What are angry young white men every so angry about, anyway?
Their lives are pretty comfortable and nice. Most of them come from middle class families that can sustain them even as NEETs. So what the fuck?
What are angry young white men every so angry about, anyway?
Empathy for the rest of the world and frustration towards the decisions they make.
>What are angry young white men every so angry about, anyway?
About your ancestors dodging the oven
>Lower distribution of wealth than the dark ages.
>Prices keep going up, wages stay the same
>Only way to prosper meaningfully is to be born into wealth or pure RNG
>Rich keep passing laws and lobbying to make it harder for the poor to get ahead.
>75% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck according to recent studies.
>Plenty of money that could be used to fix these problems but it ALL goes to propping up shit skins and fighting oil wars to keep the rich, rich.
No freedom, no chance for success, no meritocracy.
People keep telling them it's wrong for them to want a country filled with themselves while those same people build ethnostates of their own.
People keep telling them they're not allowed to save the world unless they keep token women and darkies around to pretend anyone other than white men get shit done around here.
people keep telling them they'll lose their jobs and more if they point this out.
people keep telling them they're responsible for things done by their ancestors, but everyone else is off the hook for the shit their ancestors did to white men.
people keep telling them they're the problem despite that being the most untrue thing on the face of this earth.
Is it really any wonder they keep getting angry at you people?
If people are angry, it's usually because their lives aren't comfortable and nice. Most white people, like most people, don't have it that great in this world. If you ever spent time talking to people outside of temple or your gated community, you'd know that.
We are starting to slowly realize that the culture, institutions and traditions that enable our quality of life that were built through the blood sweat and tears of our ancestors are being erroded everyday due to multiculturalism and demographic replacement.
If you think whites are angry now, just wait another decade or so.
Based, Spbp
We're angry for reasons you could never comprehend, kike.
the chinese need to take their guns away, including the police.
fuck off and die casper
There are no meaningful relationships. God is dead, community is dead, and marriage is dead. It’s rare for a man to find a good, decent woman he can truly love for the rest of his life. That’s why you have and will continue to have shootings, and I can’t even blame the shooters. At a certain point, every person overdoses on blackpills.
the most beautiful thing in the world is an aryan whore getting bred by schvartzes. the extermination of the white race is the fulfillment of the promise to abraham.
maybe you shouldn't have put us in ovens, motherfuckers.
Another Pittsburgh shooting is much easier than you think, Jew.
I can start off by saying no amount of vidya games, shitty plastic toys or Netflix series cant remove thousands of years of evolution.
We want to see a future for ourselves and our people, where our land prospers and we are our own masters.
that's all you got? have some processed food.
>"Mmmmm yesss youre soo much bigger than Shlomo oh yessss, let me call Chad over so we can have a foursome"
How does it feel to know that Jewish women are the most likely to make videos with niggers in porn eh?
maybe our women are just better at sex. your women are so shitty they can't even get pregnant.
>maybe you shouldn't have put us in ovens, motherfuckers.
Or maybe we shouldn't have saved you from them.
stealing credit from the soviets again?
You will be extinct long before whites.
Because we should be colonizing the stars, not babysitting a bunch of 3rd world shitstains that have collectively ruined the rest of the earth
We’re not all content to simply consume Jewish entertainment and play with toys, Schlomo.
Then why are your numbers dropping faster than whites?
As a white man who is quite angry that the idea of ever possibly owning property has been a huge fucking redpill
moving away from Australia is the only option.
A dude on aus pol was like why not just move further towards the inside of Australia
i don't know,
i don't see that as an option.
Turns out the Jewish tactic of “u mad wite boi” was actually not very clever after all. But I don’t need to remind you that Israel has a 90 IQ average, literally nigger tier. You dumbfuck kikes never ever learn.
Oops forgot to take off my meme flag, I was pretending to be a retarded Marxist and anti-goy Jew racist.
Having a property
wife and children is super cool
but being a absent parent is what the world wants
people who are scum
i wouldnt mind life beeing hard, or complicated, i wouldnt mind everything going to shit, what i do mind is beeing lied to, beeing decieved, beeing betrayed by my own. thats what makes us upsett.
Scott morrison is a huge fuck up
maybe i can find some refuge who owns a nice million dollar loan
>I was pretending to be a retarded Marxist and anti-goy Jew racist.
You don't have to do that, there's plenty of real ones here already.
You forgot to put in the memeflag, gross kike.
if Angela Merkel was selling land for citizenship Germany would be in the same place as Australia
but opposing that our government calls me a white supremicist
"Wee sthand togethah!"
Because your alive
Every lone shooter is jew. Because this kind of shooter didnt share his crime.