Oof. The media really twisted themselves into a knot with Ukraine
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Jow Forums knew this was a trap from the get go, how can the media with all its CIA and communist Chinese ties not figure shit out that we knew instantly?
POTUS Maximus
King of the Troll.
Biden is so screwed and so are the rest of the Democrats even long after 2024 at this rate Trump is Unimpeachable and nothing will happen to Him "Trump" after he leaves office
Jow Forums is always right
We should be paid, but we are doing it for free
This must be a deliberate attempt to sink Biden, but I don't understand how (((they))) could be stupid enough to think that Warren has a better chance against Trump than him
If you're not just trollflagging, can you tell me what the appeal of economically left-wing, socially right-wing government is? I've been getting interested in National Syndicalism.
Oh look. Here's the shill trying to pretend this is the work of the ZOG and not Trump taking on the ZOG. Newsflash kike. This will hurt the entire DNC.
>If you're not just trollflagging, can you tell me what the appeal of economically left-wing, socially right-wing government is? I've been getting interested in National Syndicalism.
Derail shill detected. Make a new thread kike.
they knew but they maliciously pretend to believe lies as part of their modus operandi
Eat shit, fuck your gay thread
Obviously Trump has a part in it, but why is the media enthusiastically running this story when it obviously hurts Biden more than Trump?
Why did you come in it, then?
>Why did you come in it, then?
To decide whether I want to just leave it or derail it.
this wtf
>when it obviously hurts Biden more than Trump?
It doesn't. Only delusional Trump supporters think it does. When Biden threatened to withhold money if they didn't get rid of that prosecutor, that was the U.S. government line. This was pointed out immediately after Trump and his people attempted to draw an equivalency.
So what's going on?
An Obama loyalist bringing up Drumpf Ukraine, knowing it'll boomerang on Biden and take him out for Kamala?
Really? You're just as dumb as them if you really believe what you are asking. I know you must speaking rhetorically.
Sanders v Clinton. How'd that turn out?
Good grief, you people are stupid niggers if you think that's a good argument.
ahahahahaha trump is fucked
When a normal human hears Trump asked the Ukraine to investigate Biden extorting the Ukraine while vice president to clear his crackhead son, they will not be thinking Trump is the corrupt one
It's not an argument, it's true. When Biden did that, that was the policy of the administration he was serving in.
I am not entirely up to speed, but a massive amount of money flowing like that is definitely fishy.
this is why y'all keep losing; you can't stop lying to yourselves
Id be curious to read how the journolist email group tells their puppets to approach the subject now that its obvious the whistleblower was a setup to raise the volume before kicking Biden in the nuts.
>Biden extorting the Ukraine while vice president to clear his crackhead son
This did not happen, though. It would be extremely convenient for Trump if this did happen, but it did not.
So USG policy was to protect Biden's son?
That's worse.
Looks to me like the Obama people are taking Joe out
Yeah it did happen. And there is proof. Biden himself bragged about it on TV.
They know, they always know, but they're all true believers and have convinced themselves that if they lie big enough and often enough that they can convince even reality itself that a lie is the truth.
It did though. Biden even bragged about it. On record. To the NY Times.
This all leads to Obama, Joe getting fucked is part of the process called “working up the chain.”
>So USG policy was to protect Biden's son?
No, the administration at the time thought that the prosecutor who was currently in was an asshole and wanted him replaced with somebody competent. So when Biden said "You won't get the money", that was effectively the U.S. government talking.
>Looks to me like the Obama people are taking Joe out
That's absurd, why do you think Obama would want to fuck Biden up?
The msm pundits and writers are low IQ subhumans. They never wait, they see a story and jump on it immediately, only to get fucked in the ass 48 hours later. They are village idiots.
He bragged about how he got rid of the prosecutor, that happened. He did not say that he got rid of the prosecutor to protect his son, which is what you're saying happened.
Because their daydreams can be real as along as all of the pretend they are. It started out that way and now has morphed into completely ignoring reality for pretend.
You people are brain damaged. The media keeps dangling that "impeach drumpf" carrot in front of your face and you blindly follow no matter how retarded it makes you look.
By your logic, Trump asking the Ukraine to reopen the Biden investigation is also government policy
Not quite, no. One is an example of clearly stated government policy being executed. The U.S. had goals with Ukraine and they thought getting rid of that prosecutor was a good idea to that end.
The other is an example of Trump not liking Biden (Who happens to hope to run against him for president soon) and secretly threatening to withhold money allocated by congress in order to gain a personal favor from the Ukrainian government in the form of an investigation into Bidens son. Do these really sound the same to you?
>how can the media with all its CIA and communist Chinese ties not figure shit out that we knew instantly?
jews are psychotic.
>That's absurd, why do you think Obama would want to fuck Biden up?
you are like a little babby
No one from the Obama administration can recall telling Cyprus to not give the amount sorry guys I'm getting sleepy time for a nap
lol you fucking retard
Because the only people who ever see the other part of the story is us and a very few independents who pay attention.
All other normalfag retards only see Orange Man Bad and they believe it to the depths of their retarded souls
Biden was the one who threatened to withhold money, retard. Trump just asked the Ukraine to investigate a massive abuse of power and conflict of interests
I'm seriously curious why you think Obama would do that to Biden.
I refuse to believe anyone on Jow Forums is this fucking stupid and you're just being paid to blatantly lie
It's probably about making sure Trump gets another term. We're getting down to the very chances for the people behind his foreign policy to get what they want.
>Biden extorts Ukraine for personal gain
>government line
>Trump asks Ukraine to investigate
>Biden extorts Ukraine for personal gain
Okay, I'll bite- how is that false?
>currently in was an asshole
Ah so when your party is in power they can do whatever they want if they're assholes. We seriously need to get rid of everyone like you, you mentally retarded bootlicker. Holy shit. No you can't just remove people you absolute ignoramus.
It should be inter/pol/
>Biden extorts Ukraine for personal gain
And you know this shlomo...
>When Biden threatened to withhold money if they didn't get rid of that prosecutor, that was the U.S. government line.
Says a Hillary boomer with ZERO sauce.
She lost.
>An Obama loyalist bringing up Drumpf Ukraine
They tried that stupid. It was called the Side Show Bob report. It flopped BIGLY. You need new propaganda.
>This did not happen, though. It would be extremely convenient for Trump if this did happen, but it did not.
Look boomer. She lost. You keep spamming this copy pasta. WHERE'S your fucking sauce!
>By your logic, Trump asking the Ukraine to reopen the Biden investigation is also government policy
Check and mate.
It is coming full circle. Remember when Putin mentioned bill browder. bill browder uses cyprus to hide dirty money that he has stolen from Russia through corruption and blackmail. Once Russia started investigating bill browder for his crimes, he ran to the UK/US jews in charge to get sanctions placed against Russia. Isn't it convenient that Biden uses the same process to funnel corruption money through Cyprus. Cyprus has all the documents that implicate the criminals.
>Trump just asked the Ukraine to investigate a massive abuse of power and conflict of interests
There's no evidence to support this.
It's likely the Uke's told Trump about the corruption and Trump said "Look into it". There is NO SAUCE on what was said. Whistleblower has ZERO access to conversation. Oh, this is POTUS best Troll to date.
Why does he do this?
>It is coming full circle. Remember when Putin mentioned bill browder.
Same with IRAN.
All the corruption that reaches back to Iran Contra/BCCI. Sauid-Kashooggi-BCCI Israel-Arms-Iran-Guatemala-Black-Maxwell-Epstein.
I love it when a plan comes together.
no it isnt. trump doesnt need this to beat biden. he knows it and so do you and the msn. its all bs rage to save a corrupt family from jail.
He fully admitted to using his power to extort the actions of the justice department of another country, which just so happen to include firing the guy investigating the executives of the company his son works for and just so happens to be an executive paid large amounts for nothing. There is no other credible reason biden's team has put forth to suggest anything other than it was to protect his son. Further, the act which he bragged about on national TV is the literal definition of bribery and extortion, even if this wasn't to protect his son.
A more sensible question for you to ask would be: why WOULDN'T Obama want to get Biden out of the race?
If you weren't a newfag, you would understand that Obama's Presidency was not scandal free. In fact, the case could be made that he was the most criminal President in US history (depends what you think of LBJ, WJC and GWB).
Most scandalous or not, how do you think EVERYONE on the side of Trump - from Fox boomers, to intellectual rightwingers, to r/T_D to Qtards to Jow Forums to the Trump family and network itself - comes at Biden if he wins?
Have a think about it...
...if you said "the creepy shit with the kids", then you get a second prize.
What will happen is everyone will beat Biden with a critical examination of the failures, fuckups, corruption and criminality of the Obama administration. A lot of it is public domain, even if fake news ignores it and American left wingers are genuinely oblivious to it.
Do you think Barry O wants a big public examination of his term and legacy being used in a highly energised Presidential campaign?
Do you think he wants Trump CONSTANTLY mentioning shit that the media has successfully ignored or excused for the most part?
Of course he fucking doesn't.
He wouldn't want it even if he and Biden were close personal friends and trusted allies (which they are not).
he is technically right. It wasn't for his own personal gain, it was for his son's.
Keeping his drug addict son out of being prosecuted for corruption and tarnishing the family name further is a personal gain.
Umm sorry sweetheart but GRUMPF said pussy 20 years ago to his friend in private, and he had two scoops.
I think you may have misinterpreted my comment.
>In fact, the case could be made that he was the most criminal President in US history (depends what you think of LBJ, WJC and GWB).
Don't sugar coat it. He is by far the most criminal president in history. Everything LBJ, WJC, and GWB did, Obama did worse. He started the largest domestic spy operation in history, and perjured himself to congress lying about it. He made it okay to kill US citizens abroad without due process. He made started more wars in more countries without congressional approval then all of the above did combined. He sold out our country to Iran and China by giving them everything they wanted and more. The list goes on and on. It boggles the mind that not only is he not in prison, but he also hasn't even been investigated. Then again, once you realize the FBI/CIA/ and the rest of the alphabet boys are backing him, you understand that this is perfectly normal in the new world of corruption we live in today.
If it is revealed eventually the whistle-blower was a Trump plant coming forward with deliberately crafted bunk to bait the dems so that the would A) Go for it like a pit-bull to a baby and B) so that when they bit they'd find it an empty shell that they used to force the actual criminal corruption of Biden to become front page multiple news cycle headlines I will be in glad awe ... this would be absolutely masterful.
>I think you may have misinterpreted my comment.
I think you're an illiterate 60 year old tranny who forgot to dilate.
The entirety of Side Show Bobs Collusion-Delusion was based on Uke ev re: Manfort funneled to Steele with a little bit of /pol hookers pissing on a bed, dipshit.
the "puppet masters" so to speak only make up a very small minority of these people, the vast majority being useful idiots and the puppets, unable to recognize or understand tact and the actual ideas at play.
she's always looked like a fun fuck
pic related
Well argued.
I still think LBJ and GWB both signed off on a couple of pretty big things.
And arguably LBJ's big ones are the things that made the path we find ourselves on today inevitable - like he was the point at which the dam burst (even though the village downriver wouldn't realise it for a while).
But you're the burger here and I'm happy to concede the point.
kek, calm down negrito.
If I point out that I was using Drumpf ironically, will that help you understand my tone better?
Nobody liking the proposed candidate and nobody showing up for the candidate's events didn't put them off in 2016.
Although I don't discount the possibility that the Obama gang has other horses in the race.
The DS turned on the Dems, their strings have been cut.
>gitmo is a real place
wow its almost like the entire thing is a farce to keep you retards entertained cheering for blue or red jew
That’s why they have hard evidence collected by the Ukraine who knew the US IC would bury evidence on our end. Popcorn
Well, as a burger, if you want to talk about the president who set us upon our path to where we are now, then we need to discuss FDR. FDR was a populist tyrant who ruled for life (literally kept getting elected till he died), completely politicized the supreme court. Massively expanded the federal governments power and control, completely destroying state rights: see NLRB v. Jones (any thing or action that could possibly be interstate trade in some scenario no matter how ludicrous falls under the commerce clause). Destroyed the separations of powers our country had enjoyed for ~150 years. FDR set this nation on its path, and directly caused our downfall.
Nope. Read your posts.
Shill BTFO, can't admit loss, tries to blend in.
You glow
Sometimes I wonder if Trump is his own whistleblower just so he can troll CNN.
holy shit the mental contortions you gotta pull every day just to avoid admitting you fucked up
And of course Woodrow Wilson was the guy who really let the fox in the hen house back in 1913.
The rot goes back a long way.
Our only hope is a Christian revival among white people.
If anyone is the shill here, it's you D&Cing.
I was speculating that a pro-Obama deepstater fed some shit to the fake news about Trump and Ukraine which he knew to be bullshit and he knew that Trump would immediately bounce on to Biden.
If you were Obama and wanted to hit Biden with deniability (the whole time blaming Blonald Blompf and giving your fake news pals some attack lines) then that'd be a handy way to do it.
Pity for him that too many people understand how it all works now though.
I believe you are correct.
I thought you were 0aR/DaHs
My bad, user.
all good
They still serve evil and all will be slain who continue to do so.
you have clearly no honor