Which is the most based and red pillled car brand of all time? Ford? Volkswagen? Other?
Which is the most based and red pillled car brand of all time? Ford? Volkswagen? Other?
Gotta be Ford. Hard to be more redpilled than having the company founder give out free copies of "The International Jew" with every new car.
Tesla, and the chinks who will follow it
British entry:
Formula One car the name March is an acronym based on the initials of the founders; the 'M' stands for Mosley.
Ford - poor quality other than small trucks, designed to fail/corrode after a few years so you will buy another one and pay full price again. The american way
Volks - One need only look into the origins of this company to know whats what. The cars and small trucks are nice and build to last.
Based/Redpilled is your problem user.
Whichever company currently has the least amount of Jews profiting from it.
Both companies are now international, and don't give a fuck about their home nation, so I unfortunately have to agree with Commie
And no that dashing young gentleman isn't bowie, it's Oswalds son Max
Both unironically did more for black men than the entire zionist aligned US establishment
Why are we still fighting the same struggle as our great grandparents?
Commies still hate cars.
VW rust more than Ford in the last 10 years here
AUDI has the best build quality, rare to see rust on them and interiors look like new with high mileage
Max Mosley
Why are slavs so obsessed with Audis? They are shite.
Potentially based british brand of the future, Dyson.
>likes audis
ahahahahahaha you cant make this shit up!
why not both?
Kek, a rustbucket
Just pick a 2.0 or 3.0 tdi, dont trust this shit data
>Ford - poor quality other than small trucks, designed to fail/corrode after a few years so you will buy another one and pay full price again. The american way
>Volks - One need only look into the origins of this company to know whats what. The cars and small trucks are nice and build to last.
>Based/Redpilled is your problem user.
I used to work on luxury imports.
Volkswagens are pure shit, they're are the poor man's Mercedes which is also a massive piece of shit.
Get a Beemer which is the German equivalent of a Japanese car.
What do you drive? An accord?
Im blonde with grey eyes
That car's gonna suck
>Which is the most based and red pillled car brand of all time? Ford? Volkswagen? Other?
Buy a Ford pickup, it will last forever if you dont do dumbshit like drive in saltwater or do burnouts at every stoplight.
That car that ran off water and the inventor died a few years later
Hondas don't sell in Europe. Honda is closing their UK factory
Ford because its American made and also anti semetic
>I used to work on luxury imports
>BMW = Nip quality
You want to know how I know you’re a fucking liar? There’s a reason people always say “never buy, always lease a BMW
And my PP is 20,5 cm
Havent seen one in the last 5 years
>turkroach diclet who role-plays as blonde, likes audis
my favourite poster today!
Kek, did a Croat cuck you since you are so buttblasted?
I'm proud that Ford was irish
dude, you'd need a step-ladder to even look some of my gfs in the eyes, don't make me laugh even more come on!
t. diaspora
Wow you had 2 gfs, im switching between 7 of them rn
hey roach, you like audis also?
classic roach instantly wasting all his mobile internet on 7 porno tabs, doesn't get more roach than this!
No, we have real ones here im not Austrian
dude I fucked far more croachian sluts than you ahahahahahahahahah
does that make me more roach than you? I hope not!
I own 20 apartments on the coastline and every year i fuck atleast 10 Austrian virgins
no :(
>"grey" eyes
>likes audis
>20 apartment
>"I fucka da woman!"
You mad landlocked cuck?
hey roach-virgin comedian, here's a pro-tip for you
next time you decide to amuse people with your role-plays on a nice evening, maybe don't talk about audis and owning 50 apartments in the same thread mkay?
Why not, does my success bother you?
You Will get laid eventually bro, dont be frustrated
Just zake a shower
you should go check outside of the store you're guarding, some roach might have taken a shit or something, mr. security guard!
Ford of course:
"The Jews caused the war, the Jews caused the outbreak..."
Kek, what a weak response
Mondeo is quite good and cheap
Non infowars tier source?