine, it's a very lonely endeavor, so any positive reinforcement revitalizes my motivation to lean immensely, freund
being clean > cleaning
His wife got cancer, he freaked out because he loves her more than himself, he was prescribed pills to calm down, when she got better he couldn't get off of them without help so he got help.
If you feel some kind of vindication after this you are probably a worthless person without the concept of love in your soul. Sad.
Honestly german is on it's way to being a dead language soon. Young people are already inserting arab slang words into their conversations and on top that everybody and their mother tries to sound worldy by splicing english into sentences without need. Sometimes not even real english but bullshit that sounds like it but would result in question marks in an english speaking country.
Only tells me the dude doesn't have himself in control. My mom got liver cancer when I was a kid and instead of my dad taking benzos whining about being in the underworld or some crap he took care of me. This thing here only shows me that when the shit hits the fan Peterson can't be relied upon and would go mental sooner or later. Like imagine crash landing with the guy on a lonely mountain and asking about what to do. I wouldn't ask him, I would ask some normal person that seems in control of their emotions and knows how to sharpen a stick.
Happiness (especially temporary happiness) does not matter. Evolutionary success matters. Of course ideally nobody would take antidepressants, but Jordan has managed to have a family, and like I said, he's already a grandfather. So good on him for succeeding in life.
Whereas OP is most likely single and most likely has no kids. Sad.
Don't talk to me about evolutionary success. I could take out Jorden Peterson with a super soaker and a tank full of apple cider. That guy is unfit to live unless he's heavily medicated.
I’m pretty sure he was in the process of moving.
es ist ein regelrechter kulturschock als abiturient zum ersten mal so richtig mit der sprache an hauptschulen konfrontiert zu werden.
He is a disappointing person. Eight million dollars a year for however long, and now he's cracking up in the hospital as his wife dies, recovers, then goes into remission and then dies. Then he gets worse. That big nosed kike daughter of his parading around the web like an incorrigible thot, collecting his entire net worth becoming a lifelong stain on public life for the next thirty years. Her daughter going mad from neglect and abuse, then dying in penury due to the mother wasting her inheritance. On the duration of generations, bad people with bad ideas cost society too much, no matter how successful it appears at one point in time.
I'm learning in preperation for the Electric Boogaloo 2.0 "Turkroach Edition" where we take back what was ours
How is marrying a jewess and infesting your nation and race with mischlings having a family? That's not a family, its a poisoning.
Du meinst jetzt Arabisch, Türkisch, und so weiter?
lead by example
Did you wash your penis?
das zum einen, aber auch das allgemeine sprachniveau und extrem verarmte vokabular im deutschen. da kann man fast nicht miteinander kommunizieren; eine wahre spaltung der gesellschaft
wird besonders deutlich, wenn man sich schülertexte von vor 40+ jahren durchliest. da schienen selbst die dummen noch sehr gut artikuliert zu sein
you'll eventually have to clean it.
don't put things were they should be
don't do an action for no reason (which you'll have to fix later)
point being it likely wouldn't fix many or near all
I don't watch the guy, I did when the fad hit to see what was up
Here ya go blackpill: Peterson is making sure his profession is seen as needed, not on purpose?
three times a day, apply moisturizing creams after washing/exfoliating
Except alcoholics for instance / AA / you go to one whose had the problem and overcome it
>Peterson is in training
Can't bare to watch this self falaciating cunt
>That guy is unfit to live unless he's heavily medicated.
His profession relies upon that notion, and he may now just be learning it isn't true. You should pay attention.
It's ok, his room is a fucking landfill.
>he’s addicted to pills that help you kick addiction
No - just looked at med page on clonazepam - it UNUSUALLY calls itself out as addictive.
>Sometimes not even real english but bullshit that sounds like it but would result in question marks in an english speaking country.
Could you give some examples I’m curious what English words they’re using?
Wash your pills, kids