It seems like Californians are cashing out of the housing crisis they created by flooding the population with illegals and taking their money to relocate in Sates where they are not wanted.
Can States Ban Californians From Moving In?
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That's women's handwriting.
You’re a woman
Housing discrimination is illegal, so no.
Can’t ban Mexicans or niggers so good luck banning Californians
Only if we're strictly taking the girls
the men can fuck off but cali girls are top tier and they come to my state for college in droves
No, I took forensic handwriting at the academy.
Is there a way to keep them out?
Academy of gay trannnies.
Yeah. They're really shitting up Texas.
Is being a Californian a protected class? I don't think so...
IMHO, that's a major flaw in the constitution.
The founding Father's idea was that if you didn't like the domestic government where you lived, you could move to another state more to your liking, e.g. from Baptists Georgia to Catholic Maryland. (A careful reading of the 1st amendment shows that the intent was that states could establish or ban religions).
The flaw was that states did giveaway programs. California started a welfare program in the 1950s and it attracted niggers (black and white ones) from the midwest and south, and the state fell into degeneracy and bankruptcy.
here is your hotties
LMAO like any Californian wants to "invade" your shithole flyover state. Keep dreaming, low IQ rednecks.
glow nigger glow
enjoy your Typhoid
what a shithole LA and SF have become
>California is completely comprised of L.A.'s skid row
You are a genius
I forgot the beaches right?
I know where you live, Sviatoslav.
and your lovely rivers
Doubtful, but the state's citizens likely can make them wish they had.
don't even get me started on san franShitco
SF Bay - surrounded by "environmentalist"
so do I
>mirrors arnt sprayed
we cant even stop illegals from coming into the country. why would states be able to ban faggots from within the country
>chicken rotting in the open sun
holy fuck that must be putrid
Cali girls are top tier, there’s no doubt about that but they are far from wife material. I hooked up one summer with one and although I had the best time, I see her now and she is childless and unmarried due to a string of failed relationships she imposed on herself.
Um it really is like skid row. Anywhere that are filled with spics and niggers is riddled with trash and other filth.
t. Southern Californian
what a detective. they got every major panel of the vehicle, but not the $75 mirror. Must be inside job!
Anyone who does this to someone else's car deserves to be tortured slowly, even if it's some faggot cali prius owner.
dope, one of my mentors taught forensic handwriting analysis at the academy, he could prove with a signature that OP is gay
go back to Barstow you commie faggot
>wife material
I'm 20, not exactly looking for my wife at my fraternity's next tailgate
I'm moving to California, I hope it's like the movies
Why would you ruin good women by educating them, inshallah..
Only a woman would own that "gold" spray paint for her goofy arts and crafts hobby. I bet the Cali girl is fucking smoking and the arts and crafts cow is jelly.
why do I get the feeling someone said this about you?
KEK@that pic
It wouldn't be so bad if the dense muther fuckers had a modicum of self-reflection and learned their lesson but NOOOOOOOOOO they just move to another state like Texas and set up shop and start voting blue again. We should be building a wall around California to keep those fuckers from infecting the rest of the country.
Very based, city life is bad for a man's physical and mental health.
No wonder they're all voting Clinton there, while the "rural retards" vote Trump.
California doesn't even want Californians anymore.
That movie's comfy compared to current LA.
You're part of the problem. Look for roasties, get roasties. When do you plan to start looking for a wife? After all the good ones are taken and rejected party girls are all that's left? Have fun with your future divorce settlement.
California always has had bumvilles, because you could leech of the state and the climate if really nice for being a bum.
It would be easy. Just say like property tax rates will be 400% the normal rate for out of state buyers for the first 5 years
Out of state car registration costs $5,000
Things like that would keep them away.
try to google la gang movies, sensitive google wont even return results. All mafia based shit.
Men can be identified as women now tho, biggot.
Gold-on-White is aesthetically pleasing as fuck. We should be using that.
Califag detected.
> thinks the rest of Cali isn't over populated, trash on all highways, and tons of shit skins that think national parks are like mexico
Cali is ruined and in denial.
the slums are just scratching the surface of what is wrong with Cali
Not to mention that faggots flock to the cities as soon as they leave the family home. Faggots love cities.
"Go back to California! We only want Mexican and Somali immigrants!"
>oil literally spills out of the ground
>most expensive gasoline in the country
>Hawaii has cheaper gas
>reason California sucks no. 4,985
I fucking hate this cucked state and my job let's me move. I'm getting the fuck out.
Most girls are nice looking once you slap makeup and strip the clothes off them
Cali girls think they are hot and act hot but they are just regular
Chad here ask me anything
No need to tell me, you should see the scum that visits Amsterdam
>hey dude where can I find the coffee shops? where the whores at?
Fucking trash the lot of them.
>they created
I'm having trouble with this statement.
It was Republicans who brought in the H1Bs
It was Republicans who amnestied the illegal immigrants
You're blaming Californians for this? It was Alabama, and Kentucky, and Kansas who are responsible for this. Not California.
And then in a shocking display of ignorance and stupidity, you have the gall to complain about Californian immigrants from the state you drove them out of.
the 70s were a fun time!
>forensic handwriting
Well memed Sir
He's so creepy. That's supposedly his fetish but he doesn't even look like he's into it. Is that how he looks through the whole experience cause that's awkward as fuck.
That's a real thing.
Not so long as California is still a member of the united states.
We need to kick them out or reduce them to provincial status before we can enforce border checkpoints and migration restrictions
who is trying to build a wall and getting harassed every step of the way by liberals and called a racist xenophobe? You libtards will believe any twisted logic in your little brains.
Shit I cannot wait when I see an inbreed doing that to my car I finally get to use my ar 15 on them
Heavenly colors, that's why.
I have friends in Texas who are noticing these faggots showing up and complaining about it because they know these leftists will just keep voting for the same policies that destroyed california. They learn nothing. The state needs quarantined to keep the pathogen from infecting other states.
why it is not a protected class, can't we say we are not renting to Californias and hiring Californians?
Show me one picture of a tent city or trash and feces lined up on the street from the 50's when the country was 95% white
>I'm 20
user, please listen to me. You need to get whatever degree (or drop out and take up a trade) and get out, get a job, and find a wife. Find one that didn't go to uni, don't look for "hot girls" get a homely women with a strong frame who can pump out some white babies. Be upfront with them, you are looking for the mother of your children. The older you get the harder it is going to become to find a wife, it isn't going to get any better for you than it is right now. Get a homely home maker who never went to uni, and get her away from the city. Do not wait, waiting only makes things worse.
You realize that California was a deep red state before Republicans brought in all the illegals and gave them amnesty? Californians even tried to vote the illegals out with a popular referendum, which was struck down by an unelected federal judge.
Californians have been staunchly against the immigration stuff since the beginning, this has been pushed on them against their will by the Republicans
You realize that california insentivizes the spice parasites by offering free health care, free driver's licenses and tons of fucking welfare, all courtesy of the working class citizens. You do realize that right?
>city life is bad for a man's physical and mental health.
It is bad for MH. Enough peer reviewed studies on how being detached from nature causes depression and some light antisocial behaviors. Cities lack green spaces. That is why universities (including ancient ones) have been designed with a blend of buildings and open green spaces and horticultural gardens. You see the campus design used at a lot of companies instead of downtown hell hole sky scrapers. The localized inflation is an economic incentive as well.
Californians fought the democratic fight in 1994. Voted to stop and prevent this clown world.
The state supreme court overruled us. Apparently making citizens' taxes go towards citizens' needs was unconstitutional. We've been on the slow decline ever since. Paradise was definitively lost 25 years ago.
You're right.
I'll also bet it's the same woman who owns the car.
White californians voted against illegal immigration but it was overturned by traitorous judges. California is a microcosm for the future of the country. Our government is illegitimate (ESPECIALLY the judicial branch) and controlled by foreign interests.
Modern Californians might be huge cucks but they are victims as well. One could argue they became huge cucks to survive "diversity".
California women are insufferable libtards and most are brown mitts like that specimen you posted.
She should be sent back to Mexico.
Californians are literally the biggest fucking cancer in this country. I mean the nerve it takes to defend them after seeing the daily flow of literal clown world bullshit coming out of california is astounding. If we could destroy california and every single person in california over night, this country would be immeasurably better off for it.
You are so delusional. The Dems wanted to give amnesty, Reagan compromised and agreed to a one time amnesty in exchange for securing the border which the Dems quickly refused to do after they got their amnesty. But keep trying to be a revisionist - your party needs it.
That didn't happen until we dismantled the constitution, if it remained intact we wouldnt have all these stupid problems for a variety of reasons
As goes California, so goes the nation.
The phrase is a warning.