Do you think white people will riot and burn down downtown Frederick, Maryland?
2 dindus kill 60 year old man Frederick Maryland knock out game
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He called them the n word. Nazi fuck got what was coming to him
Where is the full video?
Fuck off with your bait
Literally, nothing ever happens. Packs of niggers were randomly attacking whites in Minneapolis and literally zero things happened as a result. Whites will just walk calmly into the camps, accepting their fate.
lol when they catch them it's two more niggers in prison for life.
inb4 the two brothers get a slap on the wrist, walk free by 2 months from now, and get a scholarships to an ivy league school from some virtue signalling celebrity or politician
I'm at a point where when the media says teen my mind automatically pictures a retarded looking, sloped foreheaded, jaw protruding, wide nosed, knappy headed nigger with it's stolen jeans hanging half way down it's baboon ass.
Nope white people are pussies they talk tough but in reality they just quietly move to the suburbs.
I live for the DOTR. When it comes you will be begging to suck Nazi to spare your life and I will say shut up nigger faggot.
how fucked up you have to be to relax with niggers in any close proximity?!
Good, boomer got what he deserves.
you've been posting shitty tumblr gifs all day, give it a rest poolack the nigger of europe
Video here - there is no proof of him saying Nigger, but thats a common defense the black community uses to get lesser sentence.
the majority of whites are self-hating and hate each other
what the fuck are you talking about you imbecyle?
It's my first post today.
Take your meds you fucking schizo.
Never let more than one nigger stand around you. If two or more come into your general area you need to leave immediately or prepare to defend yourself.
No riots; too barbaric. The people who don't like this behaviour will find a way to make it stop without violence. Mark my words.
>White supremacist talks shit
>Pays the price
I don't see anything wrong here. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Nothing is greater then white people acting racist, then getting completely btfo/killed for it.
The prisons are a big problem. If they were full of Whites we'd be in a different place.
>hurt feelings
Just showing you blacks are uncivilized animals incapable of basic restraint.
He was a 60 yr old liberal white guy. Definitely didn’t call him anything. Knock out game is common among niggers like you.
And they somehow magically proved him absolutely correct.
Thanks for posting.
Fuck you nigger. Get out of my country.
Niggers literally think they should be able to kill you if you say a mean thing.
Except he wasn't, and he didn't - as stated by several witnesses . They murdered him in broad daylight...
how can anyone read nigger twitter and not hate them?
Sjw fag
Niggers literally kill each other for "disrespect" these savages need to be caged.
>random attack
well at least we know he wasn't jewish
Kek, white bois simply don't understand the concept of the things they say having repercussions. Black men aren't pathetic, we make you pay if you dare try to speak down on us. News like this makes me happy as hell.
thanks for the vid. was having a hard time finding it.
>Video here - there is no proof of him saying Nigger, but thats a common defense the black community uses to get lesser sentence.
we all knew this would be the first thing black twitter would do.
How does it feel to be a subhuman? An abomination of physical features that disgust white people? To be so disgusting aesthetically and so retarded and debased that people don't want to be around you or anyone from your genetic lineage? Not only do they not want to be around you but they want you out of their country, thousands of miles away.Please let me know because I feel so bad for animals like you. It wasn't your fault that you were born a lesser version of human.
Seriously though, when can we start labeling attacks like this as a hate crime and/or domestic terrorism?
Pretty sad that white guy in video with American flag shirt didn’t do anything to help. What a cuck pussy ass fagot. I hadn’t seen the video yet
That's their defense every single time.
>he said mean word so I straight up murdered him in cold blood while high on opioids
>yo miss bitch judge it was self defense I swear
>cracka was raycists anyway
>what do you mean twenty, to life ?
Why you gotta kill him though? Because you are wild animals, wild animals have no cognitive restraint you are always in chimp mode. Imagine if we sticked a knife in your throat every time you back talked us back in the 1930s, yh it would suck alot. Damn empathy devoid savage.
Hate crime is jew shit, just call it murder.
>Black men aren't pathetic
>have no history
>were literal slaves
>couldn't even free themselves
>yess mastah
cope more nigger. You are a pathetic 80IQ coon whose people come from the butthole of the planet. Whose people eat dirt cookies because of starvation. A starvation brought upon themselves because your genetics birth humans that are too stupid to do anything, even when everything is given to you.
That was murder, not the KO game. This is the knockout game
Reminder niggers are subhuman animals
Shut up nigger larper and go back to eating bugs Chang.
This is more or less where we are. Imagine walking down the street, minding your own business when a roaming horde of africanus criminalus yutes come up behind you and strike you on your head, nearly knocking you unconscious. Your survival instinct kicks in and you fight them off long enough to un-holster your gun and fire off a few rounds. If you happen to yell out "nigger" as you're doing it and it's caught on film, your life as you know it will be over. You'll immediately lose your job, your address will be posted everywhere and you will face nonstop harassment.
They didn't mean to kill him. Whites are so biologically weak that a single punch is enough to take their pathetic life. Crazy, but true.
Its called the knock out game, and someday white people are going to get tired of playing
...and a hate crime.
Call it for what it is. Out of all the dark people there they just HAD to single him out.
If that happened to one of your family members you wouldn't just want to chalk it up as just a murder.
Seething over a white supremacist getting BTFO. Your on the losing side.
lol leafs are pathetic
>They didn't mean to kill him.
Yh they did, anyone with a brain knows a serious punch to the head can kill someone.
save and spread.
Canadian chimp you realize this white man is 60 years old right?
Ah the old
>Are they trolling or retarded niggers
So many people either wasting their time talking to retards or trolls. Why even respond?
you know we should just find a few random niggers and hang them like the old days, seriously.
>"we make you pay if you dare try to speak down on us"
>Canadian flag
Look Leaf, just because you let your black labrador fuck you in the ass doesn't mean you're a black man.
1 post by this ID
>that tweet
>those replies
and this is after advancement. Imagine what they were like when white people sailed on ships to Africa and found them. No wonder they were treated as animals as no intelligent human would think otherwise. Our biggest mistake was ever letting these things out of their cages.
They should
That's not your country anymore fucking leaf.
I read the rules are: if you fail, you get knocked out yourself by your nigger friends.
I think they will continue planning their move into a retirement home while everyone gets browner and browner around them.
He called them the n word. Nazi fuck got what was coming to him
No matter the age, white boys are weak and frail in comparison to the black man. Simple biology. The black man is naturally more fit and strong. This upsets you.
>after advancement
No those are nigger tribes literal wild niggers independent from whitey, its how these savages naturally behave without human beings around. Observe how these savages casually brutally maim each other with no shred of remorse from the crowd, and also the literal child male rape which is a cultural tradition.
You are giving them too much credit
>he said a bad word so he deserved to die
Seriously? Even if there were proof of him saying that, it's okay to kill the old man? Jesus fucking Christ.
White supremacists conquered the world, gave it every technological advancement, wrote the constitution, went to space etc... Yeah we're losing HARD. I wonder what winning looks like? It looks like single story huts in africa right?
hey enword. i wan't to jump on your head till your eyes popp out of your silly head. then i would piss in your mouth you filthy tree top dwelling jungle beast
Nice try NIDF
Jesus christ.
>suckerpunching people means Im good at fighting
here here, I second that. These niggers never learn because they aren't intelligent enough to learn. They must be treated like cattle to keep them in line.
>They didn't mean to kill him
let me stab you a few times and see how you feel.
>didn't mean to kill him I was just messing around
you fucking retard
Welp, looks like another one to add to the list.
niggers are fucking animals
we need another dylan
Just because the animal can speak english doesnt mean it can think like us, treat its post like a chimp making noise.
>they all literally jump like monkeys after the guy gets punched.
Oh I'm sorry. Am I being racist again?
All those white people just standing around indifferently lol. We deserve to fade away..
His problem is that he relaxed around blacks
They were attacking "weak" people which is why they wont get charged with a hate crime in MN. Literally hang em high by their ears.
>implying they got a brain morans
Inventor LARP. You literally contributed nothing to society, also jap tech rules the world.
White guys are too small and effeminate...
Seething white boys ITT. Talk shit, get hit. It's a simple concept that cumskins cant into.
Libtards 404 when they see true black behavior, their brains are stalled right now trying to process what just happened.
No, I was raised there and I'm pretty sure they're all cucks besides me.
I swear, white men are the only race that make it on the news after dying from a single punch, every time.
>hitting an old man seriously in the heada
Well theres enough evidence of nigger on nigger elderly violence so I suppose I shouldn expect any morals from you savages.
One single punch from a skinny black teen and he's dead, white fragility at his finest.
They are the lowest forms of life. Not even wild animals treat their own this way. I can't think of anything more brutal than a wild nigger. To think we have a civilization and we brought them here is akin to a horror story.
Might need to start a "white boy 1hitKO folder". There is literally so much material.
Gunning down apes while calling them niggers is the peak of existence anyway
Every fucking time
it's probably a cultural thing, like how black people don't understand how to not get shot by the police