Why do Europeans hate on Gypsies even more than shitskins? Do they actually deserve even a fraction of the hate they get, or are Europeans just cucks using Gypsies as a scapegoat because they’re scared to direct their anger towards shitskins instead? Are there any programs to help them or donate?
Why do Europeans hate on Gypsies even more than shitskins...
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We don't hate them, they are welcome with open arms in most places. You are just listing to Jow Forums to much.
Pretty much all of that. They find it more constructive to hate on beautiful dancing Eastern European women, rather than invading foreigners.
>donating to gypsies
>Eastern European
Gypsies are from India
Do you know where gypsies live in Spain? Literally Mudhutts. Also dont get me started on crome rates.
The real, original gypsies are from India. Around 1000 years ago, while India was still socially divided into caste system, they had a lot of problems with the members of the lowest caste. Stealing, cheating, lying, manipulating, deceiving, raping, extorting etc. was extremely common among members of that lowest caste who behaved like a mafia and targeted higher caste groups. They caused so much trouble, that other caste groups revolted against them and forced them into exile. That lowest and now exiled caste was forced to wander around and over time became a "nation" without their own country, but with their own language, culture, rules etc. Sometimes they would kidnap women from different ethnic groups and mix with them, usually the child from that kind of union would not be accepted by anybody and would stay with the gypsies and live with them and like them, that's why sometimes European phenotype features can be spotted among gypsies.
LITERAL gangs of hobos who live by begging and stealing
every gypsy I have encountered was a beggar, trickster or thief
>pic semi-related
They don’t look like Indians to me.
Thats the result of centuries of stealing Europe babies.
Because a minority of shitskins are actual decent people who work and have values, while it doesn't exist a single gypsy with any redeeming quality
Have you ever met real gypsies? I mean Roma gypsies. They are hated from Portugal to Romania at least and with good reason. Had a fat half retarded gypsies giving me a laptop for repairs, leaving a wrong Name, he die not even remember Ehen he wanted to pick it up again. Notorious liers and scoundrels, always somewgat greasy and slimey. Terrible!
They are European.
Maybe its something to do with them being akin to niggers in that everywhere they seem to go crime has increases drastically.
Surely you don't need the niggler to solve this riddle.
I don’t know if I really buy that desu.
Read here for proof:
Gypsies even regularly eat dogs and cats. They steal peoples' pets and then eat them. That is totally normal for them. They do it so often, that one politician wanted to solve the problem of overpopulation of stray dogs by simply inviting gypsies to catch them and eat them. Read here: dailymail.co.uk
Watch a gypsy woman admitting to eating dogs: youtube.com
Gypsies are so primitive that they eat dogs, and in some eastern European countries gypsies are regularly used by local governments to help reduce stray population by not prosecuting their crimes of dog and cat eating - that was always done "behind the scenes", never in the open. I must also point out the fact, that American gypsies are really of a higher "class" compared to their brothers and sisters from the old continent. They are not as bad as European gypsies.
You wouldn't be saying that if the cunts moved near to where you live. They are literally European niggers.
Pic related is from Lunik IX, a housing project that was given to gypsies free of charge by the Slovakian government at the end of the 70s. Needless to say they turned it into a fucking pigsty, dumped their trash everywhere and quickly the place started looking worse than many third world ghettos.
Look at the American telling Europeans about who is European!
But I have eyes, and my eyes are telling me that they are definitely not pajeets.
>Do they actually deserve even a fraction of the hate they get,
They are shitskins, decended from Indians. They are the remenants of Europe's first refugee crisis, and Eastern Europeans hate them even more than we do.
In fact I'm pretty sure the Greek equivalent for "Who gives a shit" is something along the lines of "There's trouble in the Gypsy village".
>donating to gypsies
It's called begging, and these vermin seem to think it's an acceptable lifestyle even in countries with extensive welfare programs.
No gypsy will every work for an honest wage a single day in their lives. In their culture they are considered suckers if they do. They literally believe that Jesus himself granted them the license to steal and cheat other people.
Their only creativity is finding new and inventive ways in which to cheat people and get gibs. Here in Norway a gypsy woman got pregnant and went to a doctor for an ultrasound to get documentation that she was pregnant. Then she borrowed the ID of another gypsy woman and went to a different doctor and got documentation for that other woman being pregnant. She did this several times with different IDs each time, thus creating records for multiple fictional pregnancies to get child benefits for children that didn't exist. By the time the authorities uncovered the scheme they'd "documented" a whole family tree of made-up people receiving benefits.
European “””nogs””” >>>>> actual ones
Criminals suck, but if I had to choose one of my race, and one of a different one, I’d choose the one like me.
Well clearly your eyes are fucked. Pic related is an actual northern Indian, a literal pajeet and looks exactly like your example of gypsy "Europeaness".
You do realise that not everyone who isn't a nigger or East Asian is white right?
Forgot pic.
If I had the choice then there wouldn't be any niggers, European or otherwise.
Gypsies aren't your race they are displaced pajeets. Honestly, if you said Gypsies are Eastern Europeans to a Bulgarian, Romanian or Greek they'd rip your fucking head off.
I have to European to tell you Europeans are European?
There are no European "niggers", only invading shitskins. Nigger just means black and is associated with incompetant ciminality because niggers are all stupid criminals.
Your eyes can tell you only about visual physical traits, not genomes, which have been proven in gypsies over and over again to be like ones Dalits, absolutely the worst and lowest untouchable caste from India have:
And the visual cherry-picking you are doing was also explained here:
>Sometimes they would kidnap women from different ethnic groups and mix with them, usually the child from that kind of union would not be accepted by anybody and would stay with the gypsies and live with them and like them, that's why sometimes European phenotype features can be spotted among gypsies.
>You do realise that not everyone who isn't a nigger or East Asian is white right?
Careful with that logic there, you might confuse el goblino.
nice feet
You cherrypicked the whitest pajeet in the world, and it still looks nothing like a Gypsy QT.
>Hitler wanted to kill this
What a fag
Gypsies are Caucasian Europeans. They’d rip your head off only because they hate the lifestyle.
We all woke up one day and decided it would be fun to randomly start hating gypsies. There you go, you got the answer you wanted, you can now stop making the "why do Euros hate gypsies" threads, most of them coincidentally starting with Esmeralda images.
That's not how they look like at all,that's a larp.and those who come close are white hybrids.
The women often prostitute themselves and get a Mischling from that
That’s bullshit that libs are pushing. Gypsies are an important part of European history. And what am I cherrypicking?
t. Mohammed
t. people who have never actually met a gypsie in their entire lives
Please, feel free to show me how they look. Better yet, show me an ugly, not fat one, under 40.
Can you at least speak ONE language correctly?
>typical gypsy family tree
enjoy degenerate
I have to BE European to tell you Europeans are European? Understand now?
Thx fren
>Continues posting pajeets
That's just what Northern Pajeets (eg Gypsies) look like. Don't believe me? Here's the fucking first images on DuckDuckGo for North Indian, I chose one of the browner looking ones; there are ones on here that could do better at passing for white than any of the shitskins you have posted.
gypsies are the embodiment of every nigger stereotype there's no exceptions
imagine the smell
>Get kicked from India for scamming and stealing too much
>Wander around Afghan and Iraq, scamming desert tribes easier compared to India
>Tribes realize and kick them off
>Gippos stop around somewhere in the Byzantine Empire and life off dancing and artsy scamming things for the Emperor, got "christianized"
>Get kicked off and wander around Turkey, Armenia or something
>Ottoman Empire use them as cannon fodder in eastern europe
>Ottoman Empire falls and they now roam free in Balkans
>Somehow they learn the tarot and run around from 19th Prague to 20th New York scamming old ladies
>Convert en mass to Evangelism in the only country that kindly adopted your ethnicity because some catholic priest wanted to teach you ethics
Only one of those is under 40 and not a child. And she’s QT as fuck. I’d want a trad wife like her.
Gypsies act exactly like niggers, that's all an american needs to know.
They're devious like jews, maybe even more so, but are violent and not particularly smart. So they're a slightly more elevated evil nigger. Hating them more seems natural.
Boy, I have. We have some in the semi-rural southern US.
Pic related is nothing close to what pajeets look like pajeet. Not even the whitest of whitest pajeets. The images in your search are models wearing 100 lbs of white makeup. Some may even be European models dressing up as pajeets.
Exactly, this a universal experience.
You have never met real gyppos. They age like milk. Women who look like in their 40s are actually in their 20s. They have birthed 2-4 children by the time they are 20
Not everyone defines 'trad' as living in a house with barn animals. I guess if you like fucking pigs it's convenient to have them handy.
Oh come on, that's mean to the negroes.
>Talks about others cherrypicking
>Cherrypicks pictures himself
El goblino is at it again, telling everyone who is white.
Fuck off.
Hey man, he lives in america. Fucking pigs would be a clear upgrade for him.
No, no it isn't. Don't be a nigger apologist.
Those women are all looking down. Still cute faces, just aged. And clearly middle aged.
>Images must be fake, must be European actors
Look at this mutt skirm. I'm starting to think he's part gypsy and doesn't like being called a shitskin.
Hey man, I met a nice negro once. Can't say the same for you gypsies.
I define ‘trad’ as doing things the old way. I bet that Gypsy girls father can build a house from scratch, just like my great great grandfather did. And I bet she can cook and wants children. That’s trad.
Refute specific claims then, and support your rebuttal with independent sources like I did.
If these links:
weren't enough proof that gypsies are descendants from India's untouchables, the lowest caste known as Dalits, then here are few others:
Reminder people, here is all you need to know about gypsies:
I didn’t cherrypick anything. Gypsies are qts.
Gypsies are shitskins, you chucklefuck.
They literally migrated from India and the periphery. They are not european.
They are indistinguishable to other breeds of shitskins. They don't work, they steal, they peddle drugs, they multiply like rodents, they beg for money and ruin social stability as well as the image of entire towns, they form ghettos ridden with crime.
Thank you.
I'm sure there is a mythical nice gyppo somewhere too, doesn't change the fact that botch groups are a fucking plague.
They will show up in an run down RV, Knock on your door at fuckin 3am asking for food. When you don't give it to them, they wanna scream and try to put a curse on you.
Fuck those freaks.
this is the whitest gypsie mom I have seen, but shes probably mixed
I think it’d be really based to be a Gypsy. Nobody wants to be a pajeet like you pajeet.
>After 15min.lt posted photos of the Vilnius Kirtimai Tabor, showing how new fences, sheds and outbuildings are rapidly emerging in this illegal settlement, police officers took to work. Vilnius criminalists suspect that timber used for construction has been stolen.
Whitest Gypsy I've seen is Jesus Navas, and even then he is clearly heavily bleached.
You’re posting pajeet links. Of course pajeets want to claim the beautiful Gypsies you brainlet. They’re obsessed with European women.
They are just as bad a niggers kek. Don't contribute anything to society, cause more problems than solution and even if they are left alone, they will steal from you. Best to avoid.
>I think it'd be really based to be a Pajeet. Nobody wants to be a Pajeet.
They’re Europeans, not shitskins. Does this look like a shitskin poo to you?
kek sounds like a funny bunch. At least they’re harmless.
I read somewhere gypsies were some low caste pajeets kicked out of India years ago. And then some intermixed with Europeans, but some untouched ones still exist. Seeing that even pajeets couldn't handle them, I don't think that says much good about them.
Beautiful for a mom. She probably has kids my age. I knew there were no ugly Gypsies under 40.
Question, Euros:
Are gypsy hookers a normal thing? Are they worth frequenting? I figure they’re cheaper anyway...
Gypsies are worse the niggers. Far worse. They are slightly more intelligent and literally ALL of them are criminals.
Yes you should be carefull around niggers, but gypsies will try to steal something. Its their trade and they allways see a vulnarable spot.
Unlike the negroe the gypsy cant be used as a slave. He will find a way to escape and will steal your purse while doing it.
Have you ever seen an Indian soap opera?
Yes it does you fag.
Gypsies aren’t pajeets pajeet. You’ll never be a Gypsy (or get Gypsy bobs) pajeet.
>not shitskins
retarded mutt.
I don’t buy that desu. They just look like exotic Eastern Europeans.
Gypsies are literally the most bottom of the barrel subhumans. I live in Pennsylvania and I know there were stories of Amish people who had to chase them down because they kept raping their livestock. I feel sorry for Europe having to deal with these Indian rapebabies. In some cases, they’re probably worse than Muslims. Since they’ve been there for centuries and still haven’t integrated.
Yeah I'm not buying that either. If they are "exotic", they aren't European.
Good taste fellow burger. I don’t blame you for the interest, they’re the most beautiful women in the world. I’d suggest marrying one instead though.
Eastern gipsies sure, but not spanish ones, don't know about UK travellers