I'll wait
Name A More Powerul Duo
Jews and Zyklon B.
The chuccle brothers
Piss and shit
What is wrong with that kids face ? It just looks weird
Literally the most powerful duo of all time
Who the fuck has a clothes washer in the kitchen?
All I see is a pair of cum dumpsters.
>Cheetah print legs
damn, I feel bad for her now. :(
well, greta obviously
STOP being a bully
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body.
I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body...
Fucking euros
batman and robin
Most... people who have both a washer and a kitchen?
Mommy drank during her pregnancy and the kids has aspergers on top of it.
Funny enough, the following is some information about aspergers.
"People with this condition may be socially awkward and have an all-absorbing interest in specific topics."
That is her to a T
Her FAS is so fucking spot on, this example drawing of a kid with FAS actually resembles her quite a bit
>name 2 uglier trannys
>Name A More Powerul Duo
It's an euro thing.
Jordan and Pippen would like a word with you
did they scissor?
Sneed and Chuck
Bro is that
Aoc is 1.65m, greta is 16 and still snaller than that, not to mention 'em tities.
it’s why they lost the war
yuropoors homes don't have garages or the square footage needed to have separate laundry areas.
They don't even have showers. There is a drain in the middle of the floor of the bathroom and a shower curtain to keep the water from spraying everywhere.